Chapter 729: Clues

Evening glow red.
Baoyue rushed over to find Cao Cao, and in the distance saw a chase fleeing ahead.
There is a huge creature like a hill running across the jungle, with its back arched high, and the cat desperately running away on its waist. The trees, grass and mustard along the way are usually hit by it.
Behind is the bear's mouth wide open.
The escaping Warcraft is a bit like a pangolin, and a bit like a lizard. It is a reptile-like Warcraft, with turquoise thick skin all over the body, and some key parts of the body. It also evolved a thick bone plate with spurs on its back, like Hills.
"Heavy mountain dragon, a powerful World of Warcraft with poisonous properties of both trees and plants!" Baoyue trembled.
She was accustomed to the sturdy performance of Cao Yan's magic pet, and she was not surprised that the circle chased the heavy mountain monitor lizard, but she saw a giant lizard running like a headless fly, panic and became a dog. Looks funny.
"Cao Yan." Baoyue beckoned.
Cao Yan turned around and looked a little surprised.
In addition to Baoyue, there are also Archbishop Binsuo and Dogaroch of the Archbishop of Darkness (when the Epoch Temple was born, they rushed to the green jungle world from other planes, and cooperated with Baoyue to enter the temple).
Dogaros was tall and thin, with a bronze complexion and wearing royal blue metallic light armor.
What impressed him most was his eyes, which were extremely sharp. If it were not for the slightly lower eyelids, the whole person would be very energetic.
He marched forward with the support of two followers, with a calm and majestic attitude.
The space portal designed by Cao Yan opened up the market on multiple planes. Dogaross is one of the partners in the parallel world. It is the world's famous dog owner with powerful authority.
Cao Yanying said to several people, "If I know that Mr. Dogaros and Archbishop Binsso are coming together, I should go back to the city to meet two people. It is a sin for you to come and meet me."
"Yan Shao is very polite. If you can treat me like Princess Baoyue, knowing that I am here, let me come to you. I will be very happy to see you," Dogaros laughed.
He reached out and pointed at the mountain lizard that was chased by the circle a little further away:
"I knew that Yan Shao was an authority on semiotics. Today I saw that Yan Shao's fighting ability is as rumored as outside. It is unfathomable. If I read correctly, that dragon should be a 11th-level King of Warcraft. However, the inability to resist being chased by Yan Shao's pets really opened my eyes. "
The so-called Huahua sedan was lifted by everyone. Everyone first met each other and the atmosphere immediately became harmonious.
At this moment, the ring roared, the bear's paw slapped the ground, and a ripple formed by the power field spread. The heavy mountain dragon was suppressed by the field and the speed slowed down. The circle took the opportunity to approach and pulled the bear's paw to slap it. Head.
The giant lizard made a terrible cry, and pushed Jinshan down on the ground like a jade pillar. The chaotic giant on one side came forward and tied it into a mule three or two times.
The jungle goddess has a proud personality, and never disdains to meet with ordinary people for entertainment.
When Bao Yue and others appeared, she was already in the jungle, and she would return to the city of the sky later.
"That giant is a subordinate of Yan Shao?"
Dogaroshi looked at the Chaos Giant with amazement.
He had already seen that the Chaos Giant was a mighty creature who appeared in the jungle when the temple was born, but he did not expect that his transformation would become a subordinate of Cao Yan, and he was a bit grateful when he was shocked: It seems this time to find Cao Yan Cooperation is the right choice, and his power is so strong.
Cao Yan asked: "Baoyue, come to me with Mr. Dogaros, and Archbishop Binsuo. What's the matter?"
"Let Mr. Dogaros speak for himself."
Baoyue came over this time and wore a long white dress, which had a more delicate and delicate temperament than the previous heroes who did not leave their armor.
"This time, there is something I want to ask Yan Shao for help."
Dogarosh explained the meaning: "Some time ago, we accidentally got a black stone box, which was traced back to pre-epoch times and was related to the burial place of an ancient deity. . "
"God's Burial Ground!"
In a world with a supernatural power system, there have been legends about the tombs of gods. In contrast, the emperor's tomb found during the Yin and Shang dynasties was about the same order of magnitude as the earth. Not only is it of great research value, but the funerary items unearthed in the tomb are all treasures, which is a good opportunity to make a fortune.
"We unpacked the box of the stone box, got a space coordinate, and searched by the coordinates. We found a place, and spent months studying and advancing in it. There was a lot of gains in the process, but we got stuck in the end. Beyond the core area of ​​the tomb, it is impossible to go further. "
Dogaroshi said: "So come to Yan Shao for help."
Cao Yan said suddenly: "Is the opening of that place related to semiotics?"
"It's not sure yet. The place is very weird. We didn't even find a way to open it, so I'm not sure if it has something to do with semiotics. It suddenly occurred to me that the institutions of the Yan Shaolian Temple could also be deciphered. The prohibition of deities' tombs should not be a problem. "
Dogarosh: "If Yan Shao is willing to take a shot, we can share it with Yan Shao.
Since the death of the church ’s Lord of Judgment and becoming a gangster, the chance of using the technique of semiotics has been very few ... Cao Yan rubbed his hands, and there is a bit of nostalgia for the frequent use of semiotics. Wave days.
He turned his eyes to the archbishop Binzo of the Dark Bishops, revealing his inquiries.
"The Archbishop Binsuo was also invited by me."
Still Dogaros explained: "The divine burial ground we found was enveloped by darkness inside and out, as if it could swallow light. We suspected that it was related to a who possessed the power of darkness, so he came to the city of the sky Later, I asked Princess Baoyue as an introducer and found Archbishop Binsuo. Inviting him to participate may help open the burial ground for the gods. "
Binso spoke with Cao Yan while talking in Dogaroshi, meaning Dogaroshi was right.
Cao Yan: "I was going to stay in the jungle for a few more days. Since there is something, let's go back to the city of the sky now. I'll make some preparations and let's start as soon as possible."
Dogaroshi joyfully said, "Yan Shao is refreshing, that's all."
The crowd spread through a teleportation point in the surrounding jungle through the city of the sky, and when it teleported back to the city, it was already dark.
Without cutting the woodworker by accident, Dogaros stayed one night in the city, and set off with Cao Yan early the next morning.
Although Dogaroshi came from other planes, the funeral site he found was located in the misty world.
Cao Yan and others can directly enter the misty world through space transmission.
It is worth mentioning that Wang Li hasn't had much in the past few days. After adding that she has lived in the Hai ethnic group for a while, she has a good relationship with Baoyue. Misty world.
She didn't just follow the fun. The business of the Magic Pet House and the Magic Realm Auction House, through Baoyue matchmaking, has now reached a preliminary cooperation intention with Haizu.
And this time with Cao Yan, it was Dogaroshi who offered to cooperate with Cao Yan for deeper cooperation.
Wang Li followed, and was in contact with the forces under Dogaros to expand the new business territory.
There is no day or night in the misty world, and the world is full of fog and dim light.
This team composed of Cao Yan and others is almost a monarch-level professional. Although the foggy world is dangerous, ensuring the safety of the trip is not a problem.
The group entered the misty world, and Dogaros took out the reed boat he had used while visiting the Temple of the Epoch.
The hull rose in the wind, turning into a smooth emerald green floating ship, carrying everyone, turning into a stream of light at high altitude, using the void as the ocean, riding the wind and breaking the waves, traveling in the wilderness for two days, and finally entering a blanket Mountains covered in heavy fog.
The atmosphere became a little tense.
The mist flowing in the mountains is like a long river. It is extremely thick and inexplicable. There is also a voice that can't say what creatures are roaring, and it sounds from time to time in the depths of the mountains.
Occasionally you can see hazy figures, haunting deep in the mountains, looming from the mist, which makes people panic.
"This mountain range is forbidden in the misty world and is called Wuyuan Mountain.
According to legend, the fog of the misty world originally originated in the depths of this mountain range. Some indigenous creatures in this world have been circulating a saying that an ancient is buried under this mountain. Sometimes there is a dark atmosphere in the mountains, covering everything. "
Dogarosh stood on the bow of the boat and introduced Cao Yan's legends about the mountains: "Some people say that there is a man-eating monster in the darkness. As long as it is covered by darkness, it will become the food of evil spirits."
"These statements happen to correspond to the burial site of the we explored."
Cao Yan frowned secretly, feeling that the danger here exceeded the pre-estimation, and some regretted bringing Wang Li together.
He turned to look at the misfortune ticket that was chatting with Baoyue aside. UU Reading Books
Wang Li felt his gaze and turned back to smile. With Cao Yan next to her, she didn't feel any danger at all.
"It's dangerous here. From now on, you can't leave my sight." Cao Yan solemnly said.
Wang Li said, "I see."
Cao Yan turned to continue talking with Dogaroshi, and suddenly a thought came to his mind, thinking of the ancient continent.
When the ancient continent came to the misty world, he made many guesses about the reason why the ancient continent came to this world. One of the guesses was related to some legends of the misty world, where an ancient was buried.
At this time, linking these clues, Cao Yanyin felt that the invitation to be a technical consultant for grave digging might have something to do with the reason that the ancient continent came to the misty world ...
They and their team advanced for five days in the mountains before they came to the destination described by Dogarose, an ancient and mysterious burial place!
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