Vol 4 Chapter 17: Six minutes

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"Request to gather!" Zhou Mo on the road issued an instruction in the game, attracting the watching of the three people beside him.
"Are you all right?" Gao Ge looked at him. Not to mention that the three of them are already moving up the road at this time, even if not, everyone sits in a row here, and shouting is not more straightforward than the "request to gather" in the game?
"Oh ..." Zhou Mo also reacted and smiled embarrassedly. When Gao Ge looked at him, he immediately knew that Zhou Mo was more serious in this game. When he was completely involved in the game, he often forgot his surroundings.
"Cross the tower directly or not?" Gao Ge immediately communicated with the three tactics.
"Don't they come out to press the tower?" He Yu observed the road.
It is very uncomfortable for a single warrior who has a short hand around the shooter with a support. Not to mention the pig shooter's side, but he often follows two helpers. The formation of the order is not only suppressed, it is normal to take the head to the tower in two minutes.
He Yu's opponent in this round has indeed collapsed. But in any case, before the arrival of He Yu, He Liang and Gao Ge, they are all in a three-to-one situation on this side, and they can still suppress Zhou Mo unscrupulously. However, at the moment it is Zhou Mo's Xiang Yu who is unscrupulously clearing the soldiers' line, and the three opposites are carefully standing on the edge of the defense tower. The situation on this sidewalk is completely overturned.
"It seems to guess that we are coming." Gao Ge said.
"That's not running yet." He Yu sighed.
"Probably feel safe under the tower." Gao Ge said.
Yes, the three people under the shrink tower really think so. Under the defensive tower, three people hold a group. If the opponent attacks, it may be their turning point to reverse the situation. They really think so.
So they did not go out of the tower, they only watched the movement of the soldier line under the protection of the defensive tower. When the soldier line arrived, it was probably the moment when the other party would launch an attack. They nervously discussed the countermeasures, but did not know that a falcon had just Flying past them.
The line of soldiers is approaching, but the attack has been launched at this time. Gao Ge ’s Wang Zhaojun stepped out of the grass at the river channel and stepped forward. One, two, and three, she threw all three of her skills under the defensive tower.
Withered ice crystals, imprisoned frost, and the snowstorm called by the big move, the warm and safe harbor in the hearts of the three suddenly became a place of extreme cold, covered with ice and snow. Those who step on the imprisoned frost are frozen directly. Stepping on withered ice crystals or being hit by a snowstorm will slow down.
The bull demon who walked directly from the red zone to the back of the defensive tower walked directly under the tower. In order to avoid the blizzard that lasted for five seconds, the three of them were a little panicked. The deceleration at their feet had not been lifted, and the demon had already rushed towards them.
This collision hits the fly; after landing, it is a more effective deceleration than the freezing effect, and Xiang Yu has already squeezed under the tower at this time.
Fearless charge!
Xiang Yu's twist was just a collision, and then Zhuang Zhou and Tai Yi real people found out that their pigs were gone ...
From Wang Zhaojun's skill forced to the position, to Niu Mo coming into the field, Xiang Yu coming into the field, all kinds of hard control and weak control, the point to be targeted is actually only one from beginning to end-Hou Yi.
As for Zhuang Zhou, as for the real people of Taiyi, their lives are not important at all. When Hou Yi was pushed up by Xiang Yu from under the tower, there was no other point of attack against them.
Set fire to Hou Yi!
Genghis Khan, who rushed out of the grass, was the main output force at this time, and Wang Zhaojun was also supplemented with a common attack. Xiang Yu roared immediately after pushing out Hou Yi, breaking the cauldron and then slowing down Hou Yi again, gathering energy with the blade of the gun, and he was already swayed after a king.
Flashing, showing Hou Yi's desire for survival at this time. But for a crispy shooter who is stunted, crushed by opponent's level, equipment, and set fire, it is already an extravagant hope to survive, even if they are fired by their side, they will hurt him. There was overflow, not to mention that after glancing in the direction of his survival, what he saw was that the Bull Devil's hand was holding a big axe and was running out of their defensive tower, just before his possible path of life.
Blink, Hou Yi fell.
Zhuang Zhou and Tai Yi looked at Xiang Yu's slashing sword, and they didn't dare to take a step forward.
Bingxian only entered the tower at this time, killing Hou Yi's Genghis Khan to follow the tower. Zhuang Zhou and Tai Yi really seemed to feel that the objects they wanted to protect were gone. They were meaningless alive, but they came to clear the soldiers desperately.
After Tai Yizheng detonated the medicine furnace, this wave of force was finally forcibly cleared, but he also gave his life for it. Only Zhuang Yiren left to ride a fish alone. Before leaving, he saw that Genghis Khan and other heroes turned around and entered their red zone again, as if returning to their homes. They could n’t help but lay a series of ellipses in the open chat screen .
"Don't play, watch the final." The first loser was Han Xin, the opponent. Sure enough, he would never see him again, and the four pig farmers gave up their struggles, and symbolically resisted for a while. After six minutes, they immediately surrendered and blew the crystal, even for a second. With delays.
"This won?" Zhou Mo's eyes have some incredible pig flow, but that is a very tricky routine for many players. Especially in the five-row match, it is not easy for a team of people who are not well-trained to want to beat the pig-raising routine that cooperates with the tacit understanding. As a result, their game ended in only six minutes, and this may be because the game was set to only surrender after six minutes, otherwise I am afraid that after the wave of more than two minutes on the road, the opposite side will listen to Han Xin together. Summoned, not to watch the finals, although the finals have not yet started.
"Is there another game?" Zhou Mo looked at the three people next to him, originally thinking about twenty minutes in a game, just to kill the time before the game. As a result, only one game ended in six minutes, but there was time for another game.
"No, just play a game," Gao Ge said.
"Okay." Zhou Mo put away his phone, a little unwilling.
"In this kind of casual entertainment board, will your professional players usually play it?" Gao Ge suddenly asked He Liang.
"It's less." It seems to know what Gao Ge wants to ask. He Liang said while he started to nod: "The rhythm, operation, and many details of the professional game are different from those of ordinary players. Keep the professional game. It ’s better to play a little less in the ordinary game. But this problem may vary from person to person. Maybe there are people who do not affect the state of the game, but at least there are no professional players I am more familiar with. Everyone usually Training day after day is to maintain the state of the game, but playing the player game is a kind of destruction to this state. Most of us think so. So try not to play. "
Gao Ge nodded, but didn't say anything. Instead, He Liang looked at her: "Are you asking this, have you noticed anything?"
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