Chapter 914: Thomas, it’s finally my turn to talk to you about the conditions

Surprised Karasen, a huge figure rose into the sky, and under the control of Meow Meow, he greeted the black hole vortex in the sky. In the black hole vortex, Dormam's body was spreading from inside.
Although Domam has wisdom, it is not a creature in general.
It is more like a community of consciousness in the world, any existence in the dark dimension is its body.
From the huge black hole vortex, linking gorgeous spheres are floating, and there are countless pounds of dark energy falling through.
Every resident of this world will change their appearance as soon as they come into contact with those dark energies. Withered lines appear around their eyes and become the dark believers of Dormam.
The world on the battlefield has already been in chaos, and the survivors who came to participate in the battle royale are all in awe.
Surprisingly, Karasen’s huge body rushed into the sky, and the eccentric sphere that spread out from the black hole was arrogantly blasted back, and the blue space energy continued to explode, sending bursts of silent explosions.
Karasen's huge tentacle tail waved around in the sky, a strange feeling of Cthulhu coming.
In this way, Karasen arrogantly tried to come back to the Domham who engulfed the world, and Karasen's body emitting blue energy waves also followed into the dark dimension on the other side of the black hole vortex.
The dark dimension is a strange and gorgeous world. The colorful spheres are connected like cells, empty, dark and endless.
In contrast, Karasen, who is hundreds of meters tall, is as small as dust here.
But even so, the amazing energy released by Karasen is still constantly destroying the world, and various explosions occur one after another.
In the endless darkness, Thomas condensed into a human form. His eyes were angry. The dark giant grabbed Karasen, but was quickly caught by Karasen's huge pliers arm.
It's like a battle of dark beasts in the infinite star space!
In the world of Doctor Strange, Boom! boom! Xiaolong released Dao Zhuxian sword qi, bombarded Dark Guyi one after another.
Building after building bursts one after another.
If it is a normal ancient one, it certainly can't withstand this special effect level of attack, but it can become a dark believer. Ancient one who fully accepted the power of Dormam has become extremely powerful, and she barely supported it.
She climbed out of a ruin, holding the magic shield with difficulty, and never saw a smile on her face.
As a believer, she can feel Tommam’s encounter to a certain extent, but the pictures she perceives make her unbelievable. The cat-like girl rushed into the dark dimension in Domme’s own territory. I can’t say a word from Dormam...
These people from the real world are more powerful than she imagined.
And those standing behind them are even more terrifying...
She gasped, seeing Xiaolong walked over like a stroll in the court, with one hand behind her, one hand touching her hair, and the Zhuxian sword circling around his body.
"..." Gu Yi can feel that Xiaolong's current strength is actually not as good as the previous one, but now he has that majestic fighting intention that is more dangerous. If the bald and ruthless boy was just a terrifying power before For comedians, the middle-aged man in front of him is a ruthless warrior.
In contrast, the person in front of him feels more dangerous.
Xiaolong smiled all over his face. Since following Ye Cui on the path of comet, he hasn't been so happy for a long time.
Dark Gu Yi gritted his teeth, and the green time energy rune on her arm was entangled. She released the magic of stealing Xiaolong's time-the dragon of the middle-aged man's image, and the image immediately changed and became the bald cold young man.
At the same time, the dark ancient one quickly controls the time gem and wants to re-release the time loop magic to himself.
Unable to defeat the person in front of her, at least she can trap the person in front of her in the time loop as before...
However, wow! After half of her time, the magic suddenly shattered, and a translucent sword didn't know when she appeared beside her. She was trembling and making a "buzzing" sound.
"Entering your time cycle magic, it is really difficult to get rid of it, but since let me enter once, it is impossible to trap me again with this magic." Xiao Long touched his bald head, and his cold face appeared. With a trace of disappointment, he explained to Dark Guyi, "This sword is called a trapped fairy sword. It is a sword that can trap the fairy, and at the same time, any traps that it has seen once can no longer let it fall into it. "
Time cycle magic is like a trap. Once trapped once, you can no longer trap the fairy sword into the second time.
The magic of the time cycle used by Dark Ancient One to control the time gem is indeed terrible, but its terrible place is after trapping people, and if it cannot trap people into the time cycle, then it is nothing.
"..." Dark Gu Yi was shocked. With the appearance of being eroded by the darkness, it was even more terrible. She gritted her teeth fiercely, and the time gem power in her hand was again urged by her to open a certain spell.
"Oh?" Xiaolong sensed what he was about to stop and immediately stopped, but a strange smile appeared on his face.
"Although I don't know the future... what is happening in the real world, but you have a part of the power of the gem of time in your hands." Dark Guyi said at this moment.
She refers to the stone statue of her below the base of the meteorite.
There is a part of time gem power.
The meteor can affect the past, and it depends on the power of the time gem in this statue.
Dark Ancient One was able to awaken, also because the time gem in her hand inadvertently connected that part of the energy, allowing her to see the future and reality.
"I am not your opponent... It seems that I am not qualified to talk to you about the conditions, but at least I still have the qualification to die with you." The dark ancient face reappeared with a smile of evil charm, "I use the time gem The connection of reality opens the door to the reality... I can’t pass that door, but Dormam itself is energy, a collection of consciousness in the world, it can pass through that door and come to reality!"
"Since I cannot enter reality, let reality be swallowed up by darkness!"
She wants to use the time gem in her hand to connect with the energy of the time gem under the base of Shen Meteorology to release Dormam into the real world!
Dark Gu Yi laughed wildly.
Then she found Xiaolong looking at her strangely.
"You... why is this expression!? I have opened the door. No one can stop it. Even if you kill me, you can't stop Dorma from coming to reality. Your reality will be swallowed... all of you. People will be buried together!" Gu Yi, who had fallen into a hysterical state, snarled.
"Oh!" Xiaolong shook his head. "Your idea is very good...Unfortunately you don't understand who the future and reality are now."
The singular doctor in fantasy The time gem of the worlds of the heavens, and the energy of the time gem below the base of the God Meteorology, interconnected to open a channel through which to connect with reality, fantasy and side of the channel is in the dark dimension Inside.
Carlason, who was being surprised, chased the fattened Carlason, felt the open portal, countless sphere-like dark energies surged rapidly, and madly poured into the portal.
It passed through this door.
However, on the other side of the door, in the future and the real world, it saw a figure.
Wearing a robe, his face is holy.
His eyes were glowing at Dormam.
It is a meteor.
Because the power is too large, Ye Chuu's body and his power have been difficult to interfere too much in the past, but in the future, he has no restrictions at all.
"Dormam." God Meteor Leaf let out a magnificent sound, deterring Hengyu, "It's finally my turn to talk to you about the conditions."
Dormam: "..."
Golden magical energy burst out.
Dormam entered into the real body, and instantly burst, even without scum...
Dark Ancient One can share his senses with Dormam. She saw the sacred figure and felt the dazzling radiance.
Located in the world of Dr. Strange, she couldn't help but scream, her eyes were instantly blinded, and she even felt that the terrifying energy also passed through the door she opened and spread to the dark dimension.
Thomas is wailing, the darkness is dying...
"I have to thank you." Xiaolong shook his head and walked slowly to Gu Yi, who had fallen to his knees and became weak. He reached out and took off the eye of Agomomoto from her. He smiled and said, " The boss in my family is too powerful, you don’t know, he rarely has such a chance to shoot, and he is almost broken..."
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