Chapter 67: Conference (1)

Soon, Ling Zhan, Jia Yi, Bai Qi, and Dian Wei sat in the conference hall of the mayor's house. This is the core member of Ling Zhan.
"What's the situation?" Ling Zhan asked slightly depressed. He had planned to go to Heinleise to surprise her at night.
"Master! These days, a large number of Tesirea empires have entered the town of Rossivari. At present, there are three elite elites of the Tesirea Empire's Blood Python Legion, Wolffang Legion, and Angry Lion Legion. 300,000 people and a unit hiding in the camp, surrounded by magical forces and unable to visit. A large number of magic weapons and grains were transported from a distance, obviously there was a big move. Although the tongue we caught was due to status It is too low to know the intention of the Tesirea Empire to mobilize the army. From the Pomne family, we began to send false information to us and reduce our cooperation with us, and recently we have launched an attack on the Tesirea Empire. The probability that the empire is targeting this time should be 80% of our chance. "Jia Yan slowly shaken Bai Yufan and slowly analyzed the information collected these days.
I have a saying that the capitalists came to this world full of the smell of copper. For the benefit of 300%, they dare to trample on all the laws of the world. This sentence is basically applicable to the nobility. The Pomn family was a big aristocracy in the Tesirea Empire, but in order to obtain resources under the Mississippi jungle under the control of Ling Zhan, under the negotiation of Jia Yi, he even started a business with Jia Yi, using Warcraft Crystal nucleus and imperial gold coins in exchange for Warcraft's fur, bones, precious medicines and plants in the dense forest.
"Is the Empire of Tesiriya crazy? The jungle is not suitable for large-scale corps operations. Even if we can't fight his three elite legions, shrinking into the jungle of Mississippi, what can he do? Does he have to fight with us? Jungle War? "Ling Zhan wondered.
Jungle combat is different from plain combat. The complex environment, a variety of dangerous insects, and Warcraft are a great threat to soldiers. If you are unfamiliar with geography, the environment, the climate, and the sanitation, it is very likely that a large number of soldiers will be reduced from non-combat. Not to mention Ling Zhan and others in the jungle.
"Maybe this thing of magic and the mystery I don't understand can turn decay into magic. Or, the other party has any way to force us to go out and fight with him." Ling Zhan pondered for a while and said slowly.
"My King, the forest elves, the five big families, and other super-class Warcraft who occupy a place may all become allies of the Tesiriya Empire and launch an attack on us." Among the eyes of Bai Qi, the light flashed, slowly speaking. .
"Well, it makes sense. Of the five families, I have offended two families. Apart from the Curidoon family, I have no friendship with the other two. If I am in trouble, I believe they will not mind coming over and stepping on one again. Feet. As for the forest elves, isn't it possible? Aren't the elves peace-loving and kind? Why can they attack us for no reason? "Ling Zhan touched his chin, thinking. In the legend, the elves are all beautiful, elegant, and peace-loving races. It is difficult for Ling Zhan to rank them as enemies.
"The protagonist, what General Bai Qi said is extremely true. In the war, even the current allies may become enemies at the next moment. Before things happen, we only have to take into account all possible situations and formulate the corresponding The response plan will not panic when things come. "Jia Yi advised.
"I understand, it is just emotionally difficult to accept for a while. So how do you run our retreat? Hey, it is a sub-base, how well does it operate!" Ling Zhan humbly accepted Jia ’s advice and asked him what he wanted most. The problem.
"The wormholes have been built at all key points. The five sub-bases in Yunzhou have completely controlled the surroundings, and the environment near the sub-bases in the Dolim Mountains has been explored. There we can accommodate our side. At the same time, the sub-bases in the Willim Forest in Lingzhou and the Cantelli Basin in Yanzhou are also being developed. At present, the Willam Forest in Lingzhou and the Cantley Basin in Yanzhou have local Super Warcraft and We didn't find our existence. And the superpower of Warcraft in the Willem Forest in Lingzhou was the weakest. The original subordinates planned to use it for a period of time after all the bases were operating safely. Now it seems that this plan It's time to let it go. "Jia Yan said with pity.
"Very good, how have you collected the information on the history, equipment, and fighting style of the three elite legionnaires of the Blood Python Legion, the Wolffang Legion, and the Angry Lion Legion of the Tesilean Empire?" After Ling Zhan learned that the retreat had been decided ~ ~ nodded in satisfaction and asked again. Knowing oneself and knowing one another can be a hundred wins, and the lion beats the rabbit with all its strength. If the army sent by the Tesirea Empire is too fishy, ​​Ling Zhan won't mind letting them all become the bait of the rapid worm evolution.
"The three elite legions of the Blood Python Legion, the Wolffang Legion, and the Angry Lion Legion have fought countless times at the empire's borders with the Orc Empire, and they are honourably equipped with the empire's most advanced magic guide equipment. The Legion of Honor The style is cunning and changeable, the Spike Legion is the most powerful, and the Angry Lion Legion is best at fighting tough battles. As for their fighting equipment and specific fighting methods, they have not yet been collected. "Because the time is too short, the foundation is too submerged. Zhineng can only collect such information, and the Pomnn family who holds these specific information will not tell Jia Yi the information that can destroy the family.
"In this case, I think that if the Texiriya Empire launches an attack on us, we should rely on the small towns to resist, peep at their fighting methods, destroy their living force, and retreat into the depths of the Mississippi jungle. If they dare to pursue , Then we will destroy them in the jungle. If the five major families in the Mississippi jungle join the forest elves to wage a war against us at the same time, then we will retreat to Lingzhou while consuming their living power by relying on the fort. After all, the army of the Asian Empire cannot be stationed here for a long time. When they can't help it, we will settle the accounts after the fall and kill all those who dare to rob the fire. "Ling Zhan thought for a while, and said aggressively.
"Master, good plan. There is also a subordinate who can seriously damage the vitality of the Tesirea empire, and regrets launching a war against us lightly." Jia Yi shook the white feather fan and smiled strangely.
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