Chapter 877: Continuous success

Hestia once came to the City of Judgment to spread the gospel. At that time, two prisoners interrogated by Auch and others, Liao Sai and Solace Colmore, were found in the city.
With Hestia’s strength, although they could not restore the tampered memory of the two, they realized that the content of their changed memory was related to the light purgatory, so I personally came to check it and appeared outside the light purgatory in time.
"We go to the depths of purgatory." said the old man in the eighth level of purgatory.
Although Hestia appeared on the eighth floor of Purgatory, in fact, he was still some distance away from Light Purgatory.
The figure that appeared was a projection that he pushed through the air with divine power.
When the old man turned his head back, he suddenly found that Boss Cao and others were able to withdraw faster than him and Niutou Geng.
While he was paying attention to Hestia, Cao Yan had found and opened the entrance to the next level of purgatory.
When the old man turned his head, the entrance rippled and Cao Yan and others had already entered.
At the entrance, a ball of light was thrown out by Cao Yan and fell to the old man: "This group of symbolic matrix structure can unlock the thunder chain that binds you. The spatial structure of the light purgatory is special, and the main cannot directly enter the deep prison, you You can rely on the prison to mediate, delay the time, and I am responsible for releasing the prisoner."
The old man took the matrix ball of light thrown by Cao Yan in his hand.
I saw the countless symbols inside the matrix flicker, shifting according to a specific trajectory, and merged into the chains that bound the old man.
When the power of the chain gradually weakened, the surface of the old man's skin was intertwined, giving rise to a complete and ancient totem.
The gleam of the totem circulated, and the crackling sound broke the chains on the old man's body.
The existences that can be imprisoned in purgatory above the seventh level are the top and ruthless people in the past. Some of them have special abilities and are almost unkillable and can only be imprisoned.
For example, the totem on this old man contains the mystery of immortality. Unless his natural life span is limited, it is difficult to be killed.
The totem on his body is like a mother's fetus, which can continuously nurture and stimulate his vitality.
"You told him the entrance to the ninth level of purgatory?" the old man asked Niutou Jie.
The two followed up side by side, also passed through the entrance, and entered the ninth level of purgatory.
"No, that kid is very weird. He can crack the most complicated thunder net of the entire purgatory. It's incredible to sneak in by himself." Bull Head stalked.
"Crack the God Punishment Thunder Net?" The astonishment on the old man's face flashed away.
After the two entered the ninth floor of purgatory, both turned around and punched.
The entrance to the 9th floor of the purgatory collapsed, and the space was turbulent.
When the old man shot, a winged flying snake appeared in the totem on his arm. After crushing the entrance of the ninth floor, the flying snake swam out of the totem and turned into a real creature with undulating scales. , Wings spread out, hovering in the air against the ground.
The old man leaped onto the back of the flying snake and rushed to the depths of the ninth level of purgatory, followed by Bull Head Stem.
The two smashed the entrance of the ninth floor to slow Hestia's pursuit of them.
"How many prisoners are held on this level?"
"Twelve, after the seventh level, the most imprisoned at this level are all the masters of the major gods who were judged by the light gods as heretics. The light gods coveted their followers and wanted to annex these gods and assimilate them. Faith, therefore, preserves the lives of these people."
The old man said: "The prisoners at this level have mixed strengths. The Beast God and the Dark Blue Lord are the strongest... If you can release them first, you will have the capital to compete with Hestia."
The area of ​​purgatory space after the seventh floor is not large, and is similar to the conventional prison system. The prison cells and passage corridors are built with huge stones, and there are many restrictions. The old man and the Bull Terrier walked fast in a stone passage. From time to time, they would encounter guarding angels blocking the way, and they were both killed by the two of them.
They soon came to a corner of the ninth level of purgatory, and the old man screamed:
"I'm responsible for dealing with the guards, you go to the front cell, where the beast is..."
Before his words fell, he was suddenly stunned.
The two of them rushed out from the corner of a long corridor, and were shocked to find a prisoner who was as strong as a giant bear standing in the cell in front of him, holding a ball of light similar to the matrix structure the old man had just obtained. The shackles on his body are also being cracked by the matrix structure.
The prisoner immediately turned around, revealing a square and wild face like a marble sculpture. His upper body was red and his chest was full of thick hair like a short beard.
He walked out of the cell and looked at Bull Head Terrier and the old man: "Tyrant, are also out."
When he spoke, his forehead glowed, and there was a dragon with three heads and a ruler long, which drilled from the center of his eyebrows.
The three-headed dragon drilled from the prisoner's forehead above the neck, but the body was still in his head. From a distance, his head and three dragon heads are in harmony, which is very strange.
"As expected to be a beast god, after being imprisoned for so long, there is still a soul beast in his consciousness that is not dead!" Niutou Jing approached.
"This is the last three-headed dragon in my body. The other five life beasts died because of my imprisonment and declining power."
The beast said in a deep voice: "This time out of trouble, I will upset the Light God System, and the corpses will be everywhere."
The old man said: "It's not too late to talk about this if you can go out, Hestia is behind us, go quickly."
"How could Hestia be in the Purgatory of Light?" The Beast God asked unexpectedly.
"Leave here first...Where is the person who helped you untie the restraints?" The old man and Bull Terrier looked at each other and asked.
The two of them came in all the way, and encountered many guard angels along the way, but they never found the trace of Cao Yan and others who came first.
"Suddenly someone appeared outside my prison, threw me this matrix light ball, and then went to the deeper prison." Beast God said.
At this moment, the old man and the three were together, preparing to continue to the ninth floor, but they all felt the same and stopped.
Not far behind them, a golden light spread out, dazzling, and the entire ninth level of purgatory was shrouded in that light.
The main Hestia walked out of the void with the code in one hand and the other on his back.
He is more than three meters tall and has perfect proportions. At first glance, it is difficult to tell whether he is a man or a woman.
He has a neutral, handsome face, piercing eyes, long brown hair hanging down his shoulders, and a dark gold robe.
He looked at the three of Bull Tau Geng, and his voice vibrated time and space: "The three of you have been imprisoned for a long time, and your strength has declined. Even if you join hands, you are not my opponents. Now you are bound by your hands and return to your respective prisons. I can forgive your crimes. To give you a chance of salvation."
Niu Taugen said irritably: "I will never go back to prison if I die. I will fight you if I give up my life."
"it is good."
Hestia nodded, raised his finger forward, and a scripture came out from the fingertip.
When the old man and the Bull Head Terrier went deep into the ninth prison, they had shown great power, and the angels along the way were killed by two people, and there was no one enemy.
However, at this moment they are teaming up with the beast god, but the scripture sacrificed by Hestia is too much to move.
The three of them mobilized their strength to fight against the scriptures, but they were still firmly suppressed by the light emitted by the scriptures.
"This scripture was evolved by him using the kingdom of consciousness and contains the power of the world. With our current state, joint efforts are not enough to contend." The old man said.
Hestia chuckled, and was about to speak, but suddenly stopped and looked to the side.
In addition to the Bull Terrier and the old man, the trio of Beast Gods, a new force appeared, attacking Hestia from the outside.
A figure with water elements rolling around like a tide, poured into armor, swept from deeper into the prison.
Its power was in harmony with the old man's trio, and Hestia's suppression of the trio was immediately broken.
"Lord of Deep Blue!" Hestia narrowed his eyes.
The old man and the Bull Terrier were overjoyed. When they were entangled with Hestia, Cao Yan had apparently penetrated into the other cells of the Nine-Layer Purgatory, succeeded in succession, and successively released the Beast God and the Dark Blue Lord.
Together, the four of them have the capital to compete with Hestia.
In purgatory, the main god-level battle broke out, time and space collapsed, and the world was turned upside down.
A divine kingdom surrounded by golden light spread out, involving the four Bull Head Terriers at the same time.
Hestia drew a slender war spear from the code in his hand, and the robes on his body shrank and turned into a suit of armor.
He shook his war spear, and hundreds of scriptures were scattered on the front of the spear, and the light overflowed.
Suddenly, a spear pierced through countless scriptures.
This spear, no one could see its trajectory, and instantly penetrated the old man's chest!
"I'll go, the twelve lord gods are terrible."
Deeper in the ninth level of purgatory, Boss Cao was eating melons silently,'shivering' peeping at the confrontation between Hestia and the Bull Terrier: "As soon as the main appeared, the space of the ninth level of purgatory was affected by a force. Closed, Lao Tzu has also become a turtle in the urn, which is bad."
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