Chapter 103: Human offensive (3)

I saw the guru's dignified face, holding a wand, and chanting mysterious spells at the same time. A magic array suddenly appeared at the feet of him and the five hundred magicians, and let the five hundred magicians join him. Share the mana cost of that nine-level magic sacred barrier!
Twenty-three bone spurs flew over quickly, hitting the wall of sacred light one after another.
Bone spurs comparable to the nine-level master's peak strength constantly exploded on the sacred wall of light, blasting the sacred wall of light unevenly, but still unable to break through this so-called strongest level nine defense magic.
After all the bone spurs burst, Bennett, the wizard who presided over the magic circle, took a breath. He is not a priest or a nine-level magician. Although he has maintained the nine-level defensive magic by relying on the magic power of the magic circle to gather 500 magicians, his burden is not light.
Rhodes didn't let the Magical Guiding Machine rush with his own soldiers, but ordered the professional troops to remove the Magical Guiding Cannon.
Rhodes knew clearly that immediately let the magical machine 傀儡 and his fighters immediately charge instead of fighting, but sending them to death! Only after cleaning up the densely packed Zerg turrets can we charge.
的 The magic light wall formed by the sacred barriers disappears quickly. Although Bennett can make this magic exist longer, but it will consume more magic power, which is a great waste. It's not that simple to recover magic.
It was only a short while after the sacred barrier disappeared that three hundred bone spurs shot from a distance again, and the target pointed directly at the forty magical cannons.
In this attack, ten of the latest magical maggots flying in the sky, the five Warcraft crystal nuclei on their bodies flashed, and they pulled the huge magic bow in their hands at a horrible speed, ten The white light radiated from the Tao, hitting ten bone spurs with extreme precision, and detonated them in advance in the distance.
These ten latest magical maggots not only have the flying capabilities that ordinary magical maggots do not have, but also have more agility, faster response, and more amazing defense than ordinary magical maggots. More advanced, more magic can be used, of course, the cost is also more expensive, almost seven times the ordinary magic guide mechanism.
The hundred giant shields on the ground are seven meters tall, with countless magic runes painted on their chests, and seven high-end Warcraft crystal nuclei are inlaid on their knees with one knee on one knee and seven high-end magic nuclei on their chests. , The powerful magical power flowed into the magic array engraved on the body, and the magical runes on the giant shield suddenly lit up, and the white magic shields became a piece, forming a huge indestructible white shield cover.
The two hundred and ninety bone spurs hit the white shield one after another, sending out huge explosions, blasting the white shield uneven, the light was dim, but it did not successfully break through the white shield. cover.
"Replace the crystal nucleus!" Ordered Magister Bennett in the white shield. The one hundred magical warfare crystal nucleus in front of the chest were not enough for them to continue to release the magic shield.
Thousands of professional soldiers climbed vigorously to the chests of the magical machines, removed the advanced Warcraft crystal cores from their chests, and replaced them with new Warcraft crystal cores.
Twenty magical artillery cannons that have not been threatened soaked up the magical powers of magical apprentices, and finally released their horrific power. Twenty dazzling white lights blasted out and exploded in the dense Zerg battery. On, wherever Bai Guang went, the Zerg turret was destroyed instantly.
Twenty dazzling white lights cleared out twenty long channels, and no objects existed in that channel.
I was in the process, and again, five hundred bone spurs shot in the sky, and flew straight to the magical cannon.
The magical machinery that guards the magical artillery 傀儡 is replacing the advanced nucleus of Warcraft with no defense force at all.
通过 Through the eyes of the wizard, Ben stared at Bennett in the distance with a frown, a wand inlaid with a khaki-colored super-order Warcraft nucleus and pointed forward, chanting mysterious magic spells in his mouth.
A magic circle suddenly appeared at the feet of Bennett and the five hundred magicians. At the same time, the magicians who did not relax their vigilance also began to sing the mysterious magic spells, the powerful earthy magic ripples. Surging in the magic circle.
"Shield of the earth!" Bennett ended the last scale of this eighth level of defense magic. The wand in his hand waved forward, and the huge earthy magic wave rippled into the ground in front of him.
Suddenly ~ ~ A rocky wall appears in front of a magical machine maggot and a magical cannon.
五 The five hundred bone spurs in the sky were detonated ten times in advance by the latest type of magical guide mechanism 傀儡, and they successively hit the rocky wall like a hill.
The sound of huge explosions is continuous, broken stones are flying, the smoke is scattered, the huge walls of rocks are constantly being blasted out of the big holes, and quickly recovered under the effect of that magic, and then continue to be blasted out one by one Large hole, the speed of recovery finally couldn't keep up, the entire rock wall was blown up and shattered, and the remaining dozen bone spurs shot directly at the forty magic cannons and the magician guarding them.
Although the shield of the earth is strong, the defense is not as good as the sacred barrier of magical magic of level nine, and the magic powers of magicians such as Bennett are not in full state. The shield of the earth was finally broken under the continuous bombardment of the five hundred bone spurs. .
A huge explosion storm and the power of magical counterattack blow the weak magicians to pieces, their faces pale, and their mouths bleeding.
Twenty dozen magical machines that did not change the core of Warcraft 傀儡 held giant shields and blocked them in front of these precious magicians.
The remaining dozen or so bone spurs of the puppet smashed against the giant shields in the hands of the magical guides, and instantly blasted them into pieces.
爆炸 The fragments from the explosion and the maggot's limbs flew towards the weak magicians, killing more than a dozen bad luck magicians.
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