Chapter 86:

Shu Yian probably came to a conclusion in her heart. Assuming that what Lin Ge said was true, then her and Gu Liyuan's accidents were likely to occur at the same time, and during that time period, both of them reached another world.
To be precise, it was the arrival of two souls.
However, because she happened to ran into the death of Shu Yian in that world, and at her request, she agreed to live again as her, and thus lost all memories.
But Gu Liyuan is not the case.
Gu Liyuan passed with memories, and left with memories.
When a person knows his end in advance, what will he do?
If the ending is good, then she will gladly accept it, but if the ending is bad...
Even if Shu Yian hasn't seen the later story, she knows that Gu Liyuan must have taken the script for the sacrifice to heaven. When her only love is robbed by Su Kiss, she will definitely be blackened.
But in this case, after learning about her future, Gu Liyuan did not choose to do other things to change her destiny. Instead, she played missing, and gave Lin Song to her hands like no struggle. Su kiss, this is a bit unreasonable.
There must be some details that she has overlooked.
Shu Yian began to think carefully about everything that had happened since she came into this world. She and Gu Liyu were not familiar with each other, so she could only start with the few words she had talked with Lin Ge.
Lin Ge said that Gu Liyuan had already returned and had looked for her, but she had never heard anyone talk about it. In other words, Gu Liyuan came back in secret, and even her family thought about it. Keep it secret.
But why did she do this?
If you really need help, isn't it better to seek help from your family than to find Lin Ge in private?
Shu Yian could only come up with two conclusions about this. Either the matter was completely hidden, or Lin Ge was lying...
If it is the latter, then the chip of the lie must be Lin Ge.
Then push it down, Lin Ge, as the heroine of the book, will make her give up this level of identity. There are only two reasons to cooperate with Gu Liyuan.
First: Maybe she fell in love with Gu Liyuan when she was getting along with Gu Liyuan. She didn't want to be the heroine.
"Miss Shu." Shu Yian's thoughts were suddenly interrupted. Xia Lin and others looked at her worriedly. Since they finished talking about this, Shu Yian has been in deep thought, naturally making some people feel flustered.
It's not the half-faced relationship that panicks, but the fear that Shu Yian will refuse what they ask for because they are unhappy.
Shu Yian returned to his senses and smiled politely, "It's okay, I'll go to the bathroom first, and then continue to talk after I come back."
"Okay." Seeing that she showed no signs of anger, the group relaxed. Xia Lin told the maid who was standing by and ordered, "Take Miss Shu over."
Shu Yian probably counted the time, there are still ten minutes, if Zhou Yu doesn't have any problems, she will be able to slip away.
Sure enough, people who don't agree with the three views can't become friends even if they want to blend in.
No matter what Gu Liyuan is doing right now, she will never make fun of others' scars or the most important person like those people.
This post-meal pastime is simply inferior.
Shu Yian tried to linger in the bathroom as much as possible, almost pinching out. She has always had a clear love and hate. She likes someone, so she can't help but want to stay with her more. If she doesn't like someone, she can't wait to stay away immediately.
At the moment, she didn't like the group of sisters, and she didn't want to waste a minute and a second to accompany them in polite play.
When she returned to the meeting room again, she was already seated in her original position. Just looking at her back, Shu Yian could recognize who she was.
"How did you come?"
Su Qi turned around, stood up, and walked to her side gracefully, "Naturally, I am here to take you on a date."
After finishing speaking, she nodded slightly at the girls present, "I'm sorry."
The expressions on the faces of the girls are very complicated at the moment.
There were doubts, envy, and even the jealousy that was accidentally revealed on the face without hiding a bit.
When Su Wen and Shu Yian were retiring from marriage, everyone knew it. Naturally, everyone didn't know what happened to the two of them and they suddenly reconciled.
Everyone didn't even know how Su Qi, who had always been too lazy to look at the daughters of the family, was so enamored with Shu Yian.
It is clear that facing them in front is like an iceberg that is invisible, but when I heard Shu Yian’s voice, he immediately changed his face, his eyes were gentle, his tone was full of pampering, and...
Su kiss actually laughed.
Having known each other for so many years, this is something that no one has ever thought of. Therefore, it is inevitable that one or two people who once liked Su kiss, but because of their character feel that there will be no results, and finally give up secretly gritted their teeth.
"I wish Mr. Su and Miss Shu have a good time." Due to Su Kiss’s identity, the group was jealous of their relationship or did not find a chance for Shu Yian to divination. At this moment, they had to smile and bless the two of them. .
Su Kiss didn't look at them anymore, she just led Shu Yian with a smile: "Let's go."
Shu Yian was surprised at her arrival, but waited until she got in the car before asking, "Isn't it in a meeting?"
Su kiss finger clasped her, "Well, just after the meeting, I heard Zhou Yu say you have something, so I asked the driver's address and came over to find you."
After that, she asked Shu Yian intently, "Is there anything I can do for you?"
She knew that Shu Yian had never liked this kind of occasion. If she had to go there, she must have her own thoughts. She would not interfere with what she did every day, she only cared about one thing.
"Don't forget, you have a girlfriend now, don't carry everything by yourself."
"I know." Shu Yian smiled and leaned her head on her shoulder.
It wasn't that she was trying hard, but she felt that there was no need to bother Su Kiss for what she could do. She was a busy person herself, and she didn't want to bother Su Kiss with these little things.
"However, are you busy with work now?" According to Shu Yian's previous understanding of Su kiss, after someone had a meeting, it was actually her busiest time.
"Well, it's over." Su Kiss lied without flushing and heartbeat. It doesn't matter if you work overtime at night if it is not urgent.
Shu Yian noticed the laptop she put aside. This is usually something that Su Kiss needs to bring to work in the car or at home.
She didn't break through Su Qi's painstaking efforts, but changed a comfortable position and leaned on Su Qi's shoulder, "I'll sleep for a while, call me when I get home."
The implication is that she doesn't need Su Kiss to accompany her where to play. The deeper meaning is that she hopes that this form will not delay Su Kiss's work.
Shu Yian is good at everything, the only drawback is that he is too clingy. This is Su Kiss's only thought at the moment.
She has heard some young couples quarreling, and they often quarrel with each other because they have too little time with each other, so in order to avoid Shu Yian also complaining about her, she has been trying to spend as much time as possible with her.
But the end result is that some people don't seem to care at all.
If it hadn’t been for the conversation between Shu Yian and Aunt Lin in the morning, she would have suspected that Shu Yian had a little thought for her...
Su Wen turned on the computer and got up to work while Shu Yian was asleep. The car had stopped at the door of the villa long ago. She was not willing to wake Shu Yian.
I don't know why, but she always seems to be very tired.
Staying in a sleeping posture for a long time can make people stiff. Shu Yian is like this. After about three or four hours of sleep, she woke up with pain in her neck.
Shu Yian opened her eyes, she hadn't rested much recently, and she looked as though she hadn't woken up yet.
Looking through the window, the outside scenery is not her own home, but Su's home.
"Why are you here?" Shu Yian moved her neck, then turned to ask Su kiss.
Su kiss put down the computer and explained: "I want you to sleep more."
If you go directly to Shu's house and the vehicle stops at the door and never enters, someone will definitely come to ask about the situation and wake up Shu Yian. She can't just find a place to park. She can only bring her here first. Anyway, it is close to home. If Shu Yian wants to It won't take long to go back.
"Do you want to go back to see your grandma now?" Su Qi asked if Shu Yian was embarrassed to speak.
"Wait a moment, anyway, I'm not busy lately, I can accompany her anytime, now I want to go see the yogurt first." Shu Yian jumped out of the car, walked forward without taking a few steps, and turned back to Su The kiss said, "Do you want to cook for me today?"
"what do you want to eat?"
The two figures walked side by side in the shade of the tree, the sunlight shed a mottled through the green leaves, and Shu Yian stepped on the dots the size of a coin, carrying his hands behind his back, staring at Su kiss seriously, "I know how to do nothing. A few things, I'm quite arrogant. I will say a few things, will you do it?"
Su Kiss rubbed the tip of her nose with embarrassment, "I can learn now."
"Okay!" Shu Yian took a big step, walked in front of Su kiss and waited for her specially, saying lightly, "You make me a pumpkin."
"That's easy."
"No, no, no!" Shu Yian put her index finger, "You use those pumpkins and carve a phoenix for me. It doesn't matter whether they taste good or not, the main thing is to look good and to match my temperament."
Su Kiss: "..."
Shu Yian was indeed embarrassing her again.
Seeing her ashamed, Shu Yi'an couldn't help but laugh, walked to her and took her arm, "I told you not to be too full of words. You still don't believe me. Okay, just make a few things that you can eat. I didn't expect you to be a good knifeman."
"By the way, I call Zhou Zhou over for dinner, don't you mind?"
"What does it matter?" Zhou Yu can be regarded as the benefactor between her and Shu Yian. Whether it is from the perspective of gratitude or the friendship between Zhou Yu and Shu Yian, Su kiss should treat her to dinner. .
"That's okay." Knowing that Su Kiss was a jealous person before, Shu Yian asked her for her advice, but didn't care about her. She ran to the living room alone, said hello to her aunt, and teased her with yogurt.
Su Kiss was busy in the kitchen alone, because Shu Yian wanted to eat, but she wanted to make it herself, so she didn't ask her aunt to help.
Her cooking speed was not as slow as usual. An hour later, Zhou Yu arrived here, and she had just prepared the ingredients.
Zhou Yu, who had never expected Su Wen to be such a good wife and mother, felt incredible about this, and sat beside Shu Yian a little cautiously. He wanted to help and was rejected, but he always felt bad if he didn't help.
After all, the boss works and the employees eat this kind of thing for nothing. How can they make people feel like a snack? I'm afraid that Su Kiss will fire her after eating this meal.
"Don't think too much, you can just pretend that she is cooking for me." Shu Yian saw Zhou Yu's uncomfortableness, put down the cat cat stick, let the yogurt play by herself, and chose to chat with Zhou Yu.
Zhou Yu smacked his tongue, with an enviable expression on his face, "I have witnessed two pairs of fairy-like love in this life, and suddenly I feel that I am not in vain."
"One of the couples you mentioned, wouldn't it be me and Su Kiss?" Shu Yian said amusedly.
Zhou Yu nodded solemnly, "Of course, President Su is willing to make soup for Miss Shu to wash her hands. You say that gods are not gods?"
Shu Yian tilted her head and smiled, "During that period of love, there were many people who were good to each other. Why did you meet two pairs?"
Zhou Yu peeled a banana and said with her cheeks bulging: "That is different. Since it is a fairy-like love, first of all, it must be a fairy, and secondly, it is a question of whether it is good or not." She took out her mobile phone. , With a dazzling little expression, opened a video in front of Shu Yian, and talked while playing it.
"I will show you the video I made before. Those two young ladies are really good-looking. Just like fairies, I originally wanted to post them online, but I don’t know anyone, so I’m afraid that others will be unhappy. Stay and watch for yourself."
It was a rainy day in the video, and Zhou Yu's voice could be heard, "Oh, it was still a big sun just now, it rained suddenly and I didn't bring an umbrella."
The camera was changing around. Soon, a girl suddenly appeared in the camera. Zhou Yu, who was still thinking about it, suddenly stopped talking. The girl's appearance was an accident for her.
Zhou Yu explained to Shu Yian with a smile here: "She is very good-looking. I don't dare to shoot too much, so I only dare to pat her occasionally."
And the good-looking person who appeared by accident was the person Shu Yian knew.
--Lin Song.
A short time later, a white Porsche appeared in the camera, and a slender and good-looking woman came down from the driving seat, holding an umbrella, and picked up Lin Ge.
If it's just picking up people, it's fine, but the key is that this person is still holding Lin Ge's waist, and the two are like lovers.
"When was this taken?" Shu Yian was puzzled by this. Lin Ge kept telling her that she had no friends, so where did this intimate object come from?
It hasn't been two days since she left Lin Ge's house, and it hasn't rained in these two days. It certainly won't be what happened these days.
Zhou Yu watched the video and replied:
It’s been a long time and I don’t remember the time. I know that it rained heavily that afternoon. I met them in the hospital and I was envious at that time because I waited until the rain stopped. When I left, no one would come to pick me up."
"Oh, yes." Zhou Yu seemed to remember something, and continued to mutter there, "That young lady seems to have skin allergies. I saw a rash on her hand at the time. The medicine she took was also a treatment for allergies. But I didn’t get a lot of photos.

Skin allergies?
Shu Yian recalled the investigation report on Lin Ge that he had given when investigating Gu Liyu.
Lin Ge, she doesn't have any allergic food...
The author has something to say: Although it is earlier today, but there are double changes in the wood, I stayed up all night, I guess after I finish working today, the rest of the time will be used to make up for sleep. 233
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