Vol 6 Chapter 126: Peaceful start

"Why do you choose a monkey?" There was a lot of discussion in the astonished viewing room.
After the hero Sun Wukong was fully equipped, his explosion was so high that his damage overflowed. A skill protection spell: recite the protection spell, you can resist an enemy skill for Monkey King for 1.5 seconds. After successfully resisting, you will get 0.2 seconds of invincibility and a resistance shield for 4 seconds. This skill is used properly, unless it encounters Donghuang and Zhang Liang's utmost tactics, other than that, there are no natural enemies.
But even with this advantage, Monkey King's appearance rate in high-end games and even professional games is still low. The reason is the same as Li Bai: too weak in the early stage, easy to fall into the wild, and he will be defeated without being equipped.
After all, it is a hero in the jungle position. The relatively free position on the field determines that no matter what type of jungler, it is an important metronome on the field and has a decisive influence on the rhythm of the game. This is different from the shooter, who has weaknesses in the early and mid-term, but he can only endure the formation of the equipment in the later period to save the world.
As a result, in this round, one side took out Li Bai, and the other side sent Monkey King, as if not disturbing each other early. But in the habit of professional players, Li Bai was taken out from the other side, so he should pinch this weak link to the death. Such politeness really makes them very unaccustomed.
"Li Wenshan, what do you think?" Everyone asked Li Wenshan, the number one jungler.
"I think... even if you want to take the opportunity to not bother each other in the early stage, and directly hit level 4, Nakolulu is a better choice. Choosing the monkey may be because of love?" Li Wenshan said.
Everyone was silent.
Because of love, this reason is fine, but not professional!
The game has already begun at this time.
The two jungle heroes who have received much attention, the Monkey King of Team 1 behaved and chose Lan Kai. However, Li Bai of Team 6 was domineering, and after going straight through his blue zone, he went to the opposite red zone.
A weak jungler in the early stage wanted to go against the wild. This is undoubtedly the courage that Monkey King gave him.
However, Li Bai was not alone. He assisted Bai Qi to go straight to the middle road after the start. This was because he wanted to help the middle road to grab the line first, and then he could go to help Li Bai.
But when I got to the middle road, it was not Angela, but Gongsun Li and Da Qiao.
"Withdraw." He Yu said as soon as he saw the other party changing the line. Mo Xian's Li Bai also turned around immediately, instead of going against the wild, he changed to Lan and opened.
Angela's damage is high, but as a mage, fighting depends on skills. The early skills cool down for a long time, and one battle may only be enough to hand in skills. Once they fail, the effect is basically zero. The classic combination of Gongsunli and Daqiao is different, and they have strong ability to pull and fight continuously. The purpose of the opponent's line change is obvious, that is, to use this powerful combination to protect the wild area.
He Yu saw this and immediately adjusted his strategy. Mo Xian's Li Bai turned his head decisively, and the audience was greatly admired.
"They are all mature!" everyone said.
In the game, sometimes it is clearly predicted that this wave should not be beaten, and it is clearly guessed that there may be an ambush in the grass ahead, but still can't help but go forward and try it. This kind of stubborn behavior can't tell what the reason is, but in the eyes of the professional level, this is a performance of immaturity. And the 6 team sees the other party's intention to immediately adjust the response, which is their favorite atmosphere.
The next team did not show any offensive desire relying on their combination of strong combat capabilities. The two sides began to look like a peaceful development. Watching the two junglers and fighting off the troublesome appearance, professionals. Our tears are almost coming down, they are really not used to this style.
However, Team 1 and Team 6 also seem to know that these two junglers cannot be allowed to develop so slowly. Others will actively help to clear the jungle when they are free. Soon both sides cleared half of the jungle. . The game time also moved towards one minute, and both sides began to gather towards the middle, and both wanted to fight for the one-minute refresh of the middle road. In the case of cooperating with the jungle position of one's own side, both sides occupy the field of vision on the side of the river, and then it is time to fight for luck. At which end the river is refreshed, it will basically fall into whose hands. After all, the life of this little monster is fragile, and it will definitely disappear in such a battle, and it is difficult to present the situation of ancient creatures pulling and fighting like that.
1 minute!
The spectators stared at the time just like the players on the field, and at the moment they reached 1 minute, they immediately began to search for the little fish in the middle.
Against the roadside!
Luck was on the side of Team 6, and the river fish was refreshed on the side where they occupy a favorable position. But team 1 didn't seem to want to give up so easily, and just jumped into 1 minute in time, and the moment when Xiaoyu refreshed his position, the heroes of team 1 assembled immediately rushed towards team 6.
"I want to force a group!"
Team 1 has obvious intentions. Although it is only a distance of the middle road, but with such a gathering, it is difficult for Team 1 to grab this little monster. However, if the 6 teams quickly killed Ono, they would surrender some skills, and then they would fall into a disadvantaged position in a team battle, especially the combination of Gongsun Li and Da Qiao on the opposite side.
The sea of ​​fate!
The person has not yet arrived, but Da Qiao has already lost a skill in the opposite bush. The others rushed forward. In order to compete for this little fish, the two teams are racing against time. The newly arrived second wave of troops in the middle road was completely ignored. But despite being so fast, the first team that rushed to see the scene where the six heroes were separated. For this wave of team battles, the 6 teams refused, and carefully designed their retreat routes in advance. The old master who came around from the confrontation road didn't get a chance to stop him.
When Team 1 saw it, they didn't get entangled. They turned around and ate the midline. The jungler monkeys didn't avoid this wave. After eating this wave together, they turned into their own red zone.
"Second brother, be careful over there." He Yu shouted. Although people ran fast, He Yu's perspective was staying in the middle. He noticed the direction in which the team cleared the line and dispersed.
"Received." Zhou Mo responded. As a defensive champion, Zhou Mo actually knows how to pay attention to the movement of his opponent Nakano Suke, not just squatting under the tower blindly. Of course, for the next third wave, the opposite side is likely to assemble heavy troops. In this wave, Zhou Mota has to squat enough to be justified.
"Does this wave have to help with the interference from Da Qiao?" Gao Ge said.
Pay attention to the public account: book friends base camp, pay attention to send cash and coins!
"Li Bai brushes the wild, it must be too late. If the two of us go to support, the output will not be enough. Unless we can come up, we will find Gongsun Li to solve her... I feel that the chance is not great." He Yu said.
"It's hard." Gao Ge said. Gongsun moved away from himself, the summoner's skills were still purifying, and there were so many teammates around him. Some difficulties have been answered with a trace of luck.
"So it's better to just go, you can cooperate with Li Bai to find opportunities for development." He Yu said.
"Oh? What's your plan?" Gao Ge was stunned. In this case, you usually have to fly against the road, and everyone should focus on the development road or make some articles in the middle road. Trade more for less to take advantage. But this time, are you planning to spend manpower on defense against the road?
"The goal is to seek towers, not to kill. But you'd better take a personal head on the development road." He Yu said.
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