Vol 6 Chapter 73: Problems surfaced

"Let's talk about the jungle first." When Xu Hexiang got serious, the iris of the gods was still very full, and the four members of the 6 team also sat in a hurry, especially Zhou Mo, the first named Zhou Mo, and his expression became nervous.
"I know that you are good at tank heroes, and your permanent position is not a jungler. There will be options for jungler. Probably when your team needs combat power, you exchange positions with the Rockets. You use Zhu Bajie. This is the idea of ​​a hero you are familiar with playing a blue-collar wild, right?" Xu Hexiang said, and Mo Xian was called the "Rocket One" here.
"Yes." Zhou Mo nodded.
"The idea is very good, but even if you are the same hero, you still need to be more presumptuous when you put it in the jungle position. After all, this position gives you the mobility to roam the whole game, and you must do everything in the early and mid-term. You may play your role and make your sense of existence. You are not a top laner, nor a wild core. As a blue-collar wild, it is no big deal to die. As long as you can bring rhythm to the team, you have reason to be generous. "Xu Hexiang said.
"Understand." Zhou Mo nodded repeatedly.
"Let's talk about the middle road." Xu Hexiang looked at Gao Ge.
"You said." Gao Ge was serious.
"You are more hesitant." Xu Hexiang said.
"Oh?" He Yu, the three of them were all surprised, and the word hesitation appeared on Gao Ge. What happened?
"Probably you are breaking through and adjusting your own style of play. At present, you have not found the most comfortable rhythm. This needs to be determined as soon as possible. The position in the middle is very important. Your hesitation will bring hesitation and sway to the team. Currently in your team. This is not obvious because of He Yu. I have heard your voice in the game. He Yu’s command is very detailed. To some extent, he has replaced you in thinking and making decisions. Unless you can guarantee that you will never be separated from him , Otherwise it’s best not to rely too much on him. As far as I know, there is currently no command like this in KPL." Xu Hexiang continued.
He Yu scratched his head as he listened. This is talking about Gao Ge, but it seems that some of his problems have already been mentioned. As expected, Xu Hexiang has already turned to him: "You heard, your problem is not here. Like you With such detailed command, why is no one in KPL like that? Because it is difficult to be so comprehensive in high-intensity confrontation. If you can still be like this in KPL, then as I said nothing; if you find it hard, then Need to grasp the key points and understand the choices."
"I understand." He Yu nodded.
Xu Hexiang looked at Su Ge lastly: "As the one who was excluded and bullied in the team..."
"What's this!" He Yu shouted.
"Su Ge just joined us in offline matches." Zhou Mo also quickly explained.
"Don't do anything!" Gao Ge said.
"Cough." Su Ge also coughed, looking embarrassed. Although he knew that he did not, he felt very shameless when viewed this way. Just like the bullied children on campus, in addition to grievance and resentment, they often feel embarrassed.
"Sorry to make a joke, don't care, don't care." Xu Hexiang joked quickly.
"Then let's discuss this issue seriously. Because this round is a game I am in charge of directing, the participation of the shooters is somewhat different from your previous style. I think at least in terms of ability, this little brother is also fine, no The one in your team who is capable of pulling the hips. Then I am curious, why the main C position of the shooter in your style of play is mostly in a state of stocking? I want to ask what is the shooter position in your original team That kind of person? Weak? Or your team doesn't play shooters?" Xu Hexiang said.
"Our original development path was Mo Xian." He Yu said.
"Oh? What is your original jungler?" Xu Hexiang asked. In the intercollegiate league, he saw a wave of 7 in the final, but he has forgotten about it now.
"She didn't sign up for the youth training competition." He Yu said.
"What kind of style does this mean?" Xu Hexiang said.
"Uh, professional assassins, good at fighting solo, strong harvesting ability." He Yu said.
"Then let me make a bold guess. Because Mo Xian's strength is too top-notch, it must be crushed in the campus game environment. The most stable way for your team to win is naturally to use his side as a breakthrough, assisting and mid-laner. He has formed a linkage this time, holding the top single, and the jungler, most of them are back-hand harvesting positions?" Xu Hexiang said.
"Almost." He Yu said.
"So you are probably used to having such a character who is free and free." Xu Hexiang said.
"Such a habit may not have been formed at this stage." After hearing this, Zhou Mo suddenly interjected. Then he looked at He Yu and Gao Ge: "Before Jia Yin, we have another jungler..."
"Oh..." He Yu and Gao Ge suddenly.
"What kind of player is this?" Xu Hexiang asked.
When this term is applied to Zhao Jinran, the first generation jungler of Team Lang 7, it sounds a bit harsh. As for what kind of player he is...
"Not very good." He Yu can be summarized in three words.
"The answer is ready to come out." Xu Hexiang seemed to have solved some riddle, showing a happy smile, "Because there is a person who is not very familiar with the team, so you are more familiar with the smooth system actually established by four people. Yes. So this fifth person is not a question of position, but the system you are familiar with habitually dissociates from the fifth person.
He Yu, Gao Ge, and Zhou Mo looked at each other, and were about to say something, but Xu Hexiang has continued to say: "You don't need to study this question carefully, and there is no need to focus your energy on this.
"Why?" Zhou Mo asked.
Xu Hexiang glanced at him: "Because this is not a single individual's problem, it is the overall problem of your team. But your team..."
He didn't finish speaking, but everyone already fully understood.
Because their team will only end here. After the youth training game, even if all five of the team are left behind, it is impossible for all five to be selected by a team at the same time. Even if there is such a miracle, they have already had a Mo Xian who refused to play professionally. The youth training competition will be the end of their small group, so there is really no need to entangle here how to solve this overall problem.
"Just say so much?" Xu Hexiang said last.
"Doesn't that mean saying nothing to me?" Su Ge said, at this point, he finally talked about a team problem that didn't need to be solved, and he didn't say anything to him personally.
Xu Hexiang seemed hesitant to speak, but in the end he just patted Su Ge: "That's it, I have something to do this morning, let's deal with it first."
After saying this, Xu Hexiang got up and left. Before he could finish his words, he walked so abruptly, as if he was evading something.
"Let's take a break too." Gao Ge said at this time.
"Okay." Everyone nodded, the room was quiet, everyone was thinking about something.
Xu Hexiang, who left, didn't even think about where he was going. He walked aimlessly.
He was running away, because he was a little tangled about Su Ge. It is indeed a joke to say that Su Ge is excluded, but the current style of play of the 6th team is really bad for Su Ge. Even if the 6 teams win all the way, what impressive performances did the 6 team shooters in the free position have in this series of victories? No. Even because the 6 teams are always quick wins, the shooters whose output performance mainly comes from the late stage will not be too optimistic on the data.
In the draft, only individuals are selected. Team 6 has attracted the attention of countless people, but the shooter in their team is very likely to be out of everyone's sight.
So from the perspective of a normal game, Team 6 is fine. But from the utilitarian point of view of the special purpose of the youth training game-the demand of the draft, Su Ge was in the 6th team, not intentionally, but he was indeed in a position to be excluded. And this made Xu Hexiang really wonder what to say.
Just turning around without a head, the phone rang, and there was a new message, Xu Hexiang clicked it, and it turned out to be a WeChat from Gao Ge.
"Team Xu, excuse me." Gao Ge's opening remark was followed by a second message.
"When you talked about Su Ge earlier, he was not the one with the ability to pull the hips in our team. The implication of this is that there is actually one in our team that is slower?"
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