Chapter 124: The last struggle (9)

Facing the densely packed horror locusts, horrifying poison bee bees, and zerg dragons in the sky, the following human magicians gave up attacking magic, and jointly cast under the guidance of the ten great magicians, a huge magic protection The hood enveloped them.
The energy sheet spewing from the mouth of the maggot-type dragon continuously bombarded the magic shield over the magic shield, making it impossible to break through the huge magic shield for a moment.
Without the suppression of the human magician, the already precarious human battle formations collapsed with the death of a large number of ordinary humans. In addition to the magic swordsman who relies on the magical mechanical maggots, he can still barely maintain the formation. The ordinary The human warrior died quickly under the violent attack of the worm.
"I surrender! Don't kill me!" A human warrior holding a two-handed sword saw another companion torn in half by the sharp claws of the worm, and left the great sword in his hands in extreme fear. , Holding his head and cried weakly.
One of the worms that had rushed at him shunned the human warrior with a wave of his claws, chopping another human warrior who was trying to kill the traitor.
"Drop the weapon, surrender without killing! Drop the weapon, surrender without killing!" At that moment, from the dense worms, the hoarse persuade of the worms was heard.
"Don't kill me! I surrender!"
"I surrender!"
The soldiers in the city of Rossi Wari did not fight on the border and with all ethnic groups for many years like the three major legions. They could not keep up with their fighting spirit, training, and the honor of the army. They were originally thought to be horrified by the horrifying worms. Encircling the dead will undoubtedly rise up to resist, but the voice of the swift worm over there sounds, the first person dropped the weapon and was not torn by the swift worm, and the human soldiers who did not want to die dropped the weapons in their hands. .
In addition to those magic warriors, magicians, and magic crossbowmen, the most well-equipped magic guide forces did not surrender, all the ordinary equipped human warriors, except for nearly a thousand, all surrendered.
Only those human soldiers with ordinary equipment surrendered and lost the cheap meat shield. The remaining magic fighters had to shoulder the future role of meat shield. Under the dense and violent worm attack, the casualties were heavy.
I saw a magical warrior next to a magical mech just opened a raptor's head with a sword and killed it, but at the same time six raptors rushed at him, and he could only swing his sword. One sword cut off the claws of a raptor, but was torn apart by the remaining five raptors.
"We surrender. According to the Treaty of Rivador, you are going to treat our magicians as noble prisoners of war!" Said one of the ten great magicians who maintained huge magic shields, although the magic warriors and magic The crossbowmen tried their best to resist, and they continued to die. If it were n’t for the magical machines, most of them were blocked by the mainstays. I ’m afraid they are now submerged by the fast machine. Two powerful ones were caught by the blood-red Raptor with their sharp claws.
"No problem, then magicians, control those big men and give up resistance, otherwise, we don't guarantee your personal safety!" A hoarse voice came from the fast swarm.
The powerful magical machines 傀儡 are actually controlled by a magician not far away, and they direct their battles through magic.
"Jiu Luo, do you want to surrender? I am the highest commander here, and no one is allowed to surrender without my order!" A seven-level senior swordsman wearing a special magic armor and holding a magic sword was repaired by The middle-aged man hurried to the magician and roared.
"Unfortunately, General Doge, you also know that we have tried our best. We can only continue to add more corpses to the two sides. And the only one in Rossivari City who has the authority to direct our magic legion is the Lord Vadori. Luo pinched Duojie coldly, and made a gesture to the magicians in the magician's legion. The magical machinery that was originally alive and dead suddenly stopped, letting the swift worms climb into the whole body.
As soon as the magic machine stopped working, those magic armor swordsmen were instantly overwhelmed by the dense swarm of swarms. The magic shield formed by those magic armors only supported the swarm for a short time and then disappeared. No, the magic shield disappeared when the magic warrior died.
"I condemn you to death for treason!" Those magic fighters are all soldiers brought out by Doge himself, and seeing those magic warriors die one by one, Doge is angry in flames ~ ~ roar, the magic sword in his hand is heavy Cut to the pinch around.
If Pin Luo is not prepared, Nadal will be killed with a sword.
However, as the leader of this magic legion, how could the pinch of the eighth-level magic teacher just be one step away? How could he be unprepared, and when Dorje raised his magic sword, pinch Luo shattered a magic scroll. .
A huge Razer blasted out of the magic scroll, biting heavily on Dorje's body, breaking the flames of his guard, and turning him into coke. He could not die anymore. .
Seeing this, the remaining magic crossbowmen also dropped their weapons and surrendered.
Solved the human magical forces in the city of Rossivari, and there was no force to withstand the pace of the Zerg army.
"The city of Rossi Valley has been captured by the Count Ling Ling! All return to their homes and wait for the notice, not allowed to go out at random! Robbers in the fire, kill! Pillagers, kill!" The worms ran in the middle of the city of Rossivari, strangling the remaining human rebels, while strangling the human officers and men who were robbed while on fire.
Under the vision of the host in the sky, the human remains in Rossivari city were easily found and strangled by those swift worms, but many extremely smart humans took off their military uniforms and threw them, and then hid in their homes. .
Of course, many well-informed nobles fled from the city of Rossivari at the beginning of the war. Similarly, some nobles and ordinary people who were afraid of the Zerg appearance began to flee. A piece.
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