Chapter 1753: Drain from the bottom

Chapter 1753
This time, the tens of thousands of warheads fired by the triple-installed six-barreled Vulcan cannon in an instant were all accurately split in the middle by Meng Chao.
The shattered warheads did not splash around, but were captured by his life magnetic field, surrounding him, forming circles of shining halos.
As for the rockets equipped with smart fuzes, Meng Chao used the subtle tremors of the two sharp blades to fly out obliquely, and only exploded in vain after flying tens of meters behind him.
Even if the firepower of the magic scorpion was so fierce that he was trembling, and even the barrel of the gun was about to melt, it couldn't stop Meng Chao from approaching step by step in a calm manner.
It wasn't until he almost put his chest close to the scorpion's gun that his speed suddenly increased!
Countless audiences exclaimed in front of the screen.
Ordinary citizens without extraordinary powers only felt a blur before Meng Chao disappeared without warning, and appeared behind the magic scorpion without warning.
The powerhouses who had awakened their extraordinary power could barely see that Meng Chao turned into a silver streamer and passed directly through the middle of the magic scorpion.
It was as if the strongest laws of physics had failed in front of Meng Chao, or the magic scorpion was just a phantom, a lifelike sound and light effect.
The heavenly powerhouses with extraordinary vision could barely see that Meng Chao had entered the realm of the unity of human and sword, and split the magic scorpion from the middle with a miraculous sword technique.
Because the speed of the knife was so fast, the demon scorpion, which had been severed in two, was still intact.
The god-level powerhouses in charge of Dragon City saw something more from Meng Chao's knife.
Their eyes flickered brightly, as if they were rapidly deducing the future of Dragon City—a brand new future with Meng Chao as a huge variable!
"Crack! Crack! Crack!"
One second after Meng Chao "penetrated" the magic scorpion, the firepower of the magic scorpion stopped abruptly, and there was a piercing sound of mechanical failure inside.
Immediately afterwards, a gleaming slender silver thread penetrated the magic scorpion from head to toe.
No, it's not just a silver thread.
This silver thread seemed to have life, growing, spreading, splitting, growing again, spreading again, splitting again, and soon turned into a criss-crossing silver spider web, wrapping the entire magic scorpion.
"Crack! Crack! Crack!"
Along these silver lines, one of Dragon City's strongest unmanned combat units was unexpectedly cut into thousands of fist-sized metal cubes, which fell apart and scattered all over the place.
This scene is jaw-dropping and creepy.
Everyone knew that a mere unmanned chariot could not be Meng Chao's opponent.
Unexpectedly, Meng Chao could use such an incredible method to dismantle the magic scorpion into pieces in just one second.
And what played a key role in this, besides Meng Chao's own strength, was his ever-changing liquid metal armor with extremely powerful combat performance, which could not be ignored.
Many powerhouses who were watching on the spot frowned, thoughtful.
With extraordinary vision, they could all "see" the spiritual flame surging from Meng Chao's body.
Judging from the color of the spiritual flame, the level of ripples, and the range of burning, Meng Chao did not display the power beyond the heavenly realm.
In other words, any one who is strong in the sky, or even the peak of the earth, is equipped with such a liquid metal armor, it is possible to achieve this step.
What did Meng Chao just say?
In the middle and lower reaches of the Hunu River, that is, the total population of Turanze is likely to exceed 100 million, and 5% of them are Turan warriors whose fighting power is comparable to that of a superhuman?
That is a total of five million "existences comparable to extraordinary beings".
If among Turan warriors, the ratio of third-rate masters, second-rate masters, and first-rate masters is the same as that of Dragon City's land, sky, and realms.
And they are all equipped with "totem armor".
Definitely qualified to be Dragon City's steel torrent, the most terrifying opponent.
Of course, Meng Chao's totem armor should be extremely special.
The reason is simple, if five million Turan warriors were equipped with such sharp armor, they would have leveled the monster mountains long ago and domesticated all the monsters into harmless pigs, dogs, cattle and sheep!
However, even if the performance parameters of the "mass-produced" totem armor were only half or even a tenth of that of the "luxury version" worn by Meng Chao.
Fighting at the native's home court and being familiar with the local grass and trees, it is still possible, no, it will definitely cause heavy damage to the Dragon City Expeditionary Force.
"Natives from other worlds, are they so powerful?"
The complexions of the dragon city powerhouses were uncertain.
Especially the powerhouses from the nine super companies.
You must know that any enterprise, especially a private enterprise, takes profit as its lifeline.
As the saying goes, "the business of decapitation is done by someone, but the business of losing money is not done by anyone."
Originally, the nine super companies tried to get rid of the Red Dragon Army and sent troops to Turanze, relying on the armed forces of the companies to fight a "corporate war".
It is because they think that the civilization of the natives in other worlds is low and vulnerable, and they can easily win the victory without consuming much time, manpower and material resources, and reap a lot of war dividends.
However, Meng Chao shattered their childish and greedy thoughts with cruel reality.
The real Turan civilization, even if its overall strength is not as good as the Dragon City civilization, is by no means a soft persimmon that can be eaten in one bite.
The existence of millions of people equipped with totem armor, fearless of death, comparable to extraordinary beings, will definitely make the expeditionary army from Dragon City fall into a protracted war.
If this expeditionary force is composed of the elite forces of the nine super companies.
Then, the so-called "Northern Expedition Plan" is not an armed outing that easily reaps the dividends of war, but a disaster of continuous bloodletting.
"It seems that we have to rethink the relationship between the nine super companies, the Red Dragon Army and the Azure Alliance."
Quite a few wealthy extraordinary people had their minds turned, and it took only a few seconds to realize, "The combat power of the natives of the foreign world should not be underestimated. If we really want to conquer the foreign world militarily, we must cooperate with the Red Dragon Army and even the Azure Alliance." , Relying on the humble extraordinary and ordinary soldiers to fill the front.
"Otherwise, relying solely on the elite strength of the nine super corporations and fighting against the strong natives from other worlds, they will only destroy their own corporations and make wedding clothes for others.
"Such a stupid battle plan, not to mention the survival committee, even the board of directors of their respective companies, it is impossible to pass it!"
Yun Feidian gritted his teeth, sparks shot from his eyes.
He finally understood that Meng Chao was using the bottom line to warn the nine super companies not to go their own way.
What's more damning is that Meng Chao used the unmanned combat unit developed by Leiyun Technology to cover it up.
While demonstrating its own strength, it also dealt a heavy blow to Leiyun Technology's goodwill!
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