Chapter 1755: offshore balance

Chapter 1755 Offshore Balance
The entire Dragon City was silent.
No one could refute Meng Chao's words.
It's not just because Meng Chao's reputation accumulated through life and death cannot be easily destroyed in such an easy-to-verify matter.
More importantly, the anthropologists and sociologists in Dragon City have long conducted deduction in related directions, and determined that in the center of the continent to the north of Dragon City, there is likely to be a huge alien civilization.
The reason is simple.
The latitude of Dragon City, referring to the earth, is roughly located in Siam, Tianzhu, and Java.
The lush tropical jungle in the Monster Mountains, the large number of strange snakes, insects, rats and ants, and the orbits of the stars also confirm this point.
On the earth, because of the hot weather, crazy plant growth, lack of coal and iron composite resources, etc., it is located in the tropics, in the ring-shaped area close to the equator, and there has never been a superpower that can affect the global situation, nor has it been born to guide the world. Advanced civilization in the direction of human development.
In fact, all the empires and splendid civilizations in the history of mankind, without exception, are located in the temperate and sub-frigid zones of the northern hemisphere.
Perhaps, it is precisely because of the cold climate and poor resources that the spirits of all things that have just shed their hair need to rack their brains, unite as one, and fight wits and courage with the of death by any means and at any cost, and the embryonic form of civilization is gradually born. unstoppable.
Those areas that lie under the trees and sleep and can live on the fallen fruits; those who are bitten by mosquitoes today will die of malaria tomorrow are destined not to be able to give birth to a powerful civilization that conquers the world.
The geographical parameters of the Otherworld and Earth are highly similar.
Regardless of the size of the planet, the distribution of elements other than spar, the proportion of land and sea, ocean currents and monsoons, the distribution of animals and plants, and even the cell structure of most living things, they are all like clones copied from the same mother body .
There is reason to believe that these two planets are the super civilizations that built the "traversal engine" in the past. Among the hundreds of millions of planets, they have been carefully selected, and they are the most suitable places for carbon-based intelligent life to multiply and create civilization again.
Then, the laws that are effective on the earth, of course, have a high probability in other worlds, which determine the picture of civilization here.
The Dragon City civilization is located in the north of the equator in another world.
No matter how vast the middle and lower reaches of the Hunuchuan River Basin, it occupies at most a part of the subtropical and temperate zones.
So, is it any wonder that the strongest indigenous civilization in another world is entrenched in the more northern and wider temperate and sub-frigid zones?
"This guy, is he really crazy?"
Several senior members of the Blood Alliance were stunned in the communication channel, "Didn't he think that what he said would have a negative effect on the confidence of all Dragon City citizens, the confidence of the entire financial market, and even the confidence of the entire Dragon City civilization?" A devastating blow?"
"No, it's not that simple."
From just now, Yunfei Dian had been frowning, thinking about Meng Chao's intentions.
The initial contempt and arrogance disappeared, and the leader of the blood alliance at this moment, the more he thought about it, the more he felt a biting chill in his heart.
"You have ignored the key information that Meng Chao threw out. There is not one alien civilization that can challenge Dragon City, but at least two!"
Yun Feidian gritted his teeth and said, "The Holy Light camp occupying the center of the foreign world is naturally extremely powerful, and the Turan civilization entrenched at our door, since it can become the former's thousand-year-old enemy, how can it be inferior?
"If there is only one indigenous civilization in the entire foreign world with a large population and the first-mover and home court advantage, then our Dragon City civilization will of course have a dead end.
"But now, there are two alien civilizations that are equally powerful and facing each other. Then, the Dragon City civilization has the opportunity to be able to benefit from both sides.
"And if you want to have both sides, the prerequisite for the fisherman to benefit is that the Dragon City civilization cannot take the initiative to provoke the flames of war, and must stay out of it to a certain extent. Even if you want to join the war between the indigenous civilizations of other worlds, it is best to rely on material assistance. , Supplemented by long-range fire support, unless it is absolutely necessary, it is absolutely impossible to mobilize troops and intervene on a large scale.
"At the same time, we must strictly abide by the principle of 'weeding out the strong and helping the weak', and become an offshore balancer among the natives of other worlds.
"Whoever is weak in Dragon City will help, and whoever is strong in Dragon City will be attacked, so as to form a balance of power among the natives. In the end, only Dragon City is the only force capable and qualified to break the balance of power!
"Since it is the so-called 'Holy Light Camp' occupying the center of the alien world, it is obvious that they are the stronger side.
"The 'Turan Civilization' at our doorstep is in a relatively weak position.
"According to the principle of 'Eliminate the strong and help the weak, balance offshore', instead of going to war with the Turan civilization, the Dragon City civilization must conclude an unbreakable alliance with the other party—at least when the Turan civilization becomes too strong, and the Holy Light camp Before it can give us more benefits, this covenant should be unbreakable.
"However, all the plans of our Blood Alliance Association are based on the idea of ​​'Dragon City Civilization's military conquest of the middle and lower reaches of the Hunu River, the members of the Blood Alliance Association have made great achievements in this battle, and took the opportunity to accumulate more strength and seize greater power'" based on.
"If this war that has been brewing for a long time just dies like this, and changes from 'conquer' to 'covenant', regardless of whether it is good or bad for others, it will be a complete disaster for our blood alliance. !"
The senior members of the Blood League are not stupid.
Yun Feidian only spoke halfway, and they all suddenly realized.
In fact, not only them, but also tens of thousands of people in Longcheng survived the initial shock and panic, and began to think hard about the way out of Longcheng.
After all, they are all fierce men who have survived a hundred battles and fought all the way from the mountain of corpses and the sea of ​​blood.
Even a housewife wearing an apron might have the experience of cutting the throat of a monster with a kitchen knife without changing face.
Even if all the gods and demons believe that the people of Longcheng are a dead end, it is impossible for the people of Longcheng to sit still and wait for death.
Even if there is darkness in front of them, the people of Longcheng will continue to rush forward, smashing their heads until they bleed, and then turn their hottest blood into the most violent combustion, ignite a raging flame, and burn a hole in the endless darkness!
Don't underestimate the wisdom of Longcheng people.
In just a few tens of seconds, all kinds of arguments about "offshore balancer" similar to Yunfeidian's analysis just now became popular on social media, portal websites and hot forums.
Two very critical questions were also raised:
"Wait, how did Meng Chao know all this?"
"Also, how did he get this gorgeous totem armor that can be called the 'Peerless God'?"
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