Chapter 889: Myths clash!

"An angel sneaked into the city, trying to capture Wang Li and Ferrier. Fortunately, the city core and the ant colony found out that the angel who sneaked in was killed by us." Dai Huanyu said.
Cao Yan frowned and said, "Where did Director Xiao and Chairman Tinon disappear?"
"Director Xiao is in the magic city's own home, and President Tinon is in the headquarters office of the Pet Masters Association."
Dai Huanyu: "Their disappearance was obviously done by an angel, and the ultimate goal should be to target the boss."
"I'm going to see where they disappeared."
Cao Yan said: "Go and inform the people of the Magic Capital and the Pet Master Association. I will go to the Pet Master Association in ten minutes."
Dai Huanyu nodded and agreed, and Cao Yan went back to say hello to his wife, then boarded the World Tree and entered the Shenshan Floating Island around the canopy.
Most of the gods under the jurisdiction of the Sky God are here. Boss Cao summoned them: "A reminder, don't leave the sacred mountain floating island, let alone leave the scope of the sky city."
Bull Terrier was rebellious and said: "Why?
Although we have a contract, it is only a cooperative relationship. Don't we even have the freedom to move around? "
Cao Yan said calmly: "Because the Sky City is now in the green jungle world, and deep in the green jungle world, there are creatures of the level of destruction. Four days ago, five main gods of the light system entered the green jungle and shocked the world. The big monster at the place, the four main gods were instantly killed. Mi'e Michael was also hit hard.
Do you want to go out and try it? "
Bull Terrier and the other gods were taken aback, "Break the creature!"
"Green jungle world is so dangerous?"
"According to legend, the Great Destruction creature can destroy a world and feed on the gods, but it has never been a legend. No one has seen a creature of this level. How can there be a green jungle world?"
The gods were all shocked.
Cao Yan: "It's still asleep at the moment and won't wake up easily. Only the presence of an external main can alarm it. The sky city blends with the green jungle world, but there are independent spatial rules, so you As long as it does not go outside the city, it should not cause the sympathy of the world rules and be attacked by it."
A nodded and said: "When I first entered the Green Jungle World, I found that the rules of the world here are different. My power was suppressed, and I fell more than one level. I stayed in the Sky City to get better."
Cao Yan looked at the bull's head stem and the old man who mastered the totem of immortality, and the gray-winged angel left behind by Asazil:
"The three of you have the power of the Lord God. Be especially careful not to leave the city without authorization."
This time the Bull Terrier was honest, Su Rong agreed.
Cao Yan differentiated three strands of the brand with the breath of Chaos from his body, and fell into the hands of the three, "If there is an accident, you try to sacrifice this brand, it may be useful."
Boss Cao left the floating island sacred mountain and came to the teleportation formation under the world tree.
Dai Huanyu and Aohe were already waiting here, and Cao Yan walked into the portal surrounded by them.
Coming out from the other side of the portal is the headquarters of the Pet Masters Association.
Dai Huanyu sent people the letter in advance, and there was already preparation here, and the key members of the Pet Masters Association were waiting outside the portal.
"Yan Shao."
More than ten senior leaders of the Pet Masters Association greeted.
The Pet Master's Association, like the Sky City, is the home court of Boss Cao.
When he came out of the teleportation formation, most of the people from the Favored Master Association in front of him showed a sincere expression of reverence.
Cao Yan nodded slightly to the people, and went to Tinon's office first, and everyone followed him.
"The first person who discovered the disappearance of the president was the guards on duty outside his office. According to the description of the guards, there was no abnormal sound or fluctuation in the office, so they did not know the specific time of the disappearance of the president."
On the way, someone introduced the situation and said: "After the chairman disappeared, the office was sealed, and no one else went in."
Without saying a word, Cao Yan came to Tinon's office in silence, pushed the door in, and scanned everything in the room like a sharp sword.
With his eyesight, he quickly found out, and found two piles of invisible ashes indoors.
It was the ashes left over from the burnt corpse of the Void Hyena, which was almost invisible to the naked eye.
Cao Yan walked to the ashes to observe, and said solemnly: "It is the fire of bright punishment. It seems that the disappearance of the president is indeed the work of an angel.
What loss does our association have? "
"Vice President Ji Qianshan, Qiao Zuo and others have also disappeared with the president." Someone responded.
Cao Yan secretly thought: No wonder that when I came here this time, Vice President Ji and other acquaintances didn't show up... The church obviously came to Lao Tzu, and the people who were close to me were arrested.
Ten minutes later, the magic capital.
The sky is overcast and rainy, and the rain is pattering.
Cao Yan came to the magic city through teleportation again.
Waiting outside the teleportation array, the people who greeted him were more grandiose than the pet masters association. The ruling class of the magic capital and the top four associations, hundreds of people stood in the rain in a large courtyard outside the hall where the teleportation gate was located. Wait silently.
Seeing Cao Yan coming out, everyone bowed and saluted at the same time, and the crowd was almost the same as when Ma Tsai saw the underworld bosses.
Cao Yan said: "You don't need to follow, I'll go to Director Xiao's house and leave." The conversation fell with Aohe, and Dai Huanyu disappeared suddenly.
"In addition to Director Xiao, Director Xiao's family members also disappeared with him, including a four-year-old child who was the grandson of Director Xiao." Dai Huanyu said.
Cao Yan said, still not saying a word.
Because of the increasingly tense situation of the struggle with the church, he was actually very defensive against the church’s methods. He had personally invited Director Xiao to relocate to Sky City. Just like Wang Li’s family, they have been taken into the city. Unfortunately, Xiao The supervisor refused.
Going to the city of the sky, he doesn't know anyone, who will he ask for?
Why can't you be forced?
The old man is determined not to go.
Director Xiao's home in the magic city is a three-in-one courtyard, spacious and elegant.
All of them live here, but now the whole building is as quiet as a ghost, there is no one.
Cao Yan walked around in each room to check, and soon found the same traces as in Tinon's office, the ashes left after the hyena was burned by the torch.
What made Cao Yan angry was that there were two other ashes left by the burning of human beings.
The church angel who robbed Xiao in charge had killed people here. It should be someone who wanted to resist and was burned and killed by him, leaving a trace.
Cao Yan stretched his hands and poured out a slender war spear with supernatural power.
With a swish, the war spear pierced the void along a certain breath, and disappeared in an instant.
Far away, the Cathedral of the Kingdom of God.
In front of Michael's combat avatar, a spear that broke through the air suddenly appeared, but it calmly probed and grabbed it.
A ray of lightning flashed from his fingertips, splitting the war spear to pieces.
Michael's doppelganger angel curled his lips contemptuously.
The two fabulously fought each other in the air, and he seemed to have the upper hand easily.
At this time, he was standing on the square outside the central temple, and the place opposite him was the space-time lighthouse.
And below the lighthouse, the void opened up, and there was a team of angels coming out in a file, the army was neat and majestic, the team spread, tens of thousands.
After these angels came out, they stood in line on the square, and the army was in full force. It was the new main angel army of the church. It was also the first time that one of the thirteen main army under the jurisdiction of the Light God had personally entered the green jungle world.
Michael's clone stood with arms folded, focusing on the angel army that filed out.
Not far from him, there was a temporary execution site with seven or eight torture racks arranged side by side. Director Xiao, Tinong, Ji Qianshan, Qiao Zuo, and several others were all tied to the rack.
In front of the scaffold stands the Lord of Judgment of the church.
Well, the Big Three such as the Lord of Judgment are similar to Weeds, and a new crop will soon grow after being cut by Boss Cao.
Right now, the new Lord of the Judge is a chubby, fat man with blue eyes and slightly bent nose, staring at Tinon and the others with a cold expression.
"God is always forgiving. Even if you make an unforgivable mistake, He is still willing to forgive you and give you a chance to save."
"As long as you dedicate your faith and become his followers, you can get a new life."
Tinnon said: "If the price of living is to be a walking dead with people's mind, then I will die."
The judge sneered, and said to the subordinates behind him: "Bring up the heresy waiting for execution."
Then there were four believers from the church's trial center, and two heretics came over.
One of them was a thin old man, although he was a prisoner, his face was calm and generous. The other was a fourteen or five-year-old girl with a fair complexion, her eyes dark and agile, and her figure hadn't been extended yet, but she had already had a somewhat slender and undulating shape.
The two were tied to two vacant torture frames.
The girl was obviously a little scared, and looked at the old man next to him: "Archbishop, I...I'm scared, are they going to execute us?"
The old man said softly: "Don't be afraid, Naco, don't you miss your mother, you are about to see her."
The girl began to cry in a low voice: "But I'm still scared, Archbishop..."
Seeing the girl crying, Tinon couldn't help but questioned: "You have to execute even such a small child."
"Do you think she is an ordinary person? The two of them are the cardinal archbishop and saint of the Church of the Northern Territory Ice and Snow. We sent to arrest their followers, and more than forty people were killed by them."
The Lord of Judgment said flatly: "Execution."
When there was even a man wearing a black coat with his face hidden in front of the execution hand under his hood, a ray of divine punishment was sacrificed from the scarlet code in his hand and fell on the eyebrows of the old man and the girl.
The whole body of the two is instantly enveloped by a layer of flame that has no temperature but is extremely destructive.
The old man's face was distorted and painful, but he forcibly endured his silence, but his eyes were full of hatred and unyielding in the eyes of the church people.
The girl couldn't resist the pain and let out a terrible cry.
The two were swallowed by flames at a speed visible to the naked eye, and burned into two skeletons, and then the bones were burned to ashes.
The process of observing the execution is itself a kind of punishment.
Director Xiao, Tinong, Ji Qianshan and others were all pale and shocked.
The old men of them have become accustomed to their dignity, and they certainly don't want to die if they can survive, but forcing them to believe in the Lord of Light, they would rather die than agree to the betrayal of their souls in order to live.
The Lord of Judgment walked back and forth in front of the torture frame of several people and looked at Director Xiao: "What about you? Are you willing to devote your faith and wake up from the lost path and become a believer of my teaching?"
Director Xiao suddenly said: "Cao Yan will come to rescue us, and you will be killed by him."
"Ha ha."
The Lord of Judgment sneered: "So you still have a fluke, I might as well tell you that about Cao Yan, I'm afraid he won't come. His affairs have alarmed the Lord God, and he is nothing but an ant in the eyes of the Lord God. "
"Want to fart, shabi."
Director Xiao's words are sharp: "You are nothing but an ant-like dog in the eyes of Cao Yan."
The Lord of Judgment said angrily: "Don't forget, your family is still in our hands."
"Shabi. UU reading"
"So you decided to resist to the end and let your family be burned to death by the torch along with you?"
"Look at the angel legion opposite, what can Cao Yan do if he comes?"
No matter what the Lord of the trial said, Director Xiao used the phrase ‘idiot’ to go around the world.
The lord of the trial is extremely angry: "No matter whether Cao Yan comes or not, you can't see it. Come, sentence him and punish him for the crime he once committed."
Director Xiao said that he was not forgiving, but his heart trembled: "It doesn't matter if I die, my family will also be implicated..."
A church executioner hurried forward and took Director Xiao to the torture frame.
The old man's legs trembled, and he wanted to say a few words about the scene, but he found that his mouth seemed to be not his own. He trembled so badly that he could no longer speak a complete sentence.
"Let's start." The Lord of Judgment said.
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