Chapter 1: Supreme Lord of the Rings

At noon, Gangtou Street in the west district of Nanling City.
This is a commercial street with numerous shops and restaurants along the street.
Suddenly, a faint golden light instantly fell from the sky and fell above a small shopping mall.
Time stopped.
Pedestrians on the street kept their original movements. The owner of the store was spitting and selling his merchandise. His body became motionless, the spitting star floated in the air, and a stray dog ​​leapt towards the guests at the next stall The bones that were thrown out, their body also stagnated in mid-air, and the dust in the air and the oil fume from the hotel were also frozen.
Suddenly in the golden light above the small mall, a figure rose slowly.
It was a young man in his twenties. His time didn't stop. His body was struggling unconsciously, but his eyes were pressing, his face flushed, his body full of alcohol, and a burst of unconsciousness was emitted in his mouth. Slang-He was in a doze after drinking and didn't even realize he was "flying up."
I saw that the body of the young man penetrated the house like nothingness, rising continuously, straight into the sky, disappearing without a trace.
In another world, the golden light reappeared and fell to a thick stream of grass.
有 Here is a dilapidated small village full of European medieval style. It is surrounded by lush grassland. The position where the golden light falls is beside the village. I saw the young man's figure falling down the golden light and finally lying on the grass.
Jinguang went away.
The young man turned over and found a comfortable position for himself. He murmured unconsciously: "Don't make trouble ... I can still drink ..."
The Tatar fell asleep again.
The same scene happened at this moment around the world.
A total of fifty beams of light appeared and fell around the world. Then they took fifty people and brought them to this side of the world.
Unlike young men, they are still sober, and they are still struggling in the golden light when they are "flying up". When they get out of the shackles of the golden beam and look at this strange world with panic, they fall randomly. Appeared within the village, scattered all over the place.
Soon, their screams kept ringing, and everyone was stunned by this weird scene, wondering what happened.
在 At this moment, a terrible consciousness came, and the voice of that consciousness sounded in their minds.
[You are all randomly selected participants. Welcome to join the game of God!
The game is very simple, you will meet the killers of the world in a closed battlefield, they will attack you crazy.
I survive or die.
Duration: 8 hours.
Slayers: 200 orcs from the Lord of the Rings world, one hidden assassin.
Game difficulty: D-level.
Hidden reward: Supreme Lord of the Rings (can be obtained by killing assassins, and at least 100 killers must be solved to fully own).
规则 Rules of the game: Humans cannot kill each other, rescue a human can get 20 points, kill 300 others deduct 300 points.
Solving a killer can get 10 ~ 30 points, and solving an assassin can get 1000 points.
When everything is over, you can use the points to exchange items, abilities, and blood in the heavens.
Survivors can choose to continue the next game, or they can choose to completely forget it.
If you die, then all traces of your existence in the world will be completely erased, your relatives and friends will not remember your name, and you are as if you have never existed in the world.
Game, start now! 】
With the advent of this will, a horrible roar came from all directions, and some people standing on the edge of the village saw a gray line appearing in the distance and was approaching. It was an ugly monster. They had grayish-white skin, fangs in their mouths, were wearing weird and rough armor, and they held various weapons in their hands, and their bloodthirsty rushed to the village.
That is an orc from the ring world!
"Ah ah ah-"
The terrified screams rang instantly.
Uh ...
I don't know how long, the young man sleeping in the grass finally woke up.
The weather was a bit cold, and he was wearing short sleeves with bare arms, because he was lying on the grass and did n’t know what was bitten by a bug. He had a big bag on his right arm. There was already a little redness and swelling in the unintentional scratch, and he punched a lot in his mouth. Yawned, and then looked at the surrounding environment aggressively.
"Slumped ... Where did I go to drink broken tablets?"
He only remembered that he had been drinking with people until two or three in the morning, and then he didn't remember anything ... Seeing this, what kind of wilderness did he run into when he was drunk?
几个 Some of those who have no conscience, don't know to send him home! ?
His head was too heavy to speak now, and his consciousness was dizzy. There was an uncomfortable feeling in his stomach that he wanted to vomit.
爬 Climbing up from the grass, he rubbed his face vigorously with both hands, saw the nearby stream, and walked forward danglingly, holding the cold stream on his face.
Twenty-two-year-old Ye Chui, not long after graduating from college, and a newcomer to the society. Recently, because of some troubles, he found a few buddies to drink with. He usually has a good wine. It ’s crazy to go back to sleep obediently, but this time, I ’m probably in a bad mood. I ’m completely drunk when I ’m drunk.
As soon as he woke up, he ran to such a place. It was strangely cold, obviously in the summer season ... How far did he run away after drinking alcohol?
After washing his face with cold stream water, Ye Ting began squatting beside the stream to look around, and saw the small village in the distance ... The village looks like a very weird little village. Ye Ting ’s hometown is rural. However familiar, but the shape of this village is by no means familiar to him, it looks more like an ancient village.
Isn't this ... what kind of film location is this?
What's going on in this village?
When he was curious, he suddenly glanced at something in the stream in front of him. It was a slender knife with a simple and simplistic shape. He quickly picked up the knife and was curious. This could not be a prop for the crew. Careless Left over here?
道具 This prop is real, not plastic, heavy in your hands.
That film crew must be a blockbuster!
Look, there is still a trace of blood on the blade.
Xie Ye rushed to his nose and smelled it, a thick smell.
So realistic!
He stood up holding the knife and was ready to leave.
Just as he turned around, bang! Something invisible hit him, his body snorted, and he almost fell into the stream. At the same time, "呲 " This is the sound of the sharp blade stabbing into the flesh, and some blood ran into his hands. There was a pair of rough, cold hands that could not be seen that strangled his neck, but the strength of that hand was weakening ...
When Ye Ting was horrified, some strange figure appeared before his eyes.
Pale skin, huge eyes, sparse strands of hair on the head, few teeth in the mouth, with a bit of funnyness in it, it slowly loosened the hand that dangled the leaf's throat.
Ye Ye lowered his eyes wide open consciously.
This is ... the grunt in the Lord of the Rings?
Guru grumbled an unbelievable glance at his chest and crackled. UU read a book His body, which was just over a meter away, fell to the ground, and the knife was stuck in the position of his heart.
Obviously, Guru is just invisible. It sneaks into Ye Ting from behind, but accidentally knocks down the knife in Ye Ting's hand and pierces the heart ...
In Ye Ting's shocked eyes, Guru's body quickly turned to ashes, dissipating invisible, the knife fell to the ground, and a sting, a silver ring fell to the ground, and stopped at Ye Ting's feet after rolling a few times. side.
什 "Why, what's the situation?"
The loquat leaves stunned.
He shook his head hard, and some fuzzy information began to emerge from his mind.
"God's game ... 8 hours ... Half-orc killer ... Hidden assassin ... The Lord of the Rings ..."
When that consciousness came down, Ye Ting was unaware of being lethargic, but this consciousness was not meant to be heard but sent directly to his mind, so Ye Ting still felt the information after being completely awake, Let him understand what this situation is, this is not a crew, here is the battlefield hosted by the game of God, it is ... an ordinary human village in the Lord of the Rings world! ?
At this moment, a roar came from a distance, and we could see a group of small, cruel figures approaching.
"Someone is coming ... no, is it ... a half-orc?" Ye drooped down subconsciously, picked up the ring, and hesitated slightly. He quickly put the ring on his index finger, and Guru was hidden. Assassin, and he just accidentally killed him ... this ring is the Supreme Lord of the Rings! ?
The ring was originally small, but when Ye Xing was ready to wear it on her finger, it immediately changed its size to fit Ye Xing's fingers.
The next moment, the leaves hanging in the stream beside him disappeared.
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