Chapter 26:

Although Aunt Sweeper knocked down Qin Xue with a broom, she ran away.
Lin Yueqi got up from the ground, and Tuantuan patted the dust on her body and said, "Relax, Mom, she can't run. Dad is below."
This is a bureau set by their family.
In order to ensure the safety of the group, there are bodyguards around the corner of the corridor. The justice aunt, who is also their person, is responsible for protecting the safety of the regiment and testifying to the police.
Aunt came over, picked up a mobile phone that Qin Xue had dropped, and handed it to Lin Yueqi: "Miss Lin, this is the mobile phone that Qin Xue dropped. You can see if it is of any use."
This is a button press, the style is very old, like Nokia ten years ago. But its texture is better than any Nokia machine, with a front camera, the overall appearance texture is not like a product of the earth.
When she pressed the "oK" key, the screen lit up and the font composed of codes appeared.
"Welcome to enter, the ultimate treasure chest for female backlash 1."
When the subtitles passed, another two-line code appeared to let her choose.
"Enter the analog phone."
"Enter the analog live broadcast."
Lin Yueqi pressed the up and down keys and first selected the "simulated mobile phone" function. After opening, it was found that it was all text messages of "she" and a big guy.
My aunt also came to see it, and immediately understood what was going on: "The screenshots on the Internet that were so tumultuous are actually like this. But how could it be the same as your phone number?
"Probably what a great complicated program." Then, Lin Yueqi clicked on the "live broadcast" mode.
In an instant, the front camera turned on, and she and Auntie's face were taken into the live broadcast room.
"Gossip without circle" suddenly opened the live broadcast room, which actually reflected the faces of Lin Yueqi and an aunt.
Netizens were stunned, commented and barraged:
"What's the situation? It's Lin Yueqi who doesn't have a gossip circle? Who is this aunt?"
"Isn't that ... Looking at the confused look of Lin Yueqi and Auntie, how could they be 'Gossip without circles'? It should be the self-portrait video of Lin Yueqi from Xiaobafang?"
Lin Yueqi hadn't opened the comment yet. They saw their faces reflected in their phones. They didn't know what was going on. After a long search, they couldn't find the camera.
She found a button on the screen, and after clicking it, the barrage and comments all came out.
Lin Yueqi looked at the comments inside, only to know that she used Qin Xue's mobile phone to enter the "Gossip No Circle" live room.
"Bagua Jun Bagua Jun! Are you going to go live on time? Is there another gossip breaking news!"
"Lin Yueqi has something to expect? Why would you put Lin Yueqi's selfie video on the live broadcast? 23333"
"Xiao Ba, I want to know who is the gangster who invaded the regiment? Explode, save those poor children."
"+1, please burst out and save those poor children."
Lin Yueqi stared at the comments online and frowned, saying, "This is not a video, I am Lin Yueqi."
Netizen: "..."
After a few seconds of silence in the live room, someone started to brush: "Lin Yueqi, this is ... kidnapped Bagua Jun? Robbed the other party's mobile phone?"
"Lin Yueqi, you are too deceiving! With your background, is it remarkable? People all over the country are watching, we will call the police now!"
"Vicious. Also, this kind of woman doesn't even care about her daughter, and she's afraid of any crimes or crimes? She just keeps on bullying."
Lin Yueqi remained silent for a long time, and turned off all the comments. He said with a serious face: "First, I did not kidnap anyone, nor was I stupid to that point. Second, this phone fell out of Qin Xuedou Yes, she was someone who had a holiday with me, and it broke my gossip, do n’t you think there is something wrong? I was slandered, when I was rumoring, I never said anything, I thought the rumor was stopped by the wise, but now It seems that everyone has no brains. You question my abuse of my daughter, beasts are not as good. You just condemned me with a picture, it is really enough. "
Video live broadcast has a screen recording function. After this function is turned on, the operation of the broadcaster on the mobile phone can be seen by netizens.
Lin Yueqi opened the "simulated phone" software in this phone, and transferred the source of the screenshot to everyone. The so-called big brother is actually Qin Xue's own mobile phone number. She used the simulation software and her mobile phone to ask questions and answer questions, and made that screenshot.
Although Lin Yueqi put the evidence in front of all netizens, some people only believe what they are willing to believe, and they will not listen to the parties at all.
Someone immediately jumped out and said, "Wow, what a coincidence, her mobile phone was picked up by you? Is this your mobile phone? Isn't it easy for your husband to find someone to steal the number? You now have someone else's number and broadcast it to yourself Whitewash, who can't understand such a silly routine? Who are you fooling? Ha ha ha. "
"Yeah, who are you fooling?"
Lin Yueqi saw that these people did not believe, and she did not intend to force an excuse. She turned on her cell phone all the way and called Lu Ting downstairs. When she learned that the police had arrived, she asked him to bring the police up.
She started beating Qin Xue fiercely, and Qin Xue wouldn't be able to swallow this tone, and she would also call the police.
Therefore, they called the police in advance to call the police, the reason was: Qin Xue abused the child.
After the police came up, Lin Yueqi briefly explained the phone to the police, and then pointed to the surveillance in the corridor and said: "There is surveillance, go to adjust the surveillance, you know if Qin Xue fell."
The police put the phone in the evidence bag and asked some other things.
When she learned that Qin Xue had not been downstairs, she was very surprised: "How is it possible? We saw her going down the elevator together? This is a two-story building, and she can only go to the first floor. Such a living person, always Ca n’t it evaporate suddenly?

After the captain of the team stopped their narrative, they felt that the situation was a bit bad, frowning and saying, "In this way, let's take a look at the monitoring together. When the investigation is clear, our police will issue an announcement to everyone."
Lin Yueqi nodded: "Okay."
Lu Ting picked up her daughter, rubbed her forehead at the tip of the girl's nose, and asked her, "How are you afraid?"
The little girl shook her head and lay on her father's ear and said, "I'm not afraid."
He nodded slightly, hugged her, and went to the monitoring room with the police and Lin Yueqi.
On the way to the surveillance room, the police found that the live broadcast of the mobile phone was still on and immediately turned it off.
In the darkness of the live broadcast room, some netizens began to worry about Qin Xue:
"The police have arrived, and Lin Yueqi does not need to lie in front of the police. Now 80% have determined that Qin Xue is 'Gossip without circles'. But ... where is she going?"
"I'm a little worried about her now. If she is really entertaining and has no circles, she has exposed Lin Yueqi so much on the Internet, will Lin Yueqi let her go? It said that it disappeared out of thin air, I think, it may be the dark box of some people. Operation. The disappearance of Qin Xue, 80% is artificial. Lin Yueqi has this ability, isn't it? "
"Lu Ting also appeared in the live broadcast. He seems to have a good relationship with Lin Yueqi? God, my daughter was so abused by Lin Yueqi, can he bear it?"
"Don't guess, wait for the results of the police investigation."

When they arrived in the monitoring room, they pulled out the video where they saw the conflict.
First, the chubby girl was kicked into the corridor by Qin Xue, followed closely, the chubby girl rolled back and forth while holding her stomach, and her face was bitter. Auntie Proud played bravely and accused Qin Xue.
Then, Lin Yueqi came out and saw that the child was beaten, soared directly, took the lead for the child, and wrestled with Qin Xue.
It was said to be "scuffing", in fact, she brutally crushed Qin Xue throughout.
Then, Qin Xue wanted to take the bag to smash the child. Fortunately, Lin Yueqi responded quickly and blocked the child. But at this time, Qin Xue escaped and fell into the elevator.
Immediately following, the screen was switched to the elevator.
The pictures inside look like special effects.
Qin Xue was actually in the elevator, from the national goddess to a fat man of 180 pounds. Her trousers were ripped and the clothes inside were ripped, but fortunately she wore a loose down jacket outside and tightly wrapped her fat body.
The monitoring is not very high definition, but you can also see the pimples on her face, which are very scary like special effects.
At 180 pounds, she got up from the ground and pulled down the zipper of the down jacket, and the flesh of her body almost broke through the down jacket. She buried her jaw in the collar of the down jacket, pretending to be okay, and then passed the police, Lu Ting and others.
Seeing the monitoring screen, the police who came to participate in the mission were startled. He quickly rewinded the video and watched it carefully again, sure to be dazzled.
The policeman said in surprise: "What ... what is this situation ...?"
Seeing the picture in the monitor, Tuantuan shook his dad's ear and shouted: "Daddy and dad! Look, Aunt Qin Xue is a monster!"
A total of 6 people in this house were shocked.
The police realized the seriousness of the situation and immediately called back to the bureau to ask for support.
Lu Ting and Lin Yueqi, as the parties, were also called back to confess.
At around eleven in the evening, their family of three was still sitting on a bench in the corridor waiting for news from the police. A policewoman and a male policeman came over and said to them, "Mr. Lu, Miss Lin, please go to the meeting room, kid. give it to me."
They glanced at each other and gave the sleeping police to the policewoman.
After the two entered the meeting room, the two leaders came over and shook hands with them.
The head of the head said to them with a serious face: "Mr. Lu, Miss Lin, we suspect that Miss Qin has a strange disease. This disease is the first in the world, and we are still not sure whether it will be contagious. Specifically , I ’m inconvenient to say more, I only hope you can keep secrets, so as not to cause panic after the announcement. Our police have controlled Ms. Qin, we will take her to the capital later. As for her rumours about your affairs, rest assured, our police Will come forward to clarify. "
Qin Xue does not care how they do, they only care whether the police are willing to issue a public notice for them.
From Lu Ting's point of view, I feel that it is appropriate to control Qin Xue. She instantly became 180 catties, completely anti-human and anti-science. If this strange disease is really contagious, it will be the greatest disaster for human beings.
People are always afraid of the unknown.
Standing in Lin Yueqi's perspective, she knew that no matter how they inspected Qin Xue, they would not detect any problems. Because Qin Xue is not a strange disease at all, but the beauty of her prosperity that has been systematically given to her has changed her.
Police technicians are still studying the principles of mobile phone software. Although they haven't figured out what code these two softwares use, they have probably figured out that these two softwares are the same hacker virus.
And this hacker virus, humans have not yet reached that technology to crack.

At about one o'clock in the morning, the city A police issued an announcement:
"At 3 o'clock this afternoon, Ms. Qin Xue was controlled because of child abuse. The police followed the investigation and found that the recent Internet" Lin Yueqi selling women to seek honour "and" Tuan Tuan was abnormally violated "are rumors. I found a live account and software for simulating a mobile phone number on Miss Qin ’s mobile phone. Please do n’t believe the rumors.

This announcement comes with a video. As soon as the police stamped the news, the keyboard men were beaten.
However, some gangsters have to talk to the police gangsters when they are daring.
"Oh, no matter what the background, even the police have been bought through. The police are not a good thing."
Soon, the blogger who posted this comment thought the police were arrested.
Li Xing's company took over all public relations marketing of Lin Yueqi, so when the police released the news, Li Xing immediately asked the team to retweet the police.
As the saying goes, a rumor is made, and the rumor is broken. In order to cover all the rumors, the public relations marketing expenses of Li Xing spent nearly tens of millions.
Of course, the money was reimbursed by Lu Ting, and he was not distressed.
The group's affairs were finally settled successfully. That night, Lin Yueqi was in a good mood, so Lu Ting entered his room again.
Only this time, Lu Ting dared not go to bed again, and hit the floor honestly.
Tuantuan and Lin Yueqi slept on the bed while he slept on the floor.
That night, Lin Yueqi had another dream.
And this dream is clearer than ever.
In the dream, an unfamiliar woman slowly walked towards the deep sea, just before the sea water had passed her neck. She lost her way and turned back to the beach.
When the woman stepped into the deep sea, her face was gloomy. But when she returned to the beach, she seemed to hear something, and her empty eyes rekindled hope.
And Lin Yueqi also overheard a paragraph from the woman ’s mind: "Hello, I am the [vengeance script] system that can help you avenge the world. When the hostess Lin Yueqi has fewer and fewer fans until she quits the entertainment industry At this time, [The Revenge Script] can reach the highest level. By then, you will have the ability to kill anyone with a pen. "
Lin Yueqi's brain seemed to be disturbed, and was forced to kick out of the picture.
And her body suddenly began to twitch.
Lu Ting and Tuantuan were awakened by her movements.
He immediately turned on the light, jumped into bed, leaned down, and patted the girl's face: "Lin Yueqi, you wake up."
Her body was still convulsing, her face was pale, and she was covered in cold sweat.
Tuan Tuan took her mother's hand and was terrified by her. She cried and said, "Mom you wake up, Mom you wake up, don't scare Tuan Tuan, Tuan Tuan afraid."
The little fat girl took a pair of small hands and rubbed her hands, Lin Yueqi's convulsions only got better.
Lu Ting did not dare to delay, so he quickly called an ambulance.
Lin Yueqi is in a white world.
A voice told her: "Lin Yueqi, your daughter is yours, your husband is yours, and this world is also yours. You have a responsibility to save them and take the responsibility of the mistress. You are all living lives and should not be Any outside force tramples. "
Lin Yueqi opened her mouth to ask who he was, and the man said, "The female counterattack system has taken away all the powerful gold finger systems in the universe. Only you can reverse the whole picture. The lives of your husband and daughter are in In your hands. "
As the words fell, Lin Yueqi suddenly awakened from her dream.
She covered her chest and felt as if she was about to die halfway. That kind of empty despair scared her.
Who is the woman in the dream? [Revenge Script] What is the system?
"Ding Ding--"
The sound of the system [Sheng Shi Mei Yan] came from Lin Yueqi's ear: "Hello, new host, I am your little cute Sheng Shi Mei Yan. I think we have misunderstood before. From today, let's get along well ~"
Lin Yueqi: "............"
[Beauty Beauty]: "Host, your new opponent is very powerful, you must enhance your reputation in the entertainment industry. When your career is getting better and better, you can get the corresponding positive energy of the career and defeat the new opponent. "
Lin Yueqi's brain hurts and wants to say go.
She said nothing, and [Sheng Shimei Yan] said again: "Oh, I forgot to tell you that before giving up on me, Qin Xue used his life's luck as a mortgage and launched the last treasure chest. From today, you will grow 5 days a day Jin meat, up to 160 kg. Do you want to cooperate with me? I can let you lose weight overnight! "
Lin Yueqi: ... I can go to your mother.
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