Chapter 302: protocol!

The Starling fleet of the three Linglings stopped at a long distance, and at the same time, a communication request for Berry Dialogue was issued.
"I'm the Hellbath of the Lingling tribe! This is our starring territory of the Lingling tribe. Your invasion of our star domain has seriously violated the interstellar law of the Blue Moon Galaxy Alliance! I ask you to exit this star immediately. Domain, and compensate us for our losses, and apologize in public! "After the communication channel was connected, a thirteenth level Lingling said righteously.
The entire Wick Empire Expeditionary Force has been wiped out in the Blue Moon Galaxy, and not long ago, an interstellar fleet of the Lingling tribe was easily annihilated by the Zerg army. The gap between the two sides, otherwise the three Star Fleet dominated by their number, I am afraid that one face to face will attack the Zerg warships. After all, not long ago, 150,000 Lingwa warriors died in the hands of this Zerg expeditionary force. Novel Chapter Updates Fastest
"You will make the space jump point and let the Vic Empire attack our Demonic Empire. This behavior has greatly harmed Ligue, our Demonic Empire. Now, either you shut up immediately, sign your compensation and take your fleet. Get back to Blue Mercury! You must never set foot in this star field. Or, let ’s go to war! However, the consequences of the war will be borne by your Ling Dai tribe.
In that communication channel, Bai Qi said coldly.
"At the time when the VIC Empire negotiated with us, they used the name of space exploration. We did not know that they would attack you. This is recognized by the Blue Moon Galaxy Alliance. The star domain of our Lingling tribe is protected by law. Please If you leave, the Blue Moon Galaxy Alliance will not let you go! "When Bai Qi was tough, the attitude of the Ling Dais was softened, let alone how to deal with the powerful Zerg three-headed giant battleship, that is, The laser earthworms that were spreading in the starry sky for hundreds of miles were enough for them to drink a pot.
"This is a compensation agreement! If you can see it clearly, sign a letter on it!" Bai Qi did not say more nonsense, but passed a compensation agreement that had been drawn up, and passed it by electronic signal.
Among the Linglings, there are also devices that accept electronic signals, and soon the compensation agreement appears on a screen.
Hemba looked at the agreement, and was filled with anger.
In this agreement, the Zerg requested the Linglings to pay a total of 100 million high-quality energy blocks for war compensation, and at the same time give up the space jump point, which must not be close to this space jump point within five thousand stars.
This agreement is equivalent to compensation for land cuts, which makes people simply unacceptable. If it was changed, I was afraid that Humba would order the three Lingling Star Fleet to attack the Zerg warships. However, now on Blue Mercury, the aliens have become more and more powerful. It is almost impossible to defeat these aliens. If this precious interstellar combat power is added again, the Linglings will not have much capital for interstellar wandering.
The so-called interstellar wandering is lost for various reasons, and does not possess a sub-star suitable for survival. It can only be very desolate to drift in the universe.
Those who have lost their home star for interstellar wandering can easily develop into living by looting interstellar merchants of all races in the universe.
Without the protection of an interstellar battleship, they would not even be able to become star thieves. At that time, the strong among the Linglings would have been able to say that they can go to other civilizations to perform this promising job as bodyguards. The most common among Linglings The clan is likely to be reduced to the merchandise of interstellar slave merchants, or to become ornamental items in other zoos of civilization.
Without a powerful and fearful regime protection, it is certain that ordinary people in the Linghu tribe are discriminated against and treated unfairly in the interstellar space.
Even if it becomes a subsidiary civilization of other civilizations, it is much better than being a race wandering in the interstellar. Wandering in the interstellar means that it will become difficult to further improve your civilization level.
Looking at the agreement, He Zhaba was full of thoughts, and the idea of ​​signing or not signing was lingering in his mind.
During Hemba's hesitation, the fourteen giant three-headed warships slapped the wing of the wing, and started with full force, and rushed to the forty-five reef interstellar warships with a bad intention.
"Wait a minute, I have something to say!" Humba exclaimed in a cold sweat, crying loudly.
"Say!" Bai Qi said coldly.
The fourteen giant three-headed battleships did not stop at all, and soon flew into the range of the forty-five reef starships. The energy of the main guns on the forty-two giants has been condensed. Can shoot.
"As long as your demonic empire is willing to agree to one of our demons, after it is done, our demonic tribes are willing to become a subsidiary race of the demonic empire and let the demonic empire drive it!" Hemba quietly issued a preparation command while loud Said.
"What's the condition?" Bai Qi asked after a moment of silence.
"Not long ago, a group of horrifying creatures strayed from other places to our mother star Blue Mercury. These horrible creatures slaughtered and killed our Lingling warriors and civilians on our mother star Blue Mercury. The empire can help us to expel these horrible alien creatures or expel us from Blue Mercury, then we Lingling tribe is willing to become a subordinate race of the demonic empire, let the demonic empire drive it! "Hembalang said.
The Linglings also touched the Vic empire with this promise, and they sent an interstellar fleet to observe, but this interstellar fleet was not damaged by the Zerg army of Ling Zhan just before the space jump had ended.
"Yes, but we need to sign an agreement between us. If you dare to regret it, then don't blame our demonic empire for being merciless!" This matter is very important. After asking the distant Ling Zhan through the Zerg system, Bai Just said coldly.
Although Ling Zhan did not take the blue moon law into consideration, if the Linglings took the initiative to surrender to him, other civilizations in the blue moon galaxy would not dare to say more, and there would be much less trouble.
Then Jia Yuan in the distance quickly drafted an agreement. Through the sharing function of the Zerg system, the expeditionary coach Bai Qi passed the agreement to Hemba through electronic signals.
Hemba took a look at the agreement, and saw that the agreement took into account all kinds of situations. After the alien was expelled or destroyed, if the Linglings dared to regret it, then the Demon Empire attacked the Linglings and the Blue Moon Galaxy. No one else in the league could say much. If you do not regret it, then according to the provisions of this agreement, you will really become a subsidiary race of the Demon Empire. The strong members of the clan will obey the orders of the Demon Clan, and will be arbitrarily driven, no longer in the spirit. She's status in Ran.
Humba sighed and converted the electronic agreement into an agreement written on a piece of blue meat using the universal text of the Blue Moon galaxy, signed his name on it, and branded his unique one as required. In the short term, this agreement will have legal effect.
After Hmba signed the document, the fourteen giant three-headed frigates stopped moving and flew back into the laser earthworm cluster.
"Master Heath, this is our blue Mercury!" In the sky inside the blue water planet, Hemba introduced to Heath, who was beside him.
Blue Mercury is a huge planet and a veritable Mercury, looking far away, except the sea or the sea.
This Blue Mercury has about twice the gravity of Blue Bay Star. After Ling Zhan ’s consciousness was attached to the body of Heath, he immediately felt a sense of incongruity, but after flying for a while, he quickly adapted. To double the gravity above the planet.
In such a gravitational planet, it is very beneficial to cultivation. Some advanced cultivation civilizations can even create a gravity cultivation room that can adjust the gravity level and practice in the gravity cultivation room.
The weather is fine, the breeze is blowing, and at the same time it smells like a sea of ​​fish. The big fish are rolling on the sea, a peaceful picture.
Suddenly, a series of horrible tongues shot out, and they easily penetrated the bodies of the large fish, and the blood instantly stained the sea surface.
A wave of water rose up into the sky, one flapped his wings and flew out of the sea, and his tongue rolled up, and the big fish was rolled into his mouth, then stood in the sky, looking at Hemba and Mingxi. S.
Hemba was furious ~ ~ Originally, he had to respect the courage to deal with the weaker Heath, who had a weaker mood in his heart. These apparently just born aliens dared to treat his name The prodigal provoked him even more.
Hemba flipped a fork in his hand, and the powerful power of his body poured out. There were dozens of stabs in the void, and dozens of sharp blue corrosive energy arrows flashed into the sky like lightning. Dozens of aliens shot.
The aliens showed no sign of weakness, and spread their wings, and a blue misty shield appeared outside their bodies, and at the same time a horrifying howling sound appeared, setting off a layer above the sea. The high-level waves pounced on Humba.
The dozens of sharp blue corrosive energy arrows pierced the blue shield formed by the alien body like lightning, hit their bodies, and corroded one after another on their bodies. Looking at the thrilling big hole.
But those aliens did not die, and plunged into the sea.
"Animals! Go to death!" One shot did not bombard these eleven-level high-level aliens. He Yaoba couldn't hold his face, and roared. The powerful power was condensed on the fork.
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