Chapter 905: I am willing to admit that you are the strongest swordsman!

The trio of Ye Qingmei, Xiaolong and Meow Meow lurked into Lindong City smoothly. Their task was to fetch something in this game. Up to now Ye Qingmei is not clear what they want to take. , Xiaolong just said that the thing would appear in the north.
   This made Ye Qingmei feel a little grumpy.
   The main purpose of her coming to the game is to help her brother, but now she has to stay in Lindong City and cannot leave.
   Fortunately, as a messenger of God Meteor, Miao Miao can control space gems and can move around in the huge battlefield world. She occasionally brings some information about Ye Chuan to Ye Qingmei, confirming Ye Chuan's safety.
   Just over a month, the time passed quickly.
More and more survivors gathered in Lindong City, almost all from the Dragon Soul Group, they used Lindong City as a gathering place, and several other major organizations have also chosen the forces they want to support, and are now uniting to enter the North The situation is extremely grim.
In the morning of this day, Ye Qingmei was packing her firewood in Ma Man with a sad face. Today, she looks like a little man with white skin, wearing the clothes of this world resident. This disguise can be said to be impeccable. Ye Qingmei has seen several dragons. The old dragon king of the soul group, he didn't even notice it, this old blind man... Ye Qingmei was proud of the thought of this place.
  I just don't know why. When she had dinner with her last night and described it to Long Zhu, Long Zhu was also upset with her face...
"Sister Qingmei." At this time, the barefoot meow in the silver-haired white dress suddenly appeared beside Ye Qingmei. She was cute and cute, and she was holding a gray cat in her arms. "You prepare, what we want to take, about Appeared."
"Has it finally appeared?" Ye Qingmei's face was overjoyed, and she quickly reached out and wiped her face, a strange transparent mask appeared in her hand, and her appearance also returned to its original appearance-after joining the gods, the master of the mosaic gave She has four masks, each of which has a special effect. One of the transparent masks is easy to change.
   "Long Zhu has rushed past, let's go too." Meow said with a smile, gently put the gray cat in his arms, shouted in his mouth, "Pork ribs, you go to play first, I will pick you up when you come back."
This cat was awesomely ribs. The meow of this timeline rescued it from Ji Shen and sent it to a farmer’s house for adoption. Some time ago, when Shen Meow meow looked around, he happened to see this wild cat. Here comes the hug.
When the game ended and the world collapsed, the wild cat named Ribs didn’t die because of its relationship with Meow Meow, but was absorbed into the advanced power of Meow Meow’s Divine Power. "Become the ribs captain."
  The ribs of the ribs can be regarded as rugged.
Ye Qingmei quickly agreed and quickly changed into her clothes. The portal has been opened on the side of Miao Miao. When Ye Qingmei and Miao Miao passed through the portal one after another, they just came to the side of the long hair with a cold face. .
In the process, Miao Miao quickly told Ye Qingmei what happened not long ago: the old dragon king declared war to the leaders of several major organizations, and he required one person to challenge the powerful ones in other major organizations, and they are now going The place is the place of decisive battle, where the old dragon king and the queen of the Moko Party, Yoda of the future society, the guardian of the guardian of the Guiyue Society, and the goddess of the equatorial sky are fighting here.
   But Ye Qingmei's anticipation of Zhongtian's dim and dark battle scene didn't appear. She was in front of a misty fog, very strange.
   "Mist of Chaos." Miao Miao explained, "The battlefield of this game is being destroyed, these mists are signs of being destroyed."
"The battle between the old dragon king and those guys is so fierce, and the battlefield of the game can't bear their power." Ye Qingmei said curiously, reaching out a wave, a sword appeared in her hand, she stabbed it with that sword. Poke the fog.
   "It shouldn't be because of their power..." Miao Miao said that the situation of the battlefield collapse, once counted once, was basically related to Ye Chuan... but she would not naturally tell Ye Qingmei the real reason.
   "Hey, what's wrong with him?" Ye Qingmei found Long Zhuzheng staring at the mist with melancholy eyes.
   "He should be remembering the past." Miao Miao said with a smile, and took the lead into the mist, "Sister Ome, Longyu, let's act quickly."
   Ye Qingmei gave Xiaolong a puzzled look, but he didn't think much about it. He followed Longhui and got into the mist of chaos. (Ps: Chapter 354)
The figures of the three enter the chaotic mist, everything here is in a state of chaotic nothingness, as if the direction will be confused, and the sound is difficult to spread. Although Ye Qingmei is powerful and unmatched, but her superficial setting is just a warrior, for such a situation Some are difficult to fight, and can only follow the meow and dragon's side step by step.
   At first she was still interested in the mist, but soon she felt bored.
   "The space here seems to be much wider than the outside space." Ye Qingmei complained while nibbling the apple.
   "Mist of Chaos is a special area in the game. The battlefield is being reset, and the space will also be distorted. It should be more natural than it looks outside." The kitten explained.
  Ye Qingmei finished eating the apple in her hand, and suddenly chased beside Long Hui in front of her and asked, "Is the thing you want to find in the mist of chaos? There is no direction here, how can you be sure to find that thing?"
   "It doesn't need me to find it, it will come to me on its own initiative." Xiao Long explained briefly, shook his head, and fluttered his hair.
   "嘁!" Ye Qingmei rolled his eyes, so it was mysterious.
   At this time, Miao Miao suddenly shouted, "Come here, does it appear?"
   "What?" When Ye Qingmei was puzzled, a red sword light broke into the distance.
   Xiaolong's eyes were dignified, and he extended his right arm. A simple book on his arm appeared first, wrapped around his arm, and then three streams of light came on, red, green, and white.
  The three red lights are three sword qi, they are the killing sword, the fairy sword and the sinking sword!
   And the quaint book... is the God List!
After the dragon became the ring spirit, his existence has changed, which is equivalent to Nirvana rebirth. The old dragon king is his previous life. Although he still knows how to control the Zhuxian sword, the Zhuxian sword is no longer bound to him, that is, he has not recognized it. It is up to him, so before entering this game, God Meteor Leaf also lent the God List to Xiaolong.
   The power of Fengshenbang is the Fengshen. Xiaolong can use the Fengshenbang to let him regain the identity of the old dragon king, and he is successfully recognized by Zhuxianjian.
   Of course, using soul gems is actually easier, but isn’t it necessary to spend points? Ye Chu can't easily control the points and gains without fully achieving the source.
Ye Qingmei didn't recognize the God List, but she could perceive the three sword qi, she showed a shocked color, only to feel that the sword qi was exquisite and edible... Just followed her and reacted: "The thing Long Long wants to take It's the Zhuxianjian!?"
   At this time, the old dragon king, in the world of Haotian, burned his life and made a blow, and died, and then he was forcibly arrested by a certain old Yinbi hiding beside him, and began a second life.
  Zhu Xianjian is turned into an unowned thing, about to be wiped out by God, and return to the undead world.
   However, with the connection of the Gods List and the Four Swords of Zhuxian, the God Meteor Dragon forcibly summoned Zhuxianjian into his hands.
  Zhu Xianjian is blood-colored, and Xianxian sword is also blood-colored, but compared with it, it is much lighter, like orange.
  Four swords in one, the power of Zhuxian sword formation was suppressed by the dragon, but Ye Qingmei, who was a natural swordsman, still felt the sword that made her feel awe.
   The first killing team in the world is worthy of the name!
"The things I want to collect are already in hand. We have completed the task of this game. We have completed it." Xiaolong felt the power of Zhuxian Sijian and smiled on his face. Zhuxian Sijian belonged to the sub-artifact level combination item and was touched. The power of the origin, now he can't beat Ye Chui, he is absolutely a trick to other people, even in the era of mythology, he is definitely standing on the peak of existence.
Ye Qingmei felt very puzzled about Xiaolong’s ability to charge Zhu Xianjian. The kitten was responsible for explaining to her indiscriminately. This did not dispel Ye Qingmei’s doubts, but she had a strong interest in Xiaolong and took a photo in the past. Patting Xiaolong's shoulder: "You are very powerful, everyone will have a good exchange in the future..."
However, her hand patting Long Zhu's shoulder accidentally hooked Long Zhu's long flowing hair. When the palm was raised, she pulled a few hair strands... slick, and the long hair fell off Long Zhu's head. , UU reading reveals a large bald head.
   Ye Qingmei froze directly, and Long Zhu's body was also stiff.
   The kitten stood next to him and opened his mouth wide: "Wow!"
After a brief silence, Ye Qingmei quickly stooped down, quickly picked up her hair cover, and put it on Long Zhu's head. She laughed awkwardly in her mouth, pretending nothing happened and walked into the mist. , "I don't know the five guys who are decisively fighting the old dragon king, now there are a few Kazakhstan..."
"..." Xiao Long straightened Dai Fang's hair set with a sullen face, and green muscles had burst out of his forehead. His sword gas radiated out, and he said to Ye Qingmei, he gritted his teeth, "Are you going to communicate with me? Come on now." , Meow... kitten, use space gems to help us set up an enchantment!"
  He has endured Ye Qingmei for a long time!
  Sword Qi swept Ye Qingmei like a wave.
  Ye Qingmei couldn't help but shudder, she raised her hands in a hurry: "Stop, I won't fight you, I'm willing to admit that you are the strongest swordman..."
   (ps: Chapter 362...)
   This chapter is 2900 words, and it is charged according to 2500. Because there are many repetitions, 400 words are free~~
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