Chapter 1084: First contact

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The next day, Huo Qi received news that he was the king of the human star domain and wanted to meet with the god-level warriors of the human alliance and discuss the alliance between the two human forces.
"I can only try, after all, we don't even know how to go back now." Huo Qi said with a wry smile.
"We have already studied the spacecraft. There is a low-level artificial intelligence on it. After forcibly cracking it, a line was found in it. It should be the line back to your human alliance." Li Xin said.
"Really? We can go back?" Huo Qi was overjoyed.
"This is the route back to your human alliance. I can't guarantee that the teleportation points you pass by on the way can still be used. You must go over and see."
Since the aliens are not attacking now and the surroundings of the front are still safe, Li Xin personally took Huo Qi to the nearest point marked on the line.
This is the new star field occupied by their seventh front. The surrounding planets have not been destroyed. The marked planet is not very far from the front, only less than five light-years away.
And the distance between the Cthulhu Clan and the seventh front of mankind is at least a hundred light-years away.
The two continued to take the previous spaceship and quickly arrived at this marked planet.
As a result, Li Xin didn't find out where the teleportation point was. He was a great galaxy-level expert, and it didn't take much time to search for a planet.
"General Li, this teleportation point is very concealed. It can only be seen with my own eyes. It cannot be found in other ways, but I think this spacecraft should be able to find it." Huo Qi controlled it a few times, and the spacecraft started by itself. Slowly landed in a place. After landing on the ground, Li Xin saw the teleportation point full of age.
"You take this thing all the way from the Human Alliance to here?" Li Xin asked.
"Yes, I just don't know if reverse transmission will work." Huo Qi is also a little uncertain.
The two got off the spacecraft and walked into the ruin-like building. As soon as he came in, he heard a familiar voice: "Detected the entry of human beings, start teleportation, I wish you a happy trip."
"Fuck, wait!"
Still the familiar feeling of transmission, even Li Xin had no time to react, and the two disappeared here.
After that, they experienced non-stop teleportation, until more than ten times, and finally stopped.
"That's how you came here?" Li Xin looked at Huo Qi with a strange expression.
The feeling of uninterrupted teleportation made him feel a little uncomfortable for the big galaxy-level powerhouse, let alone other people.
"Yes, the teleportation point here doesn't make sense to you. As long as someone enters, it will be teleportation directly." Huo Qi shook his head, finally feeling more awake.
"So, we should be in the Star Territory of the Human Alliance now?" Li Xin's voice was full of excitement.
Just like Huo Qi, Li Xin will also become the first person to start from the human star field and come to another human gathering star field."Welcome to the Alliance of Humanity. The warship outside should still be there. Let’s go directly to the headquarters of the Alliance of Humanity to meet the Congressman." uu书库.uusk.
When Huo Qi brought Li Xin to the battleship outside, some of the subordinates stationed here saw their boss coming back. They were happy at first, but soon they found a strange place. What about the others?
And why is there a stranger behind the boss?
"Boss?" A group of people looked at Huo Qi, wondering if the boss had been dropped.
"Why, I still doubt my identity, do you want me to shake out your dark history one by one! Big mouse, you were the oldest old man with me at the beginning, you like to pick your feet while eating, and your stinky feet ..." Huo Qi said one by one.
Obviously, after hearing these words, these little brothers put down their vigilance. Only they and the boss knew about these things. If they could tell these things, the boss must be right.
"Don’t think too much, other people stay in the human star field, as the first batch of exchange ambassadors. Where is the human star field? Of course it is another human gathering star field, yes, we really found us except us Humans beyond!"
Hearing Huo Qi's words, a group of little brothers cheered for joy. They always thought that there should be humans in other places, but they had not discovered new humans for several years, which made them almost think that they were the only humans left in the universe.
But the boss told them that there are other humans in other places, which shows that they are not alone!
"This is General Li Xin. He is the messenger from the human star field. Come with me. It is estimated that it will not be long before our human alliance will formally form an alliance with the human star field." Huo Qi said. This exciting news.
After cheering for a while, a younger brother asked: "Boss, is the strength of the human star field very strong?"
"Very strong, they have ten kings, oh, the king is our god-level warrior."
Hearing that the other party actually has ten god-level warriors, these people suddenly understood that the strength of the human star field is not worse than that of the human alliance, and they are absolutely qualified to form an alliance.
Then they took the battleship to the headquarters of the Human Alliance. On the way, Li Xin also learned a lot about the Human Alliance.
He found that the people on the human alliance were full of vigor. Even when he saw him, a powerful galaxy-level powerhouse, he did not have a humble attitude. Instead, he faced him in a manner that was neither humble nor overbearing. It is rare in the human star domain.
If he returned to the human star field with his strength, even the Emperor would be polite when he saw him, the ministers might even show flattering expressions, all because of his identity and strength.
In general, the atmosphere of the Human Alliance and the Human Star Territory are quite different.
After a while, the warship came to the headquarters of the Human Alliance, with the congressman Huo Qi as a guarantor, they entered the house unimpeded all the way, and soon they saw the congressman.
This congressman is Natasha. Of course, her appearance is completely different from when she was in the Red Police Empire.
"Congressman, I successfully reached another human star field. This is the messenger sent over there, the frontier general of the seventh front of humanity, General Li Xin Li." Huo Qi introduced.
"I have met the Honourable President, we have learned some information about the Human Alliance from the Honourable Huo Qi. Our Lord King intends to enter into an alliance with the Human Alliance. I wonder if the Lord Senator can contact your God-level warrior to discuss What about the alliance?"
Natasha looked at Li Xin and said lightly: "I feel very fortunate that there are humans over there, but I don't think it is necessary for the alliance."
"What?" Li Xin was stunned.
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