Chapter 62: Kill

There is no way in the world, Huangquan has a way-killing Gu.
Gu Lian blew the first syllable, and a tiny red gu gu came out of the end of the flute, spread its wings and quickly flew towards the target. Only in an instant, I didn't get into the nose of that population, and the Gu Gu was down!
Cup bow snake shadow, Bi snake panic-snake shadow.
The twin spirit snake phantom swept out suddenly, hitting the target, so fast that it could not be seen at all, and thought it was the wind.
Golden head jade claws, thousand feet travel to the sky-hundred feet.
The colorless internal force rushed out and hit five targets centered on the Huns leader. The Huns leader was hit hard. A spit of blood spewed out, and the color turned purple. He was surprised and wondered when he was poisoned.
The effects of using the skills of the five poisoned players and NPCs are different. The reason is that the players do not have real grubs, but NPCs do. If you don’t have a grub, you want to use these moves. You can only use the system. The system stipulates that the good light effect is there, and you can’t turn it off if you want to turn it off.
With the help of Gu Gu, Gu Lian can move directly, without the help of the system, naturally there is no obstructive light effect. The only trouble is that the three sacred beasts of Saint Scorpion, Jade Toad and Wind Centipede have not yet been raised, so the corresponding three actions of Scorpion Heart, Toad and Baizuo will produce some subtle light effects on the surface of the insect flute. The reflection of the colored glass makes it less conspicuous.
The leader of the Huns was Tu Gu. He searched for Di Yin and found Gu Lian's position. He stepped back cautiously and quickly retreated from Gu Lian's attack. However, how could Gu Lian turn him into danger, and the small point of light and the clouds approached month by month, hitting a toad, hitting eight targets, including him, with venom.
Jade toxin is not a pure attack like a spirit snake, and the by-product of toad poison is chaos. Jade Toad has a skill called Toad Noise, which can forcibly attract nearby targets to attack Jade Toad, and the toad poison effect used by NPC is similar to this, which can make it difficult for the target to separate from the enemy when attacking.
Of course, the player does not have this effect, after all, the player does not really raise a jade toad.
It's a pity that Gu Lian's current use of Yuchan is based on the system, so it can't be accompanied by a real toxin effect.
But even so, the toxin effect of Toad is very impressive, the point is that it can attack multiple targets.
Seeing that Tu Gu was not good, he decided to face up, and blind retreat was not the way. The woman on the opposite side has a good skill, but it looks soft and weak. As long as he is cut by his big knife, he can definitely be split in half.
Gu Lian threw Thousand Silk Skills smoothly, and the young spider quickly climbed onto the insect flute and quickly formed a small cobweb, which was ejected by internal force. When the spider web hits the ground, it will start to swell when it encounters snow. It is like a sponge absorbing water, absorbing the snow, and then turning it into a large net. Tu Gu can't always take off his shoes and step on the ground with bare feet. Moreover, the cobweb is huge, covering the ground about a foot wide around him.
Gu Lian smiled slightly, stepped back a few steps, stuck in the maximum attack range and began to lose skills.
The Spirit Snake had already quietly landed, and took the opportunity to climb up, biting on Tu Gu's wrist holding the knife. The snake venom instantly paralyzed his arm, and the big knife fell off, kicked away by people nearby.
"Fixed." Gu Lian threw the last move, Mian Gu Zi Gu entered the body, Tu Gu was unable to resist and fell into a deep sleep.
Qiao Mingyu stared closely at Gu Lian, his eyes splendid. Gu Lian told her before that she was high in martial arts, but she had never seen it before. Today she knew that it was really powerful.
Five poisons are best at controlling toxins. Different Gu and different skills are combined into different effects, and they are very practical without exception. Gu Lian was only a small tester today, and the other party was negligent and attacked, otherwise it would be impossible for her to be controlled so easily.
The Huns will not be trivial, otherwise the mercy will not catch up. She was restricted by the system, and she was not allowed to use big light skills after entering the war, and small light skills were obviously not enough in actual combat.
After the color of the cobweb faded into fragments of broken webs and no longer sticky, Gu Lian indicated that he could step forward, and Qiao Mingyu ordered him to tie Tu Gu to him. This man is not an unknown soldier like the other two, he still has some prestige among the Huns. Today he could have retired from the whole body. He believed that no one in Tianxi Camp could keep him, but unfortunately he met Gu Lian.
We were very excited when we caught a heavyweight. Quickly resolved the other uninvited guests, the other two leaders did not catch alive, and has now become two corpses. But with Tu Gu, these two people are not important.
After working for a long time, everyone was tired, leaving a group of people to continue vigilance, and others went back to rest. The burned camp account will be dealt with again tomorrow, and the two deputies will interrogate Tu Gu overnight, trying to clarify the situation in Min Chengzhong.
"Ming Yu." Gu Lian called out.
Qiao Mingyu heard this after finishing the task, and looked back subconsciously, only to see Gu Lian standing next to the fire and smiling at her.
"Go back to rest and prepare for tomorrow." Gu Lian said.
Qiao Mingyu nodded, his heart softened: "Okay."
Gu Lian told Mei Xiang that they would take someone to bandage the wounded soldiers. Fortunately, no one was killed, but only a few soldiers were seriously injured and needed a long rest.
The deputy commander of the female guard was also injured. She was unlucky and was stared at by Tu Gu. Although Gu Lian's timely attack on Tu Gu led away his attention, the deputy commander was still stunned. Fortunately, it is not serious, just some trauma.
"It's really ugly." The deputy commander leaned in front of Lanxiang. "Sister Lanxiang, remember me? Give me a medicine, thank you!"
Lan Xiang naturally remembered her, seeing a long knife wound on her big arm, she couldn't sit still.
"This long wound!" Lan Xiang quickly turned over the powder and poured it on the wound. Seeing her pale as a result of blood loss, she was fed a pill made by Ice Silkworm Gu, and then she was bandaged. "You This wound will definitely be scarred."
The girl's arm has such a big scar, which is very ugly.
The deputy commander didn't care, still smiling.
"It's nothing serious, just a scar. It's already good to live on the battlefield, don't cry, girl Lanxiang."
Lan Xiang glared at her, and she was still joking!
The Lord will camp, Gu Lian urged Qiao Mingyu to go to rest, but he stared at the big map for a long while, and confirmed that no Huns would attack again before he fell asleep.
Early the next morning, Qiao Mingyu went to imprison Tu Gu's camp and asked about the situation.
"The poison in Tu Gu seems to be overbearing." Lieutenant General Zuo pointed to Tu Gu rolling on the ground. "But his mouth is hard and he didn't ask anything."
Qiao Mingyu thought about it, he still had to find Gu Lian, the poison must have been Gu Lian.
Gu Lian arrived soon after receiving the news. She smiled at Tu Gu friendlyly, and Tu Gu shivered.
"You killed me..." Tu Gu said in an awkward mandarin, "I will not tell you anything..."
Gu Lian looked at him hard with cold eyes.
Gu Gu, Gu Gu, as the name implies, instantly kills. The mother gu is highly toxic, see the blood to seal the throat; although the child gu is not so domineering, it is not a good match. "There is no way in the world, Huangquan has a way", and Deng Gu dared to use this sentence to prove its ability. If Zi Gu didn't see the blood, it was okay. Once he saw the blood, the Zhong Gu people were in pain and unbearable, as if they were in Huangquan Hell and were punished by Hell. As time goes on, the pain will become more and more severe, just like the first layer of slowly turns into two layers, three layers, and four layers of superimposed. After eighteen hours, it will hurt alive.
"My drug bully is very serious. Every hour is twice as painful as the previous one. Since your bones are hard, enjoy it." Gu Lian smiled lightly and said lightly.
Tu Gu's eyes glowed with hatred, and if there was no trace of pain in his pain, he would definitely violently kill Gu Lian.
"Right, I forgot to tell you." Gu Lian continued, "In addition to this deadly poison, you also have snake venom, toad venom, centipede venom, spider venom, etc., each of them is not very good, I don't know. Do you feel hot and cold? By the way, tell you that a single poison is easy to solve, and the mixed poison is not so good to deal with. After a long time, several toxins are mixed into a new poison, I am afraid that there is no medicine to solve. You really have to wait for the pain to die."
The left deputy will be shaking with such a terrible poison. Also, this county leader is too cruel. Yesterday she played with Tu Gu for a short period of more than a dozen breaths. She actually fell into six or seven kinds of poisons.
Tu Gu didn't respond at all, and he didn't know whether it was a broken jar or a hesitant struggle. Gu Lian was too lazy to take care of him, anyway, this man's move was nothing but icing on the cake. Gu Lian did not feel that knowing the situation in the Xiongnu city would be of much help to the siege. After all, they could also estimate the general situation.
"He wouldn't even say it." Gu Lian said as he walked out. "Anyway, he's not far behind. The spies in the city should have taken advantage of the news last night."
Gu Lian said half-truly, and left the camp with Qiao Mingyu.
Behind him, Tu Gu shuddered suddenly, suddenly feeling sad.
There are too many capable men and strangers in the Tianxi Army, and the number of troops is several times that of the Huns. The Huns have no retreat. Why should they fight against Tianxi? Tu Gu regretted that he should not have come last night.
No, he should not attack Tianxi with Khan. He can stay on the grassland. No one on the grassland is stronger and stronger than him. He can occupy all the remaining food and can comfortably be the king of the mountain instead of Endure the poisonous persecution here.
"I move." After three hours, Tu Gu finally couldn't bear it. He couldn't even roll away, so he could only speak these two words with anger.
He did not ask much, but after he recruited, Gu Lian gave him a happy heart.
The author has something to say: Note: I have struggled for a long time to go to Destiny Gu or Enchanted Gu. Later, the reason I chose to do it is because... The introduction of Destiny Gu is so handsome! Give you an introduction to the confusing guts [I don’t keep my mind, if I am chaotic] ​​Is it super imposing? !
Note: The official dialect is the local dialect of the capital city, which was promoted to the whole country and became the official dialect. The capital city of the Tianxi dynasty is Huaijing (Nanjing), you can imagine the Mongolian man who speaks Nanjing hhhh
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