Chapter 225: 3-party coalition (2)!

The Invincible Zerg Invincible Chapter 225 The Tripartite Alliance (II)!
Fangtian Haizhou is a town artifact of the White Empire. And the beast of the orcs! Guan Yihan's incredible power. It has forcibly photographed seawater dozens of miles long and ten meters deep above the 6th place, so that the sea people can walk on the Big 6 in this way.
These tens of miles are long. The sea depth of ten meters does not require the sea family to take a shot. It can destroy an ordinary human legion as soon as it rushes over. Except for dozens of human magical legions joined together, otherwise there is no way to counter this horror. Sea water attack. Novel Chapter Updates Fastest
This Fangtian Haizhou's artifact is also only serving the of the sea. The mermaid royal family favored and favored by the sea gods can use it, and other sea races cannot drive this artifact even if they have the tenth level of terrorist power.
If the Fangtian Haizhou was originally used by the sea gods, there would be no problem. However, to drive this small silver boat that looks like an ordinary fishing boat, five tens of masters and more than thirty nine masters must be mobilized. More than a hundred eight-level masters and a mermaid royal family can drive this Fangtian Haizhou.
From the crown of the beast and the bow of the moon god, the use of this artifact has basically no side effects, but the use is relatively harsh and left. "Fiction" novel chapter updated fastest
Don't look at the silver boat, which is only the size of an ordinary fishing boat, but there is another world in it. There are more than one hundred masters of eighth level and above that provide a powerful magic power for the silver boat.
There are more than one hundred masters of level eight and above who take turns to provide magical support for the Fangtian Haizhou, which can only support one month at most. After one month, these masters will run out of magic no matter how they save. If during the battle, the consumption of magic power is even greater, it is impossible to use it as a conventional weapon to conquer the Big 6.
And like the crown of the beast god, this side of the sea boat is also the spiritual beliefs of the Hai people. To use it, you must pass through the Mermaid Royal Family and the Hai People to use it.
Doris heard the words, and there was a trace of disgust in her eyes. She looked at the huge whale, and spit out a series of mysterious spells in her mouth. A jade hand was raised, and a blue magic light shot into the sky. Silver Canoe.
Among the sea clan, the strong are like the clouds, and they respect the strong. They have no respect for these nominal mermaid royals. One by one with their own strength. The only thing that can restrain them is the Hai National Assembly, which is composed of the chiefs of the Hai nationality.
After the blue magic light submerged into the silver boat, the silver boat burst into a blue light. Submerged into the sea below.
The sea below was originally extremely calm, and the ocean became choppy in an instant. The waves rose for a while, roaring and rushing towards them with a devastating impact.
Hundreds of thousands of undead troops, such as zombies and skeletons below, were all submerged in the seawater under the terror wave that was comparable to the natural disaster.
Instead, it was the Human Legion. I'm afraid that this wave of waves will be destroyed!
But these undead armies had long lost their lives. Although they were submerged in the seawater, they quickly returned to normal and continued to move forward under the water.
However, in this huge wave, there are also countless sea warriors. These sea warriors are extremely agile in the sea water, and those zombies and skeleton warriors. Although it is very flexible on the 6th ground, the new Buddha in the sea is filled with mistakes and cannot be as flexible as the ground.
The skull warrior with black head, facing five shrimp warriors, the bone sword in his hand beheaded to one shrimp warrior. It's just like the slow motion in the movie, the shrimp warrior avoided the past easily.
Then the bodies of five Shrimp soldiers shot, as if a sharp sword shot at the black skeleton warrior, and the sharp steel fork in his hand burst into a stab, chopping the black skull warrior into pieces. Can no longer stick together.
And those whale beasts with cruiser-like heads had huge mouths and a huge suction set from their mouths. Those zombies and skeleton warriors poured into their mouths like small shrimps, and then the whales and beasts merged into one big mouth, and those zombies and skeleton warriors were crushed into powder.
When the whale giant tail was shot, a large number of zombies and skeleton warriors were smashed. The general strength of monsters is very perverted. In the ocean, even ordinary level 1 and level 12 gods dare not eat them directly.
Each of those horrible whale beasts can destroy nearly a thousand zombies and skeleton warriors every time they open their mouths. This is the talent of these whale warriors, and in the sea, it doesn't take much effort.
If there is enough time, the 600,000 undead army is not the opponent of these terror whale warriors at all. The rest of the sea fighters are equally domineering.
Within the tens of miles of waters, the 600,000 undead army and the two million sea and ethnic coalition forces fought to death.
The 600,000 undead army was fully supported in less than two hours in front of the two million sea clan forces, and the 600,000 undead army made only two million sea clan forces. Casualties. The difference between the strengths of the two sides is too great!
After the 600,000 undead army was eliminated, the sea clan army continued to sweep all the way from the eastern part of the elven empire, destroying the undead army along the way, which greatly restrained the growth of the undead army.
The Fangtian Haizhou also has a reconnaissance function that can detect the situation within a hundred miles, so the undead army along the way cannot escape the sweep of the sea clan forces.
In the west of the elven empire, there are more than one hundred magicians in the city of Green Tree City, with a population of about 300,000. Thousands of warriors of all ethnicities are armed with various weapons under the leadership of an eighth-level elven warrior, some desperate and countless zombies and skeleton warriors fighting.
These zombies and skeleton warriors did not have any siege weapons to break through the thick steel door, but tens of thousands of zombies and skeleton warriors used their bodies as tools to build five links on the walls of Greentown. To the of the corpse above the city wall.
Countless zombies and skeleton warriors furiously attacked from the of the corpse.
For the handsome and very young elf swordsman who was breathing heavily and exhausted, they had been guarding the city for two days and two nights. If it were not for these zombies and skeleton warriors, No matter who is strong, this city has long been captured by hundreds of thousands of undead.
And those magicians in a car are all pale, and their magic is about to be exhausted. Although these magicians try their best to save magic, they are not used to help defend the city, but to destroy those who are the most threatening. The of the corpses, but the army of the undead did not stop building a new of the corpses, forcing them to release powerful magic from time to time to interfere with their progress. At this time, they were already at the end of the crossbow.
The skeleton warrior who rushed up with two swords was beheaded and killed, and the elf's great swordsman softened and fell to the ground. He has killed more than 3,000 undead, and kept fighting for two days and two nights, even if he is an extremely powerful eighth-level swordsman.
The eighth-level swordsman fell to the ground, and the skeleton warriors of the seven or eight rushed up from the of the thickest corpse, wielding the weapon in his hand and beheading the elven-swordsman.
At this moment. Behind that elven swordsman, seven or eight humans, elves, and half-elven warriors flashed out. He stood in front of him and slaughtered with those skeleton warriors.
A human girl dragged the Elf Great Sword Master off the entrance of the corpse slope.
"Xia Zuo. Let's go!" The human girl looked at the tired Elf Great Sword Master and begged.
With the strength of the eighth-level Great Swordsman of the Elf tribe, it is still possible to take a person out of the undead army without a master. And the 300,000 ordinary civilians in the city, the target of the undead army, couldn't keep the elven swordsman at all.
"Kayley! I can't go! As soon as I leave, this Green Tree City will no longer be able to withstand the invasion of the undead army! In Green Tree City, 300,000 civilians will all die in the hands of those undead." Xia Zuo looked at the human girl with words tenderly in her eyes.
"But if you go on like this, you will die! I don't want you to die!" Carey yelled, and rushed to Xia Zuo's body.
"I won't die! The Big Six Overlords have already been held. Our hearts should be here soon!" Xia Zuo comforted.
"Don't lie to me! I know ~ ~ Even with reinforcements, reinforcements cannot come so fast! The Bright Empire and Mermaid Empire are too far away from us! The main force of the Tesirea Empire is fighting Ling. The monster family fights. Even if the two sides are reconciled, then the army transfer will take time. It is impossible to arrive here today! If the reinforcements do not come today, we will only be destroyed. We all know these things! Carey stared at Xia Zuo madly, crying.
Xia Zuo smiled bitterly and sighed long. Looking at the mouth of the corpse slope, an exhausted soldier was killed by the undead army. Regardless of his fatigue, Xia Zuo stood up again and walked firmly to the mouth of the corpse slope. .
"It seems I'm going to die here today!" A kind of Ming Wu surged into Xia Zuo's heart, at this time, he was so exhausted that he killed or killed a dozen skeleton warriors at most. Physical strength will be exhausted.
When Xia Zuo estimated that his death was not far away, a horrible spur of horror flew from the distance, bombarding the of the huge corpse!
A series of huge explosions can't completely destroy even the seventh-level magic. The of the corpse piled up with more than a hundred thousand undead corpses was smashed by that terrible bone spur! (To be continued)
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