Vol 3 Chapter 80: Are you ready

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The so-called dreams, regardless of size, no distinction between expensive and cheap, everyone is not only a dream. At the moment, in front of him, for Zhou Mo, taking a photo with this professional is probably his most urgent dream, so although Xu Hexiang's mouth twitched twice, he finally nodded and agreed.
With full of joy, Zhou Mo hurried to Xu Hexiang to stand and looked up. He Yu and Gao Ge still looked at him blankly and waved hello: "Come on, what are you two doing?"
Zhou Mo is really a good person, and he has never forgotten his partner while enjoying his welfare. It's just ... He Yu and Gao Ge looked at each other and waved their hands together: "You come first, you come first."
Do you want to take photos one by one?
In Zhou Mo's view, this disturbed the gods a bit, and it was a bit annoying, but He Yu had raised his mobile phone here: "I will help you shoot, I will count one, two, three, okay ..."
"Thank you God ..." When He Yu's phone was put down, Zhou Mo hurriedly thanked Xu Hexiang.
"You're welcome." What can Xu Hexiang say at this time?
"I have decided to participate in the next youth training competition!" Zhou Mo continued.
"Ah?" Xu Hexiang couldn't keep up. When he was talking seriously about his dreams with someone, this guy wanted to take a photo with him. When he finished with him and waited for the next one, did this guy talk to him about his dreams again?
This youth training competition is a new selection competition organized by the KPL official. It is considered to be the most open personal way for professional players. However, this event is not like the campus activities of Dongjiang University, as long as you can register to participate. As the promotion channel of the top professional stage, there is a very high threshold for registration. After that, we will also practice the screening test of the layers of competition, and the 50 talents left behind will have the opportunity to be invited by the professional team for training.
Xu Hexiang is the mountain ghost team that entered this way. He is no stranger to the youth training game. After the sound of "Ah", he began to seriously look at Zhou Mo.
"It is not so easy to pass the youth training. Even if it passes, there may not be a team that needs you. Even if a team chooses you, it may just sit on the cold bench." Xu Hexiang said, he entered through the youth training The Mountain Ghost team finally succeeded. But he has not forgotten the fifty people who entered the trial after participating in the youth training competition in the same period. How many people are still in the KPL? It seems that one hand can be counted?
Those who are eligible to participate in the youth training competition are already the best among the tens of millions of players in the king, but wanting to stand in the KPL is only the starting point. Sign up for the Youth Training Tournament? It was even that the starting line was not on the line, only to knock on the door. It is a good thing to have confidence in chasing dreams, but what you are chasing can be recognized from the beginning. Professional sports is different from the mass industry, especially the professional players. The industry model has already destined that the personnel he needs are extremely limited and fixed.
There are a total of sixteen teams with five main players in each team, and the bench will probably not be the place anyone entering the professional world wants to pursue. So this can be seen as a business with only 80 seats, and the competition to face this seat can be imagined. As Xu Hexiang just said, even if he passes the youth training competition, he will only be counted as an admission ticket, and there will be competition after entering the competition. This competition will not stop even if he sits on those 80 seats. This career must be faced from beginning to end.
and so……
"Are you ready?" Xu Hexiang asked Zhou Mo very seriously, as if he had changed a person seriously. He just made Zhou Mo who had just expressed his attitude subconsciously want to repent, he looked at Gao Ge for help, and he suffered Arrived at Gao Ge's additional attack.
"Are you ready?" Gao Ge also asked.
The two of them have been in friendship for many years, and they can talk about nothing in the game. They have longed for the professional circle and have never interrupted. But whether or not to go this way, the two have been hesitant. Yang Qi's resolute involvement in the professional circle caused a great impact on the two. The problem of "thinking about it again" seemed to become imminent. And Zhou Mo, who has never been particularly creative, this time said that he was going to participate in the youth training competition before Gao Ge.
Although under Xu Hexiang's solemn confirmation, he immediately became somewhat hesitant. But only Gao Ge knew that with Zhou Mo's character, he made such a statement in front of the professional player he had always respected and admired. This determination was too big to be bigger. As for the hesitation after being confirmed, that was also the condition for the character. Reflection, after Gao Ge issued the same question, the hesitation on Zhou Mo's face quickly disappeared. He looked at Gao Ge and nodded clearly: "I think it's time to give it a try."
"Then I will evaluate and accompany you." Gao Ge said.
"Really, that's great!" Zhou Mo excitedly seemed to have passed the rookie game.
Xu Hexiang looked at the two of them and remembered the scene when he made up his mind, but then he continued to say seriously with the person who came here: "I want to remind you that although the two of you have a very good tacit understanding, it is only to this degree. It ’s not enough to impress any professional team that will solicit you to give you two positions. You are more likely to become competitors. "
After listening to this, Zhou Mo's expression was rare and relaxed, and he smiled at Gao Ge.
"We have already said this already." Zhou Mo said proudly. "It is best to be together, of course it is best. If we can't be together, we will hammer each other hard."
"That's it, then you have to come on. Otherwise, it might be the one who was beaten." Xu Hexiang said.
Zhou Mo scratched his head and smirked. He and Gao Ge have been playing since the day they met, can they count their strengths? The two of them have very different styles. They really want to fight one-on-one. Zhou Mozao knew he was not as good as singing. But fighting is only part of the content of this game, Zhou Mo knows that Xu Hexiang is just a joke.
"What about you?" After Xu Hexiang said the two, his eyes turned to He Yu again.
"Me?" He Yu froze for a while, his expression was very embarrassing, "My one ... The rank is just starry ..."
The specific qualifications for the youth training competition have not yet been understood, but the rank in the game is always a very intuitive strength performance. Is n’t it the King of Glory, and there is no hero in the national costume, so I am so embarrassed to be the leader of tens of millions of players and launch a shock to the top circle?
When Xu Hexiang heard He Yu's position, he froze for a while, then showed an unbearable look, and patted He Yudao with his hand: "Xing Yao is ... well, it is difficult to help yourself score.
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