Chapter 929: There is nothing that a snap of your fingers can't solve! (700...

   In the Dragon Ranch, the air seemed to be sluggish for a moment because of Ye Qingmei's untimely words.
   It was Hatch that broke the awkward atmosphere.
   The mechanical dog came out angrily, and said to the source Dao Zun: "Why are you crazy, Xiao Wuzi!?" After that, he turned his head and showed an apologetic expression to the others: My shoveling officer made everyone laugh!
   "Do you know that I have endured your stupid dog for a long time!" Origin Dao Zun said almost gritted his teeth.
   What kind of shovel officer do you want to be a Transformer! ?
   While he was speaking, he stretched out his thin, wood-like palm, and waved it at Haki. A book of slips immediately emerged from Haki, like a wandering dragon, and fell into the hands of the original Taoist priest.
   The slips of the book kept hovering on the arm of the original Taoist priest.
   is the Fengshen Bang.
   Origin Dao Zun has quietly controlled this legendary item.
   "Wow!?" Haki showed a shocked expression, barked in his mouth, wanting to retake the Conferred God List, but found that he could not do it.
He realized that the situation was urgent, and accompanied by a sound of "kaka", his body turned into a human appearance-although Hachi is still used to showing dog forms at the Shenyue base, in fact, when he is active in the world, Hachi prefers Use another identity.
   The strongest mechanical life body.
   He is in metallic color, with a spiritual gem on his forehead, and a faint six-foot Qionggou jade appears behind him.
   In addition to Hatch, everyone else in the Dragon Ranch has also entered a fighting state, and Ye Qingmei has summoned Wan Jian to levitate behind.
   Xiaolong, as the first person in the heavens under Ye Chui, immediately condensed the sword aura of the Zhuxian Sword Formation. Well, a sword aura cut through the space, jumped through the cause and effect, and landed on the original Dao Zun.
   The sword energy of the Zhuxian Sword Array cuts through the space, and that space ripples.
   Origin Dao Zun's old figure flickered, and then he returned to normal.
This scene made Meow Meow, Hatch, Claudia and others who were ready to do their work immediately stopped. Xiaolong’s Zhu Xian sword formation was definitely the strongest attack among them, but the old guy in front of him was completely immune. ?
   Origin Dao Venerable grinned open his mouth with mutilated teeth, and mocked: "I said, I am Origin Dao Venerable. Any power on Dao and rules is invalid for me."
The four swords of Zhuxian floated around Xiaolong's body, and his face wrinkled slightly when he heard the original Dao Zun's words. Now they could not contact Ye Chui, but the attack just made Xiaolong faintly feel the existence of the original Dao Zun, the original old original Dao. Zun, at this time, his body is full of... the power that Ye Chui inherited from the king, that is the power of the original rules.
   There are thousands of rules in the world. In the East, this is also called Tao, and the origin is the rule that governs all rules and all Tao. It is the strongest rule.
   Xiaolong’s Zhuxian Sword Array is a secondary artifact. It has touched part of its origin, but its origin is completely unable to cause harm to the old man in front of him...because he is the incarnation of origin, any regular type of attack is invalid for him!
   When Xiaolong was surprised and suspicious, a sword suddenly rushed out of Xiaolong like a violent wind and tsunami, and swept the original Taoist priest.
   Origin Dao Zun still had a mocking expression on his face, but suddenly his face changed drastically, boom! boom! Ye Qingmei's sword aura smashed onto the Origin Dao Venerable like a torrential rain, and instantly buried the Origin Dao Venerable and swallowed it.
  Everyone on site: "……"
   Ye Qingmei is also full of question marks: "Hey, I just try..."
   Xiaolong was also stunned, and he was the first person under Ye Shu...
   But he quickly thought of the reason: "Ome, you actually haven't reached the level of controlling the rules..."
   Except for the seven-star sword, Ye Qingmei has no other legendary items.
Her ten thousand swords return to the sect... this ability can't be explained by the normal abilities of the heavens. It's just because she was born in the legendary forest of the undead world, a life conceived in ten thousand swords, a born swordman, and a sword. There is an instinct.
   None of her abilities were learned through God’s games.
   When I read Xiaoye Shuri's comic book, he fumbled for a three-sword skill.
Later, when I saw the nameless sword playing super handsome, I just learned it casually, but her return of ten thousand swords is definitely not the real return of ten thousand swords. Aircraft missiles can be controlled as swords. Carrying the Heavenly Sword Wuming Punishment...
   This is definitely not something ordinary people can do.
   Ye Qingmei turned her head to look at Xiaolong, which means that the reason why her attack can be effective against the Origin Dao Venerable is because her level is not enough? To be honest, she feels offended...
   But Xiaolong immediately said: "Everyone cooperate with Qingmei and let her attack!"
Ye Qingmei’s attack has indeed not touched the level of the rules, but this does not mean that her level is not enough, because as a life born in the immortal world, she itself is different from people in the real world, and her sword-qi attack is an attack outside the rules. .
   And this is precisely the nemesis of the Origin Dao Zun!
   Hearing Xiaolong's reminder, the others also reacted quickly, ready to cooperate with Ye Qingmei to launch an attack.
   But at this moment, the old voice of Yuan Yuan Dao Zun rang.
   "I'm back as before!"
   "I am no longer the ring spirit of Ye Chui!"
   "I became..."
   Origin Dao Zun is borrowing the Conferred God power of the Conferred God List. Ye Qingmei's ten thousand sword bombardment will severely damage him, but using the power of the Conferred God List, he can eliminate his severely injured attributes and restore himself to the original state.
   At the same time, he also used the Conferred God List to eliminate his ordeal status.
   Hearing his series of words, although Xiao Long didn't know what his third sentence was going to say, he still felt a very bad premonition.
   "Can't let him say the third sentence!" Xiaolong shouted.
Meow has moved quickly, her body has entered the form of Marvel Meow, rushing to Ye Qingmei's side, her body is surrounded by blue spatial energy waves, and she and Ye Qingmei have teleported to the original Taoist priest's body that is quickly recovering. before.
In the sound of    screaming, countless people were inspired by her, leaped into the air, turned into a stegosaurus, and bombarded the original Taoist priest.
   This successfully interrupted the third sentence that Yuanyuan Dao Zun was about to say.
  Feng Shen Bang wandered around Yuanyuan Dao Zun, blocking the handful of swords, his body instantly moved to other places, his face was cold, his mouth opened and he was about to continue talking.
But the space beside the source Taoist suddenly fluctuated strangely, and Ye Qingmei's sword dragon appeared out of nowhere, and continued to rush towards the source Taoist priest. Miaomiao used the power of the space gem to transfer Ye Qingmei's sword dragon. past.
   The source of Dao Zun's voice was interrupted again.
   His figure already looked a little embarrassed, while using the Conferred God List to protect himself, while avoiding.
   Miao Miao cooperated with Ye Qingmei, and in the blue light, the figure quickly moved around Yuanyuan Dao Zun.
   Xiaolong was surrounded by the Four Swords of Zhuxian, standing beside him with a majestic expression.
   Hatch raised his hands and pointed countless black technology weapons in the air.
   Claudia summoned the blood forest, and the huge book of God floats behind her-now the book of blood has fully obtained the power of the book of god.
   Dabao stood nervously on one side.
   just woke up, her head was still a little confused, Xiaomei, although she didn't know what happened, she still looked at her with a pan next to her.
   The little fox fluttered in his dress and skirt, standing in an absolutely safe area, staring at the battlefield with solemn eyes.
   "Auntie..." Ao Jiao and Ao Xing, the siblings, leaned to the little fox at this time, "What are they doing?" Ao Xing asked.
   "Fight together, isn't it obvious?" said the little fox.
"..." Ao Xing and Ao Jiao glanced at each other, then looked at the field: Meow was cooperating with Ye Qingmei to continuously teleport around the Origin Dao Zun, summoning ten thousand swords to attack. As for the others, they just stood. Posing a very powerful look next to him.
   This made them couldn't help but think of the scene of the Eighteen Bronze People and the K People in God of Cookery.
   Beating people goes to beating people, but you can't forget the scene.
   seemed to see Ao Xing Aojiao’s doubts, and the little fox explained to them: "This way we will look very powerful, everyone is very useful."
   "..." Ao Xing choked a little, then looked up and down at the majestic aunt Fox, and couldn't help asking, "What about you, auntie?"
   The little fox stood too far away.
   The little fox chuckled and said confidently: "I'm telepathically directing Ome and Meow to fight."
   "Really!?" The siblings were in awe.
   "No, I'm pretending to be directing the battle..." the little fox continued.
   The body of Dao Zun Yuanyuan was constantly injured, so that he had no time to say the third sentence. The effect of the first sentence of the word of the gods was still working, but his condition was still declining.
   Origin Dao Zun is a very unique existence.
   He is the first generation of God King, a consciousness born from the original rules, and the creator of the battle royale game. Of course he is very powerful. If he wants to defeat him, he can only reach the level of the original rules.
   The second generation king and now Ye Chui, defeated him to some extent.
   can defeat him, it does not mean that he can be killed. If you master the source, you will subconsciously fear the source, your consciousness will be affected, and you cannot kill him.
   He is almost immune to attacks under the original rules.
   Ye Qingmei, who came from the undead world, became his nemesis.
   At a certain level, Ye Chui contributed to the birth of Ye Qingmei, and made her feel fettered with herself, maybe because of this moment, this is the meaning of her existence...
   At least Ye Qingmei successfully prevented the Origin Dao Venerable from plundering Ye Chu's identity.
   It's just... just when the original Taoist priest was about to fail, the sky suddenly became gloomy.
   This is the Dragon Ranch, a space world of Ye Chui. It is not connected to the real world, but I don't know why. At this time, there are dark clouds in the sky, and faint thunder is brewing.
   Some indescribable things are showing hideous figures in the dark clouds.
"What is that..." Dumbledore, the mayor of the grotesque town, holding the old magic wand in his hand, pointing to the sky and casting a spell. He wanted to calm the vision, but couldn't do it. What did he feel, "Heaven...appears A hole."
  "The breath of the undead world..." Xiaolong looked to the sky, feeling a lot, "that is the mirror of the undying world...the entrance to the undead world and reality is about to be completely opened!?"
In the Battle Royale of Ice and Fire, Xiaolong was tempted, burned his life and performed a blow to kill the immortal, cracking the surviving mirror. After that, in the battle royale related to Ye Chu, the surviving people continued to appear like eggs. .
   Later, Ye Chui got the inheritance of the king, because of the turmoil of the gods, the surviving mirror was further broken, and the heavens descended.
   But the undead mirror can still block part of the undead world, so that the undead in the undead world can't rush into the world at will.
   And now, the surviving mirror is completely shattered!
   The entrance to the undead world and the present world is no longer blocked!
   The reason all this happened is because... Ye Qingmei!
Now Ye Chui is carrying out her own ritual of becoming a god. No one controls the origin of the world. As a messenger and killing weapon from the immortal realm, Ye Qingmei’s presence will affect the surviving mirror. Ye Chui has long prevented this. , Deliberately created a world beyond time and space, ready to let Ye Qingmei leave when she became a god.
   But just now, Ye Qingmei was brought back by the Origin Dao Zun.
   He had done tricks on Ye Qingmei's body long ago!
   And this made Ye Chui's worries come true. With the help of Ye Qingmei's influence, the undead world successfully broke the mirror of the undead, and it was about to be completely liberated from the undead world!
   Origin Dao Zun also sensed the vision of the sky, with a wanton smile on his face.
  He was waiting for this moment!
   Of course he knows the existence of Ye Qingmei. This girl is the only one who does not possess the power of rules and is enough to threaten him, but at the same time she is also the key to making the heavens come completely.
  The Undead World, this "recycle bin" that has existed since the Battle Royale began. I don't know how many survivors have accumulated for countless years.
   These survivors come to the world and will cause a devastating blow to this world.
   This is the purpose of Dao Zun Yuanyuan!
   He wants to usurp Ye Chui's divine position and regain control of the origin, but Ye Chui himself is not an ordinary person, how can he seize the divine position so easily?
Ye Chui came from reality. He had friends, comrades, and relatives around him. These fetters were his anchors. If these anchors were not completely cut off, then he could not be completely killed, even if the source of the Daoist priest captured Ye Chui’s position. , Became Ye Chu, and the real Ye Chu turned into an indescribable existence that would haunt him forever.
   Therefore, while capturing the position of God, he created the heavens to descend and destroy the world, cutting off all the anchors, so as to completely kill Ye Chu and let him return to his original position. After that, the world still belongs to him.
  He can also try to recreate his life and start the battle royale again...
   Now everything is about to succeed!
   In the hole in the sky, illusory figures began to pour in continuously.
   They quickly changed from illusory to real, and began to show various powers.
   Each one is extremely powerful and terrifying.
   This is a game of gods, battle royale, hosting all the people who have been obliterated for countless years, they carry terrible resentment and desire!
   "Everyone fights these guys together!" Xiaolong shouted loudly. His figure has soared up, wrapped in the majestic sword energy of the first killer formation in the heavens, and rushed to the survivors who descended into the world.
   These people are now the most terrifying killers!
   "All the magicians in the grotesque town..." Dumbledore's hoarse voice also resounded, "Hurry up and go back to the castle!"
   "Mayor, is it still a bit unreasonable at this time?" Darwin asked in surprise.
"No, the entrance to the Undead World is opened in the Dragon Ranch. We must guard the entrance to the Dragon Ranch and the real world, and there must not be a crisis in the real world!" Dumbledore said loudly, and his figure had been apparated and entered. Inside the castle.
Many people gathered in the Dragon Ranch today. Ye Chui seemed to have predicted that something big would happen soon. Almost every powerhouse in the world of survivors was called here-of course, these powerhouses now belong to Member of the Heavens Foundation.
   The purpose of the Zhutian Foundation for survivors is that you must either be a containment officer or be contained...
  The roar of dragons resounded across the sky, and huge dragons appeared across the sky.
   Their body size has grown extremely huge, the longest has even reached a hundred meters in length, the dragon is Su Da, the fox that the little fox hatches, it really has a bit of Smaug now.
These dragons originally lived on Longchao Mountain on the side of Hogwarts Castle, but when they became extremely large, Longchao Mountain was no longer suitable for living, so Ye Chui specially created a huge dragon for them. Island, specifically as a residence for their activities.
The little fox looked at the red dragon flying in the front among the dragons, his expression immediately rounded up, showing a touched expression, and said to the sister and brother Zhu Xing Aojiao who was about to fight next to her: "Look. Slot, the biggest dragon! I hatched it myself back then!"
   Ao Xing, Ao Jiao: "???"
   The end of the legendary era, since the beginning of the film and television era, the greatest battle in the world for survivors broke out.
   This unparalleled battle instantly turned the huge dragon battlefield into a dark sky, and was illuminated by fire and thunder. The magical creatures living here fell into panic and avoided.
  The spread of the battle turned countless scenery and buildings on the huge island into ashes...
   This level of battle went into intense heat almost at the beginning.
   Xiaolong’s heavenly sword array brought up the brightest light in the sky.
   The humanoid Haki floated up. His fighting style was a mixture of Marvel's Scarlet Witch and Vision. At the same time, the six-foot Qiong Jade appeared behind him, and a huge Susano male body was summoned.
   rises across the sky and launches an attack.
The original Susano swallowed his own divine body, merged with the three artifacts to incarnate the Eight Divine Cthulhus, touched the original realm, and after being killed, Ye Chui received a six-foot Qiong jade, and the existence of the Eight Divine Cthulhus made the six feet of the three artifacts Qiong Goyu and Susano’s divine body have contacted each other. With Haki’s digging, they have reached a level that can summon Susano’s divine body to fight.
  Hachi’s growth over the years is also obvious to all. It is his equipment and image in the Marvel world. The summoning of Susano to fight feels a bit different...
On the other side, Claudia was wrapped in layers of black rooms. The Book of God opened behind her. As Claudia chanted the sacred text, a red angel was summoned by her. These The angel flew into the sky.
   is another contestant with a different style of painting.
   To fully excavate the ability of the Book of God, combined with the characteristics of the Book of the Blood God, Claudia can combine the angel of God and the vampire to form this red angel, which is stronger than ordinary angels.
   The most important thing is not to die, even if the body is broken up, it can instantly regroup.
   Compared to other people's battles, Miao Miao and Ye Qingmei are still working together to attack the original Dao Zun.
   only Ye Qingmei's sword became slower and slower.
She felt something was wrong, and there seemed to be a crazy voice in her ears that was constantly roaring: "Have you forgotten where you came from? You were born in the legendary forest of the undead world. You are the life we ​​bred, it is you and us The sword sent into the world, your mission is to kill the survivors... Remember, remember who you are..."
   The soul seal that Ye hangs in her body is disintegrating bit by bit.
   "Sister Qingmei, don't be affected by other influences." Meow reminded quickly.
   "I know, but I...I..." Ye Qingmei's dark eyes were slowly turning red.
   Her mission is to kill.
  The mission is being awakened little by little...
   When fighting in the dim sky of the dragon ranch, in the strange and regularized space of becoming a god, Ye Chui was wrestling with the consciousness of the original Taoist priest.
   "You said you knew it a long time ago?" Yuan Yuan Dao Zun's voice was full of disdain.
"Yes, why do you think I would give the Conferred God List to Haki without worrying about it, and put you by Haki's side?" Ye Chui laughed. There were actually some doubts in his mind, as if there was a cloud of dark clouds. At this moment, the dark clouds dispelled and let him understand everything.
   The former king did leave this world, but at the same time, he didn't completely leave the mess to Ye Chu, in fact, he still kept a hand in the end.
   That hand is the Fengshen Bang!
Xu Zhonglin created the Conferred God World according to the order of the God King, and at the same time controlled the Conferred God List. She also hid in the Conferred God World he created with the help of the Conferred God List, and completely avoided the capture of the God King... All this sounds like It makes sense, but Ye Chui has now completely stepped into the realm of the king, knowing what the king can do.
   How could Xu Zhonglin really deceive the king?
   He was able to the entitlement list, which was secretly allowed by the former king!
   The former king deliberately left the Fengshen Bang in this world.
He controlled the battle royale of the number one player and made Yuanyuan Dao Zun the ring spirit of Ye Chui. Ye Chui needed the Four Swords of Zhuxian to solve the problem of Domam getting the Time Gem, and the sword of the Four Swords was in the hands of Xu Zhonglin, so Ye Chui It is bound to meet Xu Zhonglin and receive the Sealed God List in Xu Zhonglin’s hands. The Origin Dao Zun will also take the opportunity to take the Sealed God List as his own, and use the Sealed God List to free himself from the of the ring spirits...
   And the Fengshen Bang is a trap left to the original Dao Zun.
  The former king wanted to let the original Dao Zun control the Conferred God List!
When Ye Chu inherited the inheritance, he didn’t know all this, because for the strong, as long as he knew any secret, he could be sensed, so this was a piece that the king quietly buried in Ye Chu’s heart before he left this world. line.
   just waiting for the source of Dao Zun to take the bait.
"The Three Books of Heaven, Earth and Humans are the most powerful artifacts in the legendary age." Ye Chui explained to Origin Dao Zun, "These powerful items have a strong connection. The previous kings used the book of life and death to seal you. The breath of life and death is left on you, and now the Conferred God List is under your control, and the Book of Earth, Mountains and Seas in the Three Books of Heaven, Earth and Humans were taken away by the King of Gods, creating a whole new world... Contact, he can forcibly pull you from this world to the new world he created."
   Upon hearing these words, a trace of fear suddenly appeared on the face of Yuanyuan Dao Zun.
   "You are the incarnation of the original rules. No one in this world can kill you, but in the world created by the king himself, you... are nothing." Ye Chui continued.
  The king left this world, perhaps because he has seen the changes in the world, he, an ancient man, is not suitable for everything in the current society, and at the same time he is also troubled by the original Taoist priest, and wants to solve this trouble forever.
   So he used the scripture of mountains and seas to leave this world with countless powerful survivors at the end of the new century and create a whole new world. It will be a fantasy world belonging to myths and legends...
   As for the original Taoist priest, he has not forgotten either.
  Fengshen Bang is an invitation card, a talisman that will bring the original Dao Zun to that fantasy world, and he will be left to the disposal of the king.
   At the same time that Ye Chu finished these words, in the Dragon Ranch, the Origin Dao Venerable who suffered severe body damage suddenly went mad and wanted to throw the Conferred God List entangled around him, but it was too late.
   When Ye Chui realized everything, it would send a signal to the former king.
   Then, a bright beam of light suddenly appeared from the void, shrouded in the body of Dao Zun Yuan, holding him slowly to the sky.
  Feng Shen Bang seems to have turned into a chain, entwining the body of Yuan Yuan Dao Zun, making him unable to break free.
   Soon, the Origin Dao Zun disappeared into the sky, everything he had in this world was cut off, and he could no longer release any influence.
   "Meow?" Meow was puzzled when he saw Yuanyuan Dao Zun leave suddenly and strangely, but then she saw something that made her more concerned: Ye Qingmei, who stood beside her, had completely red eyes!
   The face that was so kind to Meow Meow looked strange at this time.
   "Sister Ome..."
   Ye Qingmei turned her head weirdly to look at Meow Meow, grinning with a ferocious smile.
   The swords that hovered around her body were infested by a certain black sword aura, becoming evil and cruel.
   She completely transformed back to the killing machine created by the undead world.
   "Sister Qingmei..." Meow, who has always been fearless, suddenly felt a deep fear in her heart.
   The black sword trembled, and it was about to attack.
   But at this moment, a holy palm appeared in the void and landed on Ye Qingmei's head.
   The black sword fell to the ground immediately, and the black sword energy dissipated.
   Under the palm of his hand, Ye Qingmei's face also slowly recovered its original expression, the red color in her eyes gradually dissipated, and her crazy-occupied consciousness returned to normal, and she looked around suspiciously, "What happened...?"
   "Main Silver!" Meow said in surprise.
   Ye Chui with the special effects of holy light all over his appeared in front of them.
   "Chang'er...Dad...Boss, what's wrong with me?" Ye Qingmei asked strangely.
   "It's nothing, just a few small problems." Ye Chui said with a smile, looking up at the void in the sky.
   Although the original Dao Zun was taken away, the arrival of the heavens did not end.
   But it doesn’t matter anymore.
   Because Ye Chui has become a king, he has become the absolute master of this world.
   He raised his hand, and the Infinite Glove appeared on his hand automatically.
   Inspired by his thoughts, six infinite gems appeared one after another, automatically falling onto the infinite glove.
   Ye Chui, who has mastered the origin, can do whatever he wants without using Infinite Gloves.
   But... some things need a sense of ritual after all.
   After all, it took him a lot of energy to put together the infinite gloves.
   He raised his arm and manipulated the infinite power of six infinite gems.
   Snap, snap a finger lightly
   There is nothing that can't be solved with a snap!
  Huh... the old man initiated the rush to speed up the same year~~
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