Chapter 1048: The shock of the black king (first more)

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The Black King let out a sneer: "Are your Red Police Empire planning to send all the troops across the country to all fronts?"
The black king thought that Su Chen meant this. If that was the case, what would the Red Police Empire use to attack ten empires, with one mouth?
Not only the Black King thought so, but other kings also felt that Su Chen meant this, otherwise they would really not be able to think of any way to be worthy of the recruiting power of the ten empires.
King Lotus kindly reminded: "If you take out your Red Police Empire's own troops and attack ten empires at the same time, it is very risky."
As a result, Su Chen asked in surprise: "When did I say that I want to use my own troops?"
The other kings were slightly taken aback, Su Chen didn't mean this, then what did he mean?
Su Chen found that these people seemed to have misunderstood his meaning, and coughed lightly and said: "What I said is equivalent to ten imperial conscripts, not my own troops, but a kind of weapon."
The kings frowned. It is true that weapons can bring a lot of help to the front, but the front is always people-oriented. Without anyone, any weapon is useless.
They will never believe in artificial intelligence-controlled weapons. Countless things in history have proved that this method is very dangerous.
Even if it is Xingwang, they will limit the artificial intelligence authority that controls Xingwang before agreeing to the establishment of Xingwang.
In other words, when necessary, the king can directly cancel the authority of artificial intelligence.
In fact, they don't even know that their authority is not the highest.
"I know the quality of the weapons of the Red Police Empire is very good, and their power is not weak, but those weapons that can only deal with the surface of the planet are not as good as warships!" The Black King sneered.
Su Chen looked at the Black King with a look of foolish eyes: "When did I say those weapons? Those are just weapons that the Red Police Empire has long eliminated. I have already passed all the data over. You can see for yourself."
With that said, one interface after another appeared on the face of each king, and the most conspicuous image on it was a huge...mushroom!
Under the image, there are two characters, nuclear bomb!
Since there are no nuclear weapons in this world, this big killer is unique to Su Chen. It’s just that this time it’s going to be used. It’s not the big super weapon, but they use the mutant nuclear bomb on the plane where the bald head is strong. Mutant nuclear bombs developed by the laboratory itself.
The power is much higher than the original version. Currently, the most powerful mutant nuclear bomb that has been tested can directly blow up a small galaxy similar to the solar system.
An explosion of that scale, even if some big galaxy-level powerhouse is not careful, it will be finished!
The interface details the name of the nuclear bomb, as well as a video display. When they saw a nuclear bomb, they were all shocked when they saw a small galaxy into nothingness.
Weapons are so powerful that even the human star domains are very few. Most of them are excavated from the relics left by previous civilizations, but they are too long to be used many times, usually at critical moments. Will be used. "Do you mean to use these weapons to replace the combat power of the ten empires?" Shi Wang couldn't believe it. 520 novel.520fsxs.
This is the sum of the conscription combat power of the ten empires, even if it is replaced by this powerful weapon, the number is not a small number.
Can the Red Police Empire really get it?
"Yes! Black King, I don't know if this weapon can be used as a substitute?" Su Chen turned to look at the Black King.
At this time, the Black King did not speak. In fact, even if all the ten empires were recruited, it would only increase by dozens of large galaxy levels and thousands of small galaxy levels. The effect is definitely stronger than the conscription combat power provided by ten empires!
The black king can attack other empires during the recruitment of the red police empire and express his own opinions, but at this time, the black king cannot violate an objective fact and speak against his will.
The king can have his own bias, but he cannot speak nonsense with his eyes open.
Besides, the other kings are here. If the Black King insists that nuclear bombs are not qualified, it will only cause other kings to laugh.
"Yes!" The Black King snorted coldly.
"The least powerful nuclear bomb can destroy a range of hundreds of kilometers away. You have seen the powerful one. It is enough to destroy a small galaxy. I can provide a hundred sets of nuclear bombs from the smallest to the most powerful. There are ten nuclear bombs. Can this offset the losses of those ten empires? At the same time, my Red Police Empire will also accept conscription."
At this time, the Black King suddenly said: "Your Red Alert Empire controls ten large galaxies, so it is ten times the normal empire to recruit troops!"
The Black King thought that Su Chen would refute, but Su Chen said without paying attention, "This is what it should be."
Right now, the Black King was a little dazed, which was a little different from what he had imagined.
That's ten times the conscription. Even if the Red Police Empire is taken out, does he still have the power to attack other empires?
"All conscriptions must be made in accordance with the regulations. You are not allowed to use ordinary people to recharge." The Black King reminded him that he was worried that Su Chen would really do this. If this were the case, the number of conscriptions would not be a problem.
There are not many other human stars, but there are definitely more ordinary people.
"Black King, you seem to underestimate me. Go and ask, who doesn’t know that my Red Police empire has accomplished the feat of promoting all the residents to the extraordinary last year. Just ask this, which empire can do it? ?" Su Chen stood up, an emperor's power emerged from his body.
The Black King really didn't know about this. He had always paid attention to matters on his own front. Unless it was a really big thing, he would pay attention to it.
King Lotus nodded and said: "Black King, what the Red Police Emperor said is not a lie. During my patrol, I went to the Red Police Empire to check it out. Indeed, every resident of the Red Police Empire has become an extraordinary person and cannot become an extraordinary person. People who are horrible criminals or have some special reasons."
With the assurance of King Lotus, the Black King believed Su Chen's words. He couldn't help it for less than three seconds, and asked, "How did you do it?"
This matter is not trivial. The biggest reason why mankind’s combat power is so stretched is that there are too few supernatural beings naturally born on a planet!
The base number of transcendents is small, resulting in a small number of strong ones, and it is quite rare that a planet can give birth to a small galaxy level.
Under this circumstance, who doesn't want all human beings to become transcendents, so the probability of the birth of a king will be greatly increased.
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