Chapter 736: This stuff is really interesting

Castle in the Sky.
Cao Yan took a bath after sending it back, took the heritage ball out again, and observed the fierce battle inside the ball.
"It seems that I underestimated the power of the Totem Warcraft. This Sunbird is pretty good."
After being loaded into the Legacy Ball, the Jinwu will unify the six rounds of the Sun released. Inside the beast catching ball, there was a round of infinite radiance and the solitary sun in the sky.
Cao Yan used to collect Jinwu, which was once loaded with the remains of the True Phoenix, with the Indus God Tree inside, and was later reignited by Shenhuo's heritage ball by a flaming bird with true Phoenix blood.
At this time, the inside of this beast catching ball has undergone earth-shaking changes.
When the Sun Island was also included in it, the original ground in the catcher ball melted into magma under the fire, and the temperature rose, and even the space began to distort.
Jinwu turned out a big day, and merged with himself, regardless of each other, and disappeared from the beast ball.
"This Jinwu has become the sun." Cao Yan said in surprise.
Jinwu, who became the sun, moved around in the beast catching ball, and seemed to want to blast through the void, looking for an exit to escape.
When it found that the space inside the beast catching ball was completely integrated and could not get out, the sun was suspended in the air, motionless.
Abalones, eggs, and sticks are all dazed, staring at the sun.
We must know that the heat of the sun is surging, which is the flame field released by Jinwu.
Familiar pets such as eggs are not flame creatures, and they ca n’t do it if they want to shrink the golden oysters in the sun to continue fighting.
For a while, it became a stalemate in the trap.
Jin Wu couldn't escape from the ball, and Cao Yan couldn't help Jin Wu.
Once the Warcraft reaches the totem level, it can control the rules itself, control one side of the world, and want to use the space rules of the beast ball to brand it, lock it, and capture the routine, which can no longer have an effect on the totem Warcraft.
"Come on, shut this Jinwu for a while, and then slowly find a chance to deal with it." Cao Yan whispered helplessly.
The weather in June is already quite hot. Cao Yan glanced out of the window, the time just outside in the afternoon.
Recently, his servants joined forces with several major associations and are looking for trouble in the church from all aspects.
Cao Yan wanted to fight and the landlord could not find anyone.
The so-called wolves eat the tiger, although the church is strong, but it has been besieged by several major associations and the city of the sky.
In recent months, the power of the church in the southern region has been almost uprooted, and the focus of the battle has gradually shifted to the central region.
The church and several major associations have become increasingly fierce.
Several major associations united with the Sky City, bit by bit, suppressing the living space of the church.
For Cao Yan, the church was busy with several major associations, and had not come to him for some time.
Boss Cao was happy, quietly training his magic pet to improve his strength.
Wang Li has also been busy contacting the people of Dogarosh recently to expand his business. Cao Commander was quite bored by himself. At this time, he sat in the office for a while, but it was too early to see it. It was not too long to go to the girl Wang to roll the sheets.
Endless sea.
In the afternoon, the sea was rolling, the sun was shining, and the Net Red was sailing somewhere.
Today's Net Red is nearly a kilometer long and a huge monster.
The ship is as tall as a skyscraper, sailing on the sea, just like a big mountain advancing on the sea, the momentum is amazing.
The side of the hull is a smooth curve, the wood texture is coiled like dragon bars, and it is extremely tough.
The monkey-faced Poseidon standing on the bow of the ship, with its armor standing sharp and up to ten feet tall, with the trident slanting forward in front of his hand, has the potential to open up the earth.
Under the sea outside the ship, there are three giant wings flapping, with horns and crooked heads, and a big fish with a few dragon-like creatures is revealed, swaying its head.
These three big fish are the red carp, green carp and blue carp that Cao Yan has cultivated for several years.
They are still stuck at the lord level, failing to cross the dragon gate and evolve into a king-level wind-wing carp dragon.
But in the process of continuous growth, the body size of the three carps is getting larger and larger. The longest carp is close to 300 meters, and the smallest one is in the early 200 meters.
They are dragging down the water, flying wings, fast and elegant, they are assisting the stick to chase a big clam.
After the net red has evolved its ability to float, it has the ability to travel thousands of miles every day, and the scope of exploration of the sea area has become wider.
Within hundreds of thousands of miles of coast, where powerful sea beasts live, Cao Yan has long been able to touch the door.
After he arrived on the ship by teleportation, he gave the order to catch the beast. The Net Red suddenly floated up against the surface of the sea, driving like a fly. After two hours of sailing, he came to the sea in front of him.
It is extremely far away from the coastline of the southern part of the mainland and belongs to the deep sea area.
Among the fishermen who live on some surrounding islands, it is called Moonlight Sea.
According to old legends, every moon night in this sea area, there will be a round of bright moon rising out of the water, competing with the bright moon in the sky.
The fishermen in the surrounding waters looked at the bright moon rising under the sea from afar. They all said that there was another ocean hidden in the middle of the moon.
Others said that in the bright moon rising above the sea, a beautiful woman, enchanting, lived and sang and danced in the fairy palace in the moon.
Some fishermen or fleets passing through this sea area can't help but be tempted, and the moon rising into the water will be missing.
In the long run, after similar incidents occurred many times, the surrounding waters were regarded as ominous places. Some fishermen said that there were sea monsters under the sea, and they released the moon to take off, in order to seduce the nearby creatures, greedy the bodies of those creatures, and wanted to eat them. Off.
Therefore, this sea area gradually became taboo, and no one dared to get close.
Half a month ago, the Net Red came to explore this sea area, and Cao Yan only knew that the bright moon rising under the sea was a big clam.
There are beads in the mussels, which are spit out every moonlit night to absorb the power of Yuehua to grow and evolve.
The mussel creatures are similar to mirages, and their talent skills are to create illusions, be able to swallow mirages, and even phantom all kinds of creatures.
The fishermen may also see a woman scratching her head in Bengzhu in the past, which is an illusion. Once the fishermen are fascinated and want to step forward to play rogues, the big clams will eat up all the old Sao masters.
But this time, Commander Cao came over in person, and the big clam's good life was over.
As soon as the stick was released, the big clam knew the pill and rolled up an underwater undercurrent and ran away.
But the enemy forces are powerful, and never talk about fighting alone.
With the help of the currents of the three carp brothers, the big stick fell down with a thunderstorm.
Although the big clam is also a king-level overlord creature, it is not good at fighting, and can't run away. After being detected by the stick, it is strongly inserted (harmony) into the gap between its upper and lower clam mouths, and after a burst of lightning, The mussels in his body were cramped, soft and weak, and suddenly fluttered on the street. Then he was bound by the vines extending from the net red and dragged up from under the sea.
Cao Yan squatted on the bow of the boat to eat popsicles to see the excitement. When he saw the big clams coming out of the water, he was secretly surprised.
The World of Warcraft that he has seen in recent years is not rare, but the large volume of the big clams and the wave of modeling still surprise him.
The big clam is elliptical, with a diameter of more than 700 meters. It is like a small hill with silvery white surface and gorgeous surface patterns.
After the clam shell was discharged by the stick, it was a little bit closed, and a slit was opened, and there was a sea of ​​white pulp in the slit.
The silver light in the mussels was shining and dazzling, and a moon like a moon was shining.
The light color in the beads circulates, and there is indeed a woman with beautiful appearance, white skin like snow, gliding all over, taking a bath in the water inside the beads to make a beauty out of the bath.
Cao Siling probed the brain to look at the beauty of the mussel, and said: "This big mussel knows not to be alive, to get a illusion that the mussel is in the bath wants to seduce Lao Tzu, don't you look at who we are?
"The host is not that kind of person. This big clam must be unclear. Only Wang Li has the right to speak. I remember Wang Li called you a rogue last night." The fake system joined in the consciousness.
Commander Cao ignored it and waved his hand: "Drag me over this big clam."
With a clatter, the 700-meter-long giant clam, like an island, was dragged up from under the sea and set off waves.
This big clam has a terrible ending.
In addition to the largest moon pearl in its body, there are twelve smaller stars, all of which were emptied by Commander Cao, and none was left.
The woman inside Clam Pearl cried loudly, but couldn't save her tragic fate, and was eventually caught in a beast trap. Cao Yan is going to make a big fish tank in the city's main palace, treat the big clam as an ornamental pet, and let the girls in the big clam come out to sing songs and dance.
The sun is falling.
Cao Yan sat in the office of the city's main palace, holding a bead as big as a washbasin and staring at it.
The beads in the large clam can shrink in size after they are isolated, and they are not static. The smaller the size of the mussel beads, the brighter the light, and the gloss will become warm and bright as it grows larger.
Cao Yan held the moon pearl in the big clam.
He watched the beads carefully, his expression gradually surprised.
Inside the bead, there is really a small space world with its own rules. There is a sea in it. The ebb and flow and the moonlight are hazy and unbelievable.
"This stuff is really interesting. If you use this bead to make a pearl beast catching ball ~ ~ to catch Sea Warcraft, it is an absolute weapon." Can also form a dance team singing a small song.
In the evening, Commander Cao sent a date to Miss Wang by sending a string of twelve pairs of beads inside the big clam to make a true pearl necklace, which was given to Miss Wang as a gift.
Girl Wang was very happy, in order to reward boss Cao, she sent out several rogue rogues with emotion ...
Time is passing slowly while Cao Yan catches pets, tame pets, and enhances his own strength.
Suddenly the month passed.
On this day, Cao Yan was trying to make a small-world beast catching ball in a laboratory in the city of the sky according to the drawings. Dai Huanyu knocked on the door and walked in from the outside.
"Boss, there is something you need to pay attention to."
"Dogaros sent someone a message. When he was sent to find the specific position of the space-time coordinates recorded on the bone plate, he passed a fault plane and found the church members and several angels in it."
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