Chapter 1097: Come on!

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"Uncle, the other imperial emperors unite and let their people slander the Red Police Empire in the star network. Do I need to take action?" Alice asked.
Su Chen was sitting on a chair, enjoying his game moments. Hearing Alice's voice, he asked casually: "They only spray people on the Internet, and don't have any other actions?"
"According to the current findings, this is indeed the case. At the same time, spy 1315 has reported that these empires do not seem to be prepared to deal with the Red Police Empire by force, but through the star network, so that the entire human star domain will regard the Red Police Empire as Enemy of the human star field."
"Tsk tusk, these emperors really got home, they can't just make a splash? Do you think that being an Internet twee is a promising career?"
"The sky does not give birth to me, Su Chen, the key is like a long night, the key is coming!"
As soon as the voice fell, a virtual keyboard appeared in front of Su Chen's eyes. His hands kept tapping the keyboard, fast enough to produce a phantom.
Soon after, all the residents of the Red Alert Empire saw such a message: "It seems that many people on the Star Network are spraying me on the Red Alert Empire. As the emperor of the Red Alert Empire, I can only say one thing, Cao Nima! Red! Residents of the Police Empire, spray them back for me!"
Seeing that their emperor is so grounded, the residents of the Red Alert Empire smiled heartily, and then... they all connected to the star network, no matter what people were doing at this time, all stopped what they were doing, no reason, just because Their majesty is calling them!
Under Su Chen's words, all the people in the Red Police Empire who were able to access the star network went online, and directly started the confrontation with other empire residents.
It has to be said that the existence of the Red Alert World was still meaningful at the beginning, and at least the level of the Red Alert Empire was completely crushed by other empires.
At the beginning, the entire network was talking about the negative news about the Red Police Empire, but as the Red Police Empire sprayed...cough, it was the emergence of residents, and the battlefield was tilted. A large number of people discovered that the Red Police Empire did not seem to be those before As people say, it is unforgivable.
This caused many neutrals to become entangled. They turned into onlookers, watching the Red Police Empire face dozens of empires on the star network with the power of one empire.
Fortunately, this is a brand new virtual world made by using virtual clan technology. If it is replaced with the one of the previous Star Peak Empire, it is estimated that the network has already been paralyzed.
The star network, which carries countless people communicating at the same time, is still operating normally without any problems.
At the beginning of the operation, the emperors of the anti-red police empire alliance smiled brightly after seeing how powerful their men were.
However, with the actions of the residents of the Red Police Empire, the scene actually froze, which made them very unhappy.
They are sprayed by dozens of empires, how can they not spray a mere red police empire?
"Push me down, if I can't spray the Red Police Empire, everyone will get out of me!"
Accompanied by the roar of dozens of emperors, the people below had broken their legs and layered on top of each other. When they reached the bottom, ordinary people were already feeling bored.
Unlike the Red Police Empire, other empires still use coercive methods to force residents to smear the Red Police Empire on the Internet, all because they are citizens, not nobles.
If people with certain authority can find out that all the people who acted as spoilers in these empires are ordinary residents. Among those nobles, only a few people have come to play, and most nobles have no action at all.
In these empires, nobles have always had privileges.
For a time, the entire star network was all in a misty atmosphere.
It's just that this situation lasted less than a day, and suddenly everyone found that they couldn't speak anymore!
It felt like being banned. Qishu eBook.qishu520.
At this time, a voice sounded and reached everyone's ears: "Xingwang didn't let you use it like this. If there is another time, everyone will shut down Xingwang for a year!"
Most people don't know who the owner of this voice is, but a few people feel cold all over after hearing the voice. This voice is the Yuan Wang!
Only the king's authority can mute everyone at the same time, and only the king can let his voice reach everyone's ears.
The emperors of the Anti-Red Police Alliance knew that this time it was only a warning from the king. If something like this happens next time, they are probably the first to be punished.
"Even Master Yuan Wang is helping the Red Police Empire. What are we insisting on? Let's surrender early!" An emperor vented his inner dissatisfaction.
In his opinion, this is the only way they can use. As long as they stick to it, the reputation of the Red Police Empire will be inaudible. Even if the Red Police Empire attacks other empires, the residents there will resist desperately. This is what they want. saw.
In their opinion, it is very cost-effective to exchange the lives of some residents for the reputation of the Red Police Empire.
As a result, their intentions had just begun and they were stopped by the king.
"Master Yuan Wang is not helping the Red Alert Empire, but doing it from an impartial perspective. The original intention of Star Net is to make the connection between the human Star Territories closer and more convenient. It is indeed not for us. , This time it's our fault." A sighed emperor who was fairly reasonable.
"Could it be that we really can't do anything and watch the Red Police Empire call over? If this continues, the Red Police Empire will really unify the human star domain!"
The spy is still watching the performance of these emperors, very calm, he knows that these emperors should have a back.
Sure enough, Emperor Qinghua said: "This method does not work, I have one last method."
"Emperor Qinghua, please speak." All the emperors looked at him, expecting the way he said.
"This method is just one, gather all the empire's forces, and have a final battle with the Red Police Empire!"
The emperors were shocked. They didn't expect to have a fight with the Red Police Empire in the end. Is this really okay?
"Emperor Qinghua, is this too much, will the kings agree?"
This is not just a small fight before, but a major event that is enough to split the human star field!
"Otherwise do you have other ways?"
Emperor Qinghua asked a question, but no one spoke.
No one spoke for a while. At this time, Spy No. 1315 stood up, and his actions attracted the attention of all the emperors.
"In my opinion, this method... is so stupid!"
Hearing this merciless word, Emperor Qinghua was taken aback for a moment, and then his face was a little gloomy: "Emperor Xingfeng, do you have a better way?"
"of course!"
"Oh, anyone can speak big words, tell me your way!" Qinghua Emperor sneered.
The spy sneered: "This method is..."
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