Chapter 714: Cao Yan is back

Under the gaze from within the horse, a giant bird appeared in the sky in the distance, with outer lightning coiled around, and thunderous light.
This giant bird was the thunder king, the legendary thunder king creature, that Cao Yan captured and gave to Ao He as a pet.
On the thunder king's head, Auch stands like a mountain and is full of magic.
He looked down at the jungle, and sank, "There are church people in the jungle."
Behind Auch, Much, Peach Blossoms stood with Wang Li.
The gale wind in the sky was blocked by the power of the Thunder King's control elements to form a light wall. Even if Wang Li was not a professional, he could still stand on the head of Thunder King without being affected by the wind.
She wore a long dark red cape, her face was flawless, flawless, and whispered softly: "These days, people from the church have come to attack you. To protect me, you sleeplessly. The peach blossom was injured the day before yesterday. Very guilty. "
"The boss told me that when he was away, protecting the lady was my most important mission, so the lady didn't need to feel guilty."
Ouch stands with his hands in his hands, and black gas spreads out in his eyes and pupils, curving like two poisonous snakes.
"There seem to be a lot of people coming to the church this time, and there is an angelic atmosphere." Taohua was looking ahead.
O'Herson said, "I'll go and fight with them. Peach blossoms, you'll leave Miss Conservation."
At this moment, a golden beam of light rose in the jungle.
Within the horse fanned the angel's wings, the flames lingered around him, and he took off in front of Thunder King.
Auch's magic flew outside, and the sky suddenly darkened.
Sensing the power within Ma, Auch was not surprised and rejoiced, striding from the top of Thunder King into the sky, his body rose sharply, showing the ancient demon body. The majestic spirit of the demon covered the sky, and the day and night instantly changed, and darkness covered the earth.
However, within Ma is like the sun in the night, and the darkness recedes in the lower layers.
The battle between the two sides is like a battle between darkness and light.
In the jungle below, more people in the church wanted to rush up to approach Wang Li and Peach Blossom, but were blocked by the strands of black gas that Auch had drawn out of his body.
That demon's spirit evolved into countless phantoms, like a million demon walking at night, roaring and roaring, rushing towards the church's procession.
"This is ... the realm of magic blood! Only the most pure and ancient demons of the bloodline can awaken the ability of the realm. Awakening the demons in this realm can rely on a ray of original energy to incarnate in the realm of millions. , Immortal. "A cardinal in the church camp was shocked.
The adjudicator: "We have played with this demon before. He has also used domain abilities, but it is not the realm of magic blood. So, he has mastered at least two different domains ..."
Well, Auch is not an ordinary demon. He is a demon.
With the assistance of the attendant system, he has used attendant points to exchange demon abilities and purify the pharmacy of bloodlines more than once, so his combat power is far beyond his level of decent demons, and he has several top-level demon fields and skills.
"Fortunately, this time, Archangel Ma Nei shot himself, otherwise we would pay a great price to kill this demon." The Archbishop said earlier.
Although Auch is strong, compared with Ma, there is an insurmountable level gap.
At this time, on the wings of the angel on the back of the horse, the feathers fell off, turning into a flame lance, and the whole scripture was densely covered.
The spear was projected out from within the horse, and the void at the front of the gunpoint was instantly broken, and a round hole with a large fist appeared and the edges were densely cracked.
The gunpoint reappeared and came directly to Auch.
The burning flame on the gun penetrated the heavy demon black gas and penetrated Auch's chest and abdomen!
"The archangel can wreck this demon with a single blow. It seems that it is not difficult to kill it." People in the church camp said.
The Lord of the Verdict: "The devil has a realm of universality. As long as the original magic is not dispersed, the body can be re-evolved, and it will not be easily killed. However, the strength of the archangel is enough to suppress the demon."
The verdict of the ruling went up and down, and immediately ran to the thunder king, looking at Taohua and Wangli.
Baoyue originally thought that to pick up Wang Pear in the central area, it would take at least a day or more to pass through the portal and teleport along the way. However, she was preparing to set off, but saw Dai Huanyu also followed, opening a ring on her wrist, which shimmered in light, stretched out of the air to open a portal.
This is the space delivery door where the assistants dock with each other.
"Princess Baoyue can teleport through this door and go directly to Wang Li." Dai Huanyu said.
Ferrier froze and interjected: "The space transmission technology you have mastered in the city of the sky can perform a one-time transmission of up to tens of thousands of miles? You have this technology, and it is good to pick Wang Li directly, why bother? So troublesome? "
Dai Huanyu: "I came from a church and I know how they behave.
According to my judgment, they may want to use Wang Li as a bait, and we naturally have our intentions and want to count the plans. "
Baoyue: "You want to rely on this ultra-long-distance teleportation to fight back against the church, so you didn't pick Wang Li back directly?"
Dai Huanyu said frankly: "The past with the princess through this portal, as well as several tribal strongmen in my city of the sky, they will go to war with the church after the past. The princess will only take Wang Li away, please be sure Protect her. "
Ferial interjected like a curious baby again: "Don't you say that you are short of manpower? To protect the city of the sky, why are you pumping people to ambush the church?"
Dai Huoyu: "This is a strategic issue. The more people there are, the more ambush it will take!"
Ferrier heard it unconsciously, thinking about her head.
Dai Huanyu continued: "This portal is a bit special. Except for a few of us who can directly teleport, no one else can use it, so I will wrong the princess and enter the trapping ball first. I will send the princess over." Take out a trap ball.
"Wait a minute, I will first gather our Hai people, pick up the girl Wang, and return directly to the deep sea." Bao Yue answered.
When Baoyue came out from the trapping ball again, he had already passed by Taohua and Dai Huanyu's servants, but came to Wang Li's side.
Into the scene, Bao Yue secretly shocked.
In the empty space ahead, a giant demon standing tall and towering was fighting with the church and fighting, and the sky was falling apart.
The demon's huge body had scars everywhere, but the wounds were filled with magic gas, but the combat effectiveness was not affected at all, but he became more and more brave.
When Baoyue came, he happened to see a high-level clergyman in a church, blasted by the demon, and collapsed into a cloud of blood, leaving no bones.
Although Auch was injured by Ma Nie, the demonic realm is strange and changeable. He has incarnate thousands of people. He changed hands and even killed many church masters with color.
"Cao Yan's subordinates are really good, especially with this fierce courage." Bao Yue trembled.
Before turning her thoughts on, she saw a grayish rush towards the adjudicator who was facing him, but the curse suddenly appeared, attacking the adjudicator.
Next, Baoyue released a sea monster car bow as agreed, and took Wang Li, accompanied by Tao Hua, from the back of King Thunder, and galloped away.
All the church members who tried to stop were forced back by Baoyue's Hai people, and the frame rushed out of the battlefield and drove straight to the south coast.
Baoyue sat on the frame. After walking far away, he looked back, but the area where the fighting was taking place was already killing.
As Dai Huanyu started the transmission of the servants, using beast catching to transfer and transfer the members of the strong cities of the sky, the two sides launched a close collision.
"It's amazing how quickly the city of sky is growing."
There is an old man of the sea clan beside Baoyue, who is also looking at the warring parties: "In just a few years, the city of the sky was born and has already qualified to compete with the top forces of the church.
In my opinion, if the church cannot completely destroy the city of the sky in a short time, it will be their turn. "
Baoyue: "The Pope obviously saw this, so the church will continue to take targeted actions against the city of the sky."
In the discussion, the Hai people's team drifted away.
A few days later, Baoyue returned to the deep-sea country. UU read the book and let people collect news. Only then did she know the battle that day. After she left, the two sides fought for a long time, but they did not separate the victory and the loss. , And finally left to nothing.
Auch was wounded by the archangel Ma, and was severely wounded, but also killed many church masters in the course of fierce fighting, and finally successfully pulled away.
The battle between the city of the sky and the church has become a hot topic for countless people eating on the mainland.
Time passes and it takes many days.
Wang Li, who was a guest in the deep-sea kingdom, found Baoyue this morning accompanied by Taohua: "Thank Your Royal Highness for your hospitality during this time, but I am going back."
"Is this in a hurry? The battle between the city of the sky and the church is fierce, and it seems inappropriate for Girl Wang to go back at this time." Baoyue said.
"But ... Cao Yan is back." Wang Li Zhan Yan smiled.
The bracelet she wore on her wrist just received a sigh of excitement a few minutes ago: "Beautiful lady, make an appointment at night?"
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