Vol 2 Chapter 383: Scramble!

Spit the red boiled planet Danlan, and the galaxy beasts from different ethnic groups are not training each to mine! Some galaxy beasts are not good at collecting minerals. Instead, they wait for other galaxy beasts to collect minerals and seize the opportunity! The entire planet is full of battles between galaxy beasts!
Although these galaxy beasts have the eleventh level of power everywhere, but this planet thirty times smaller than the blue bay star is three hundred times denser than the blue bay star, and the geology is extremely hard! Therefore, when the large groups of galaxy beasts fought, the surface of the planet was not destroyed. Novel Chapter Updates Fastest
After conquering the group of golden net green shell crabs. An Zhan turned his spirit into the vision of the host and looked in all directions! On the one hand, a large number of males were sent to start mining that mine on the red mountain mined by the golden net green shell crab!
Due to the density of the red hill, the mining of males was not as smooth as on the Blue Bay Star.
On the red planet, using the host's vision, Ling Zhan will be the whole. The planet was brought into his field of vision. The huge master, Bi's spiritual power, allowed him to countless pictures in an instant, like a god. Insight into everything above the entire red planet! "Fiction" novel chapter updated fastest
The only drawback is that after walking in this state, Ling Zhan's whole person seems to be freezing cold. In addition to the idea of ​​searching for the perfect crystal, other? Ahref = \ '\'> The mother star 槎 急 环 獗桓 鲎 月 洌? Br />
Although this planet is obviously a rich area of ​​perfect crystals, perfect crystals are not everywhere!
Tens of thousands of males mined on the red mountain for one day and one night, and then collected a piece of Pelofi crystal that is only one tenth the size of a normal crystal inside the red mountain! But that's a lot from Kunshi!
In that other place, the galaxy beasts also relied on the planet with their instincts, but there were not many galaxy beasts like the golden net green shell crab king with so much luck!
Ling Zhan watched the Xinghe Beast of the entire planet's dagger day and night, and did not see a group of Xinghe beasts digging into the perfect crystal, but instead saw a lot of Xinghe beasts fought for the Likun Stone that can promote the evolution of the creature!
Had it not been for the giant scorpion warship, it was extremely huge and fierce in appearance, I'm afraid there would be many galaxy beasts here to grab this ore mining site!
Time passed slowly. Except for the Likun Stone, which was continuously collected by the male, Ling Zhan did not get a perfect crystal!
Suddenly, Ling Zhan is now on one of the planets. In the huge and towering mountains, there are nearly a hundred groups of the most powerful galaxy beasts fighting wildly there, and many galaxies are also showing there. Power, mining minerals.
What attracts Ling Zhan's attention is that a body has countless tentacles, a strange fish with a long eye on its head, and a mature beast with a fourteenth to seventeenth-level strength. Use those tentacles to dissolve that. The stone of the mountain, in the process of dissolving, a blue low-level perfect crystal Doveline crystal from a boulder. Get out!
The Thousand Bearded Beast just rolled up the Dovelen Crystal with its tentacles, and a huge black claw burning fierce black flames came down from the sky. Inserted its body, nailed it to that huge claw!
That thousand whisker was almost instantaneous. He was burned to ashes by Hei Yan!
The owner of the huge black claw. It is a black beast with a body over 800 meters, a dragon head, a crocodile beak, a lion's claw, a snake body, covered with a thick layer of scale armor, possessing eighteenth-level strength, and eventually has a potential for evolution up to the twentieth.
After the killing of the thousand-bearded beast, the black flame beast, with a claw, grabbed the Dovelen crystal in the claw, and a group of terrible black flames guarded outside its body and turned into a terrible one. The flames flew into the sky!
Immediately taking the perfect crystal will enter an evolutionary state. In this environment surrounded by strong enemies, it is undoubtedly a suicide act! This black flame beast is not followed by countless younger brothers, and his brain is not as simple as that of the golden and green shell crab king who likes to run wild!
Just as the Black Flame Beast fled to the distance. In the next game, a slap-like body is turquoise, with frogs engraved with various strange runes on the body. The mouth is strangely extended to grow up to ten meters in length. A round sharp green circular energy circle The disk shot like lightning, and cut into the black flame transformed by the black flame beast in the sky. He actually broke the body of the black flame beast, and cut into the black flame beast!
Although the Black Flame Beast twisted its body at the most critical time, avoiding the key, but its claw holding the Dovelen Crystal was cut off by the green disc and fell downward!
That green frog is among the galaxy beasts. It is famous for its attack power. The mature frog has the sixteenth to eighteenth level of spiritual power! This green round frog is extremely weak, but its attack is extremely abnormal! Spitting green disc. Even the 18th level King Kong green shell
More than a dozen aurora pythons came out like lightning, choking the paw of the black flame beast! Only then did they touch the claws of the Black Flame Beast, and dozens of various attacks tore them into pieces!
The Duffing Crystal was born, and the galaxy beasts began to fight each other without mercy, with this Duffing Crystal!
In contrast, the golden net green shell crab king that Ling Zhan saw was really lucky, but he actually dug a Huimig crystal. The most hateful thing is that this gold net green shell crab king does not retain the humg crystal. Just swallowed in this way, people don't even take this Humeg crystal from it! However, such an inconceivable move also led to its direct evolution, and Ling Zhan was thrown into the world built by the Constructing Worm with no resistance!
In the first time, Ling Zhan also directed the giant scorpion warship to fly there, and soon flew to the mountain!
I saw near that mountain. Countless galaxy beasts are densely packed, all vying for the Duffran crystal.
Whenever a galaxy beast just grabbed that Dovelen crystal, it will be drowned by various attacks in the next moment!
The number of galaxy beasts is extremely large, and the galaxy beasts with the nineteenth level of power are not a few, at least a hundred heads! And from other places, a bunch of galaxy beasts are constantly flying, with the strength of these galaxy beasts, if all are assembled. Even the Zerg that Ling Zhan controls now can't bear it!
Ling Zhan looked at the Dove Lang crystal that was constantly changing hands, thinking for a while, and sent thirty to fly among the galaxy beasts!
With the ability to remain invisible, the thirty assassins soon became part of the galaxy of beasts participating in the battle for the Duffing Crystal!
With those thirty assassins who had the Duffelang crystal, a distant eye with a hundred different creatures, similar to a group of dough matures with sixteenth to nineteenth mental powers Hundred Eye Beast. Opened thirty golden eyes, shot thirty golden rays, and hit those thirty assassins instantly!
Being hit by the thirty golden rays, the thirty assassins suddenly stagnated, and their bodies soon became stained with gold, and finally became thirty golden statues, which fell from the sky!
Ling Zhan's eyes flashed a few times. Another three thousand starry sky ripper sent out to fly to those Duffrano crystals, but just as the starry ripper just approached the Duffalang crystals, they were among the various blows of the galaxy beast. Next, was killed!
After watching it for a while, Ling battle did not act lightly, but with those who knew the weak Xinghe beast, staring at it from a distance, staring at the Xinghe beast that was competing for the Duffing Crystal. Look! And the male worm didn't stop for a moment, searching for the perfect crystal in the exploration!
Among the galaxy beast. Xinghe Beasts are constantly being killed. In the sky, the blood of the big puff is constantly falling! It's just that the number of Xinghe Beasts is too horrible, and the Xinghe Beasts continue to join the battle group. After fighting for ten hours, the galaxy of the Star River beast that competed for the Duffing Crystal did not decrease at all, but increased a lot!
And just then, outside the atmosphere of the red planet, the endless yellow mist trembled, and then came a terrible thunderous sound from there, all the way to the red On the planet!
After the sound reached the red planet, it seemed like a thunderous explosion. Except for the Star River beasts who were competing for the Duffing Crystal, the other Star River beasts flew out of the atmosphere. !!
From the legacy of the Zerg ~ EbookFREE.me ~ Ling Zhan also knows that with this shocking thunder, it means that the end has been promoted, this is just the last thing it came out of the promotion.
"Baiqi! Go + Nadolfin Crystal for me!" Ling Zhan decisively passed through the Zerg system and made a pass to the distance just now, and Baiqi, who was promoted to the nineteenth level soon, ordered!
"Yes!" Bai Qi responded, passed through the wormhole, and instantly came to the giant scorpion battleship, and then flew out!
Looking at that overwhelming. The Xinghe beast that is competing for the Duffing Crystal, flashes coldly in his eyes, and the Spiked Lantern in his hand has become a second-level arm of the Zerg!
Patting the four wings of the Zerg's second-armed army, Bai Qi is like a red aurora, and is constantly flashing strangely, flying towards the galaxy beast!
The Ling battle was the first time, commanding the giant scorpion warship, flying away from this planet! Although there may be many perfect crystals on this planet, but as soon as the destruction giant is promoted, he wakes up. On this planet, all living things will be killed by it! , If you want to know how the future, please read more chapters, support authors, support genuine reading!
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