Chapter 1749: amulet

Chapter 1749 Amulet
However, Meng Chao did not appear on the stage for a long time.
A telephoto lens captured a blurry picture. He was surrounded by several senior executives of the Azure Alliance, discussing something with a serious face.
There are also several special envoys who wear the badges of the nine super companies and represent the powerhouses of the gods, and they also rush from the air one after another.
First of all, they were all smiles and warmly welcomed Meng Chao's return. At the same time, they greeted the senior management of the Azure Alliance very naturally, not like competitors with different interests, but like brothers who had been separated for many years.
Afterwards, these special envoys representing the interests of the nine wealthy families began to whisper to each other with Meng Chao and other extraordinary people from the poor family.
"See, how can things be as simple as this silly boy thinks?"
Yun Feidian couldn't hide the sarcasm on his face, "Do you think those old men who founded the nine super companies are already old, incompetent, and don't know what tricks we are playing?
"No, they know everything.
"Or, they clearly have the ability to know everything, but deliberately pretend to be confused, and just open and close their eyes.
"Anyway, the existence of the Blood Alliance will do them more good than harm.
"After all, no matter how much the Blood Alliance makes trouble, it will stand on the side of the nine giants and support the nine super corporations to fight against the middle and lower reaches of Hunuchuan alone, and then establish an independent kingdom belonging to the nine giants.
"With the success of the Blood League, the old men will be able to lead their respective families to share the interests, and even join hands to make the Blood League empty, so that they can eat the biggest piece of cake in an easy, reasonable and legal way.
"The Blood League has failed, and it is only me, Yunfei Dian, and the Blood League that are inhumane and infamous, and it will not affect the glorious image of these older heroes and their corporate interests in the slightest.
"To put it bluntly, the old men need someone to help them with dirty, tiring, hard and wet work, so they just tolerate our existence for the time being.
"There is no free lunch in the world, old men want to use my Yunfei Electric for nothing? How can it be so easy!
"The old men love their feathers and don't want to get into the water and get mixed up with us, it doesn't matter, they always have children, and there are many children.
"And these children who are connected by blood have their own cronies, and there are a large number of interest groups that break the bones and connect the tendons.
"In the past few years, I have helped Leiyun Technology obtain astronomical amounts of funds through gambles again and again.
"As for these funds, I didn't even keep half a dime for myself, and all of them were invested in projects such as the 'biochemical warfare beast project', the 'bionic drone project', and the 'artificial monster neuron project'.
"Through a series of commercial operations, these projects have been hyped up and packaged in a golden light, and turned into a hot investment product with huge profits.
"In the end, most of the equity in these projects was sent to the children, grandchildren and apprentices of the old men.
"Nine wealthy families, so many wealthy children, who has not cooperated with me, Yunfeidian? Who has not taken my money? Whose name does not have shares in related projects of the 'Leiyun Department'? Who has never been with my help? Next, take advantage of these projects that seem to have a bright future, and harvest round after round from the financial market and from the pockets of ordinary investors?
"Hehe, it doesn't matter if my reputation is ruined, what about these projects?
"You know, after eating the marrow and knowing the taste, many wealthy children put their wealth and life into the 'Thunder Cloud Department' related projects. These projects even owe the major banks and super companies in Dragon City. There are countless Serial debt.
"Even if they cut me into pieces, the 'inhuman leader of the Blood League', and squeezed the last drop of oil from my body, it still wouldn't make up one-tenth of the shortfall.
"At that time, who will the son of a wealthy family who has lost all his money turn to for his life? It's not you, Meng Chao!"
Many senior members of the Blood Alliance on the screen looked at each other with expressions of sudden realization.
Indeed, many of them were originally attracted by Yunfei Electric in the name of "business cooperation", high dry stock and hyped money scene.
Many people also use gray means, illegal loans or even embezzlement of public funds to maximize their leverage, and they have to get on the fast-moving fast ship of the "Thunder Cloud System".
Until the leverage is about to collapse, and many projects guaranteed by Yunfei Electronics are not as profitable as he promised. At least in the short term, there is no hope of a huge profit. These desperate guys are willing to be seduced by Yunfei Electronics Then he joined the Blood League, and with the help of the "brothers" in the association, he managed to tide over the difficulties temporarily.
But it got deeper and deeper, until today.
"And it's not just these wealthy children who have interests with me?"
Yun Feidian continued to sneer and said, "From the first day I became the leader of the Blood Union, I expected that one day I would be kicked away by someone crossing the river and demolishing the bridge, and even become a heinous devil that everyone can punish.
"Since then, I've been thinking about what kind of talisman I should make for myself.
"It's not enough to just tie your own life to the children of a wealthy family.
"So, I also extended an olive branch to the Dragon City Retired Teachers Association, the Chaofan Tower Construction Foundation, the Dragon City Miners Mutual Aid Association, the Dragon City Zombie Virus Infected Rehabilitation Association, and even the Remnant Star Association. Invest a lot of money in Leiyun Technology and related companies.
"I have been very generous and careful when working with groups that represent the interests of tens of millions of ordinary citizens in Dragon City.
"Sometimes, even if a certain project is obviously losing money, I would rather take the initiative to contribute money, or even embezzle funds from other projects, to plug the hole, so that ordinary citizens who invest in the 'Thunder Cloud System' can earn real money and Let more and more people be willing to hand over a large amount of funds to the 'Thunder Cloud Department' to operate.
"Take the Dragon City Retired Teachers Association as an example. The organization invests 30% of the retirement funds of all retired teachers in the entire Dragon City in various high-tech projects of the 'Leiyun Department'.
"In the past few years, the 'Thunder Cloud System' has made rapid progress and has become popular in the capital market.
"Especially in the past year, in the super bull market driven by the victory of the war, the investment return rate of the Association of Retired Teachers reached 180%.
"If today, the God of Wealth who led them to get rich turned into the heinous leader of the Blood Alliance, and those popular investment products that made them a lot of money turned out to be a hoax, a retiree who fell from heaven to hell... Teachers, don't say you can't even cry, you will die suddenly on the spot!
"Can Meng Chao take this responsibility?"
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