Chapter 836: Big devil and little devil

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The evil gorge is deep and dark, poisonous insects and monsters are rampant, and the wind is roaring, just like the cry of the grieving spirit, and it is extremely dark.
Cao Yan and Dandan got down from King Thunder's back, far away from the area where Auch and the giants had just jumped, and walked alone, entering the canyon in the shadow state, carefully surveying the terrain and the tyrannosaurus dragon hovering outside the canyon.
"There are eleven..."
Boss Cao spent a long time observing the frequency and process of flying dragon's hunting.
This is a serious operation mode before the pet master catches the pet. Pet catching is a practice and fun for the pet master. Just like fishing, enjoy the process. When the fish really catches up, the fun is instantly halved.
Cao Yan did not plan to use brute force this time, so he began to arrange it after careful observation.
Soon after, a magnificent flying dragon with a wingspan of nearly 100 meters spread out from the sky, just like a pelican fishing into the water and flying into the Ghost Gorge.
Due to the full observation before, boss Cao only ambushed a little on the way back after the flying dragon hunted a poisonous insect in the valley, so that the eggs formed a cobweb.
The flying dragon succeeded in hunting, relaxed, and flew up alive quickly, unpreparedly hitting the suddenly emerged spider web.
Boss Cao's arrest of the first flying dragon was effortless.
This is the benefit of fully observing and preparing in advance. Once the shot is actually taken, it is directly a sap of precision and ruthlessness.
Since then, boss Cao has shown good patience. He has waited for the rabbits and Zhang Wang has waited, waiting for the flying dragon to enter the canyon to hunt for food, and then hit the sap.
In the next forty minutes, three flying dragons were captured one after another, and the process was always easy.
However, the flying dragon hovering outside the canyon has found that three small friends have not come out for a long time after entering the canyon, and have been vigilant.
Boss Cao immediately changed the routine.
Began to use a worm-like Warcraft called Ghost Centipede in the canyon as a bait to actively trap.
The evil spirit centipede is colorful and highly toxic. The big one is 20-30 meters long and the small one is more than ten meters long.
They have thin wings on their backs, and they can shake their wings and glide briefly as fast as lightning when going in and out of some caves on the cliff.
The surface of the carapace connected to their head and neck has a vague pattern of evil spirits, some of which are like human faces, as violent as ghosts, exuding evil waves.
Poisonous insects raged in the evil spirit gorge, and evil spirit centipede is one of the favorite foods of Tyrannosaurus rex, because of its large number, it is not difficult to catch it.
Boss Cao divided his mental strength, formed a brand, and turned his hands into the evil spirit's eyebrows.
The evil spirit centipede suddenly became the boss of Cao's boss and acted as a bait without complaint or regret.
Boss Cao grabbed five or six evil spirits in a row, let them line up, climbed out from the cliff wall together, probed the brain in the thick fog of the canyon, raised his neck to make a strange hissing hiss .
The tyrannosaurus rex above quickly discovered the evil spirit centipede under the cliff.
Two flying dragons could not bear the temptation of the delicious current, hovered in the air and observed two laps, and then suddenly moved, with a glimpse of the shadows, they rushed to the evil spirits.
Those evil spirits remembered the order of boss Cao, turned and ran.
The two-headed dragon flying dragon claws protruded, and immediately smashed the hard carapace on the back of the evil spirit centipede, pecked its long beak, and there was a hole in the head of the evil spirit centipede. Transparent.
Boss Cao was hiding in the dark and observing with great joy.
Evil spirits are aggressive and highly toxic, and they are very powerful worm creatures. However, the dragons clean up them just like the little chickens. They are worthy of the overlord level.
Boss Cao is very fond of this flying dragon.
Consciously, the fake system said: "The host captures this flying dragon and forms the Sky Knights. Have you considered what this Knights should be called?"
Boss Cao: "I already thought about the name."
Fake system: "According to the convention of the host, is this flying knight group called Dajiba Flying Dragons."
"Go to your sister."
Mr. Cao said unpleasantly: "My name is Phantom Knights."
The fake system was surprised: "How did the host change its style? In the past, they used to be eggs, big sticks, two sticks, and a circle used to set sticks. These names are vivid and nice. Why doesn't the host use it?"
Boss Cao didn't set up a fake system.
Not far away, at the moment when the two flying dragons plopped down on the evil spirits, the spider web appeared again in the void.
The two flying dragons discovered that something had changed, flapping their wings, trying to get rid of the sticky power spread by the cobweb, but it was too late to be absorbed into the cobweb instantly.
In the high sky, after Auch and everyone on the hunting team and the boss Cao successively went down, Guidula Dura stood on the back of Thunder King with fear.
Fortunately, several reserve members of the hunting team stayed with him on the thunder king's back. They all looked under the probe and watched melons.
A storm giant said: "The boss and the captain both went down to be happy, and I don't know when it will be our turn to take the lead."
Another giant followed his complaint: "I heard that our forces outside the city of sky, if we can have a king-level strongman, they will immediately become the trump card of one party's forces, and their status is respected. Unlike us, the king is a starter and can only follow the captain. They are messy and do not even qualify for the first echelon."
"I also think that the competition of our hunting team is too fierce. In the words of the city owner, it is simply hell."
"It's so good outside, why don't you go?"
The storm giant who opened his eyes blinked his eyes and said, "Only our hunting team can get a drop of the main god's blood for cultivation every month. Which outside forces can do it? If you are willing to withdraw from the hunting team, hurry up, we There are no fewer than one hundred kings waiting to squeeze in."
The grumbled giant smirked twice, deafening like thunder.
Dura was stunned and heard that the silly big men around him were all kings.
And their hunting teams in the sky city are all substitutes!
Hold the grass...
At this time, the mist at the entrance of the evil spirit gorge dissipated, a giant net appeared in the mist, and the two-headed flying dragon was glued to the net, roaring in desolation and magnificence.
"The first wave is almost done." Cao boss thought.
After catching five flying dragons in succession, the rest of the flying dragons in the sky have found problems, and they tweeted across the sky with two flying dragons sticking to the cobwebs. It seems that they are communicating, and soon the flying dragon wings of the sky fly away.
"I want to use these two flying dragons as bait, and then attract other flying dragons to come down. It has failed. These flying dragons are so alert."
Boss Cao's eyes chased the two flying dragons flying away, tilting his mouth.
These flying dragons are ethnic creatures. Their friends were attacked and arrested one after another, making them aware of the crisis. The flying dragons far away are obviously returning to the ethnic groups to warn, and the first wave of boss Cao's pet catching is just the beginning. The next goal is to find these flying dragons' nests and catch them all clean.
The ant colony has followed.
Evening sunset, the time is approaching evening.
Tyrannosaurus rex returned to the nest for help, but Auch and the hunters had returned from the canyon and joined Cao Yan.
Several of these giants were bloodied all over the body. Obviously the exploration process was not easy.
"How is it going?" Cao Yan asked.
"There is an architectural ruin beneath the bottom of the valley. We cleaned out part of it and found out that it was the ruins of Parthenon's temple," Auch said.
The divine systems of the major planes are extremely complex.
Who is Parton? Boss Cao doesn’t know at all, but Auch has a demon heritage memory and has a natural advantage in the identification of the gods. He is responsible for explaining:
"Partnon is an ancient and powerful deity, in charge of the divine power of evil and prostitution (harmony). To understand it in the way of the boss, this can be classified as a stallion. In his long In life, constantly spreading your own seeds of life, matching with heterosexual (harmony) of different races, so many heirs can form an army."
This time I met a ruthless person, there are so many children, you say how much abalone this has tasted... boss Cao is deeply shocked.
"Partnon fell because he lured a wife of the king..."
Boss Cao was excited: "Did he wear a green hat for the king?"
Auch nodded and continued: "He fell behind after being chased by the king, and the shrine where he once lived was smashed and scattered to many planes.
What we found in this gorge should be part of the shrine fragments.
The temple with Parthenon's breath, the energy spread, changed the landform of this evil gorge, so many Warcraft gathered here, and because of Parthenon's residual breath of power, promoted their evolution.
The phoenix head dragon should also be gathered here to hunt the creatures in the valley to absorb the power of Parthenon. "
"It's a pity that the time is too long. The parthenon shrine that remains in the Ghost Gap is badly damaged, and it is not very valuable to today's bosses."
Auch stretched out his hand and pointed to the back: "The subordinates have some unexpected gains."
Boss Cao had long seen Auch coming up from the Ghost Gorge, followed by a dozen ‘monsters’ behind him. This ugly look was totally unreadable.
It was a dozen humanoids, but their skin was wet and slippery, dark green, with fine scales, long hands and feet, and there was a thin film between the fingers, but the claws were very sharp, and they looked very aggressive creatures.
Their tongues are the weirdest, they are pulled out like giant pythons, their front ends are bifurcated, and they can be protruded from their mouths. They stretch like a gun and extend to seven or eight meters away, just like monsters in thrillers.
"Is this a weird thing, is it a wise life?" Boss Cao asked.
"In many planes, they are called little demons. They are the envoys of our pure-blood demons. Just like the hyenas raised by the boss, we can drive them to find and track their prey."
Auch: "They are also here because of the spirit of Parthenon in the Ghost Gorge. They can find twelve at a time, and their luck is quite good. Their abilities are very good for any demon. "
"Okay, you like it."
Cao Yan curiously said: "This thing has such a long tongue, what is the main purpose?"
"Hunting! Their tongues can be hard and soft, they can shrink and grow longer, they can be released when they are hard, they can pierce through the defenses of most creatures, and they will kill in one blow. When they are soft, they can lick the wound and speed up. His own injury recovered." Auch said.
"Can be long and short, soft and hard, so arrogant?" The boss Cao was so surprised and envious. UU reading
Auch obviously failed to keep up with his boss’s thoughts and echoed: "It is indeed very powerful, able to attack and defend."
Boss Cao nodded and said nothing.
Over the next few days, their team was briefly stationed in the evil spirit gorge, capturing various creatures in the phoenix dragon and evil spirit gorge. Auch and the hunting team continued to explore the depths of the gorge and excavate the fragments of the Parthenon.
On this day, boss Cao returned to the city of the sky, found Dai Zhaoyu, and asked, "Are there any movements in the green jungle world these days?"
"There is nothing unusual. The church is calm and calm. The Ninth Angels have neither attacked several major associations nor the forces under the alliance." Secretary Dai said.
Cao Yan: "They are studying the reason why angels are poisoned by ants' acid, and they want to find a way to immunize."
And said again: "You go to convene all the ethnic groups in the city and the parties that have cooperation with our sky city. We have a meeting and I have something to say."
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