Chapter 270: Black Rock!

Chapter 270 Black Stone City!
Let the monsters with wisdom rise up! At that time, the rocky mountain wall that stretched for thousands of meters and hundreds of meters cracked. Hot magma spewed out. Three faces were like octopuses, their skin was red, and they had seven tentacles. They were like ordinary humans. A monster holding a fork burning with a green flame flew out, looking at the sky far away. Among them is the huge gigantic cormorant that covers the sky.
When the beast tide with the eighth level of cultivation passed by these three monsters, they saw a fork in the hands of those three monsters. Easily inserted those monsters in the tide into the fork. w novel chapters are updated the fastest
"This: All monsters have 11th-level mid-level strength and mental power fluctuations. Strength attributes are biased towards violent!" The giant cricket scanned the basic information of the three monsters with a slight scan.
"What is this? Little. Ling Zhan asked curiously.
"Here are some monsters. They feed on magma and other monsters, and have extremely powerful powers.
small. Filaraya looked at those monsters with hornet-like faces, red skin, seven tentacles, and a small human body holding a fork burning with a green flame. "Fiction" novel chapters are updated the fastest
The strength of this monster. But it is stronger than Cararu, whose father the one-star demon lord of Filareja has the tenth-level high-level power, and can certainly become the one-star demon lord. To dominate the party, Caru naturally also has some ability to undermine the bottom of the box. If he really fights, he is sure to defeat such a thief.
"The small species in this abyss are really feasting!"
Ling Zhan smiled carefully and said a few movements. Many holes were suddenly opened on the giant cricket's body. One phytoplankton flew out of the worm's body, and then flew towards the top of the abyss, while a flower floated out. Duo hosted beside that giant puppet.
These hosts specialize in ropes, and their vision can be much farther than this Zerg Class 5 base giant puppet.
And those phytoplankton have been flying for 100,000 meters before touching the top of the ninth layer of the abyss. The top of the ninth layer of the abyss is composed of a black hard stone wall.
Ling Zhan curiously mobilized a plankton to bombard the black weird stone wall. After the laser emitted by the zooplankton hit the black weird stone wall, the laser was absorbed by the weird stone wall and the bombarded As soon as the stone wall was lit, a laser of the same power reflected off it and vaporized the plankton.
Then the giant gigantic maggot like a mountain fell under the will of Ling Zhan and landed in the purple forest. A level eight worm rushed out of the giant maggot and started some weak monsters.
A male worm also rushed out of the giant pupae, collecting resources and holding minerals buried underground.
A black figure full of black gas flew out of the giant puppet, and several flashes appeared next to one of the threats, and a claw pierced it before the threster had not responded. heart. An immense amount of devastating power was injected into it, cutting off its vitality.
Then the black figure of the main population spit out several weird and obscure mantras in succession, pointing at the threme man, and immediately the thresh man opened his eyes again and fought with the two companions around him.
The master of the black figure was the ninth-level power who had the twelfth and second powers. After killing a threme, he killed the thresh who was killed by him and battled with the other two thremen. Soon, if these powerful thieves are not cut off immediately, they will pose a great threat to the Zerg hunting and collecting forces.
After the giant puppet landed on it, a green light shrouded Ling Ling and Filaraya in the command tower. The next moment appeared in front of the giant puppet base.
Inside the giant puppet base, the air is adjusted to the most suitable creatures to breathe, so Ling Zhan didn't feel anything, but when he walked out of the giant puppet base, Ling Zhan only felt a strange and hot breath coming through his body. The pores in his body are twitching in his body, and he must always mobilize a force to suppress this annoying breath in order to maintain normal.
Ordinary humans who only have o-level strength are afraid that when the net enters this world, they will be tortured by the scorching air and a little toxin. After living for a while, they will be tortured by the irritating breath. Go crazy. This is why non-indigenous creatures, non-locally produced equipment, will be excluded from such a space environment, and their power will be weakened and muddled. Indigenous peoples have no problem adapting to this environment.
In front of that giant battle base, only the flying wing mantis was already waiting there.
"Now you lead the way!" Ling Zhan leapt a little, and jumped onto a flying wing mantis, in an unquestionable tone.
"Yes, Your Majesty Ling Zhan!" Philarea asked why he didn't fly to the machine with the giant cricket's giant cricket, only stepped carefully, and leapt on the flying mantis gently. .
Then Ling Zhan and Filaraya rode on the two flying wing mantises and flew away.
After being adjusted, these flying wing mantises already have the tenth level of power, and they can fly faster than the sound plane above the earth. The hurricanes flying when flying are like a knife.
However, Ling Zhan and Fila Leiya are not ordinary people, these hurricanes have no effect on them.
After flying out of the purple forest hundreds of miles, Ling Zhan saw a magnificent city that did not lose any city above the Big 6.
The city wall is 100 meters high, and its nearly 10,000 square kilometers are all shrouded by the high wall. Above the wall, monsters of various shapes are patrolling with various weapons. The weakest of these monsters have the seventh-level elementary strength.
In that city, Ling Zhan felt a strong suction power coming from the ground. With the deduction of the Zerg system, creatures below the eighth level can't resist this strong suction power being forcibly absorbed. Fall to the ground.
"Hey, Ling Zhan, I'm very sorry. In our Black Rock City, we have a forbidden air array, and we are not allowed to fly in the sky. Please forgive me! Let's land on the ground first!" Filareya apologized softly.
Following the suction, the two flying mantises landed in the Black Rock City to worship
When the goalkeepers saw Filareya, they immediately opened a passage to let Ling Zhan and Filareya enter their own.
"This is twice the gravity?" After stepping into the Black Stone City, Ling Zhan suddenly felt his body sinking, as if his body was adding a hundred pounds of weight. Through the Zerg system, it was quickly calculated that he was bearing two Times the gravity.
Upon entering the Black Rock City, Ling Zhan felt the prosperity of the Black Rock City and different customs from the Big 6.
In the Black Rock City, there are some monster vendors with short legs and short heads and a huge head on their heads for merchandise sales. This is the more common giant monster in the abyss.
There are also some giant ants. Races with a gray appearance also operate and sell various items. This monster is the crypt monster in the abyss.
"How much is this Zihui fruit?" One had a single character. Petite body resembles a unicorn that has been standing upright. The hoofed monster walked to a counter and asked, looking at the variety of goods on the counter.
"One of three Karu coins!" Replied a monster with a rat-headed sheep.
After seeing that the unicorn-like monster took out three gray coins and handed it to the mouse-headed sheep monster. A purple fruit was removed from the counter.
"How much is this magic wand?" There are also a pair of eagle wings on the ox body. The monster, covered in scales, grabbed a black magic trick and asked.
"Thirty-five Karu coins!" In front of it, a weird giant bear with a body over three meters in length and covered with scales said slowly.
"It's too expensive!" The hawk's weird frown frowned.
"Get out of here!" The giant bear had a bad temper.
"Abominable! There is a one-on-one with me? If I win, this magic wand will sell me twenty-caru coins, if you win! I will pay you fifty caru coins!" Said the monster of the eagle.
"If you don't fly, I will fight you!" Said the bear.
"Okay! I don't fly!" Said the eagle and the monster.
When the two monsters finished the boat, they were just above the street, hitting.
These two monsters with the seventh-highest level of strength are going all out to fight. There was a burst of energy storms-'The two monsters made mistakes from time to time and bombarded the black buildings on one side. I saw those buildings flashing black, and the horrible magic that could easily destroy a building disappeared like this .
There are two seventh-level monsters on this side, and the overbearing monsters on the other side are still doing business and have not been affected at all. The weak monsters packed up and hid in their homes and shops.
There are more than a dozen monsters who are not weak in a circle. Watching two monsters fight. In the end, the monster's monster's monster technique took time to insert a claw into the bear's body, and dug its heart out.
"Hum my fight! Now, you don't even have to pay for the money!" The monster that killed the bear, the eagle and the bull took the wand of the bear and the monster, smiled coldly, and went away.
The rest of the monsters also dispersed quickly.
Soon a few monsters similar to mice approached the body of the giant bear monster and dragged it into a restaurant.
All of this was seen by Ling Zhan.
Chapter 271 Conflict!
"Is no one responsible for such a killing?" Ling Zhan asked Filaraya, curious to one side.
"Both sides agreed to the fight. The loser will not be punished in any way for his death? Of course, forcible robbery is not allowed in Black Rock!" Filaraya explained to Ling Zhan.
"So outside of Black Rock, is there no one to forcibly rob?" Ling Zhan continued to ask.
"Outside Black Rock, they do not belong to the territory of our Safeway family. As long as they do not grab our Safeway family, we will not pay attention to their personal grudges," Firareya said.
Ling Zhan nodded, and continued to observe Black Stone City, the city of the abyss he first encountered.
Above that street, there are also some young races carrying weapons with a gray sharp horns and a pair of black bat wings. They look handsome and have a young population similar to 90% of human beings.
These seem to be 90% similar to human beings. These abyss demons walking on the street have the power of eighth level and above, even the ninth-level powerhouse.
These abyss demons walked on the street, and the rest of the race avoided them far, and did not dare to walk with them.
Soon, from above the street, an abyss demon with black sharp horns on his head was full of strange scratches on his face, with three scratches on his face, holding a pair of purple wings, a single horn, and blue. The silver twin pupils are extremely hot, covering only a few pieces of black leather in key parts of their bodies, and their eyes are full of charm. The succubus woman, about twenty-four years old, came proudly.
Along the way, the succubus woman next to the abyss demon attracted the attention of many males, but those male monsters saw the young abyss demon's face with three scratches. My heart shuddered, avoiding this abyss demon far away.
The charm of the succubus woman is very strong, she is used to seeing the beautiful beauty of Ling Zhan, when the succubus woman appeared, her eyes stayed on her face for a few seconds.
"Trash humans!" The abyss demon felt extremely keen, felt Ling Zhan's sight, turned his head and looked around. After seeing Ling Zhan, he snorted, and shot two black mans fingers at Ling Zhan's legs, only I wanted to abolish Ling Zhan's legs as soon as I saw them.
In this abyss, there are also many abyss demons who have contacted believers above the Big 6 to send humans to this abyss as sacrifices, as playthings and bait in captives of the abyss demons Humans are not as good as the lowest-level monsters.
Ling Zhan flashed in the eyes of Ling Zhan, but did not mean to shoot.
"Yadu, stop! This is the guest I invited!" Filareya flickered, standing in front of Ling Zhan, waving her palms, and a thick dark force condensed into a shield in her hands. Meet the two black awns.
The two black awns bombarded the black shield, and stepped back to Firarea's bombardment to offset the powerful force.
"Filareya, this garbage human is a guest from your Safeway family? Is n’t humanity our bait, and the bait has actually become your guest? It seems that the Safeway family has also fallen. It seems Cleveland The guy is smart enough to choose a good target. Firaria, I still lack a maid with noble blood in the abyss demons, you follow me now and wait until Cleveland captures Blackrock, those disgusting goblin devil He will always feel pity for me, "said Yadu, looking at Filareya extremely arrogantly.
Yadu's words were so cold that Filareya's face was cold, but she could not say a word.
"Filareya, shouldn't it matter if I shot this ant?" Ling Zhan asked Filareya without looking at Yadu.
"Under Ling Zhan, Yadu is the son of Samsung Demon Lord Yamos, please be angry, don't give him general insights!" Filareya hurriedly advised.
The Samsung Demon Lord, who is a terror power with 12th and 12th powers, and in this abyss, even the 13th and 14th level foreign powers are not necessarily their opponents, destroying a one-star demon lord The force is even easier and does not need it in person. There are naturally countless strong men willing to play for him.
Although Filaraya couldn't wait to shoot Yadu with a single palm, but once she didn't have this strength, the second time, she was also afraid to offend the Samsung Demon Lord Yamos.
Ling Zhan watched Filareya's eyes gradually became cold.
Filareya, the abyss demon, had a cold heart, went silently, and stopped speaking.
"Ling Zhan! You are the Big Six, the leader of the monster family?" After hearing the conversation between Filareya and Ling Zhan, Ya Du put away the proud gesture and asked slowly.
"Ant! You got it right. I didn't expect that you weren't as stupid as you did! From now on, your life has entered the countdown!" Ling Zhanxi smiled, the powerful spirit was released, and eight transparent spirits The shackles flew towards Nadu, while at the same time, he stepped into a white light and banged directly on Yadu.
"Ling Zhan, don't think that you can dominate the big 6. You and I are willing to talk to you because the twelve monster kings behind you are not such garbage. And here is the abyss, not big 6, today is ten. The second demon prince will come to me and you will fall to me here!
Yadu also smirked, with two wings and a shot, up to the tenth level of high-level violent dark power poured out frantically, behind the huge black giant sword The radio burst out and fell into its hands, cutting sword to Ling.
Yadu's strength has reached the tenth level and has the qualification to become a one-star demon lord, as long as he has his own territory and power. Become a true one-star Demon Lord.
In the face of the eight transparent spiritual shackles, Yadu cut out the black giant sword with a powerful dark power, and easily cut the eight spiritual shackles into pieces, but in the shock of Yadu's eyes, the eight spiritual shackles He recovered soon, and even Liancheng was locked up.
Ling Zhan blasted Yadu with a punch, and the eleventh level of horror burst instantly, blasting Yadu into the ground with one punch, hitting the extremely hard black stone floor, and bombarded by the horrible force Next, even the seventh-level magic bombardment did not damage the black slate.
Ling Zhan was a bit in the void, disappeared strangely from the sky, and appeared next to Yadu the next moment, stroking his face heavily.
The terrible kick trampled on Yadu's black blood, his face was beyond recognition, and his teeth were broken.
This is the result of Ling Zhan's painstaking practice of basic footwork. Although this basic step is not a profound skill, it is a way to control his own power. For those who have experienced rapid increases in strength, it is the most important thing. Practical skills.
After gaining an advantage, Ling Zhan didn't stop, as if under his feet, he stepped on Yadu's face like lightning. He kept blasting under the black stone floor.
In the Black Rock City, the monsters and the abyss who saw this scene were full of surprise and unbelief. Yadu is a strong man who can become a one-star demon lord. He usually acts arrogantly and overbearingly. I have only seen him step on someone else's feet, but no one has dared to step him on his feet. Humans known for their cowardice actually trampled a powerful and noble abyss demon under the soles of their feet, making them a little overwhelming.
"Little Lord!"
"Little Lord!"
Five abyss-level abyss demons with wings of nine ranks showed off, flying out not far away, roaring and throwing five great swords full of dark power, and shot at Ling Zhan.
Ling Zhan handed it over. A shield of mammoths was added to the right hand, and a laser scorpion gun was added to the left hand.
Ling Zhan smashed the shield of the mammoth in his hand to Yadu, and the shield of the mammoth soared on Nadu's body, causing him to spit out another black blood, and the five giant swords filled with dark power After the shield of the mammoth was easily bombarded.
Ling Zhan took away the shield of the mammoth, the laser scorpion gun in his hand continuously fired, and the powerful laser rays bombarded the five nine-level abyss demons, easily vaporizing them instantly and eradicating from this world.
Suddenly, a three-meter-tall bull head, human body, lion tail, and tiger claws radiated from the crowd with maces, and struck Ling Ling with a great deal.
With a wave of Ling Zhan's hand, the shield of the mammoth blocked him.
However, the three-meter-high monster with a three-meter-tall bull head, human body, lion tail, and tiger claws up to the eleventh level is too terrifying ~ ~ Although Ling Zhan blocked the opponent's attack, he even had a shield Five meters away, Yadu was taken away by the monster.
"I'm Tauri, the demon lord of Samsung Demon Lord Polly! Ling Zhan, today you killed our people, I'm here to challenge you formally!" The mace in Polly's hand yelled at Ling Zhan.
"Poly, you have to help me interrupt his limbs. I have to torture him well and torture him to death!" The black light flashing on Yadu, who had the respite, broke away from the spirit of Ling Zhan Li shackles, blood on his face, said extremely viciously.
"What's the matter? In Black Rock, you are not allowed to fight privately!" The battle between Ling Zhan and Yadu was extremely loud, and the system in Black Rock also started to move. The number of a pure nine-level abyss demons increased to 30 Xing Xing came here under the leadership of a tenth-level abyss demon, and looked at that Polly, who actually had the eleventh-level cultivation, under the command, arbitrarily stepped forward to mediate.
"Go!" Polly glanced coldly at the abyss demon who had the tenth-level preliminary cultivation.
The abyss demon's face was blue and white, and Filaraya glanced aside, and then led the apricot and retreated.
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