Chapter 1128: Betray your race!

It is estimated that he would like all these vassal races to die. The only reason that vassal races can exist is that humans need some of their specialties.
The special product of the Ward tribe is their own limbs, which can help humans to improve their strength, but since the Red Police Empire launched various fruits researched by Su Feng, the existence of the Ward tribe has become dispensable.
This time the Ward clan disappeared without any king's words. It is estimated that they all felt that the Ward clan's disappearance was also a good thing, at least to deter other vassal races with bad thoughts.
In the version Leng Yuwei said, the biggest factor for these vassal races to betray is that the Ward clan patriarch became the Constellation level. They felt that they would have the capital to negotiate with humans. As a result, they did not expect Leng Yuwei’s own strength. Coupled with the super weapons of the Red Police Empire, they actually killed the Ward chieftain.
The border defense general did not have any doubts, but he also felt that if the vassal race had a constellation level, it would definitely have confidence.
The only thing that puzzled him was where the energy needed for the Ward clan patriarch to break through to the Constellation level came from.
Of course this is just a trivial matter, maybe the other party had prepared it a long time ago, he didn't mean to delve into it.
The border general went back to report, and Zhao Heng was still in charge here.
The frontier general left, and this place was once again dominated by Leng Yuwei. She directly issued various orders, one of which was that all the vassal races stay on their own planet. If they are found to leave their own planet quietly, Kill all!
As for those who trade with the vassal race, all are ordered to suspend and wait for notification.
After this order, even if the vassal races, those people won't buy it.
On the edge of the small galaxy, the captain of a battleship is protesting to Zhao Heng: "General Zhao Heng, we have been cooperating for so many years. When will it be a woman's turn to speak here? Even if she can kill the Constellation-level alien, but here It's a human star field, it's a rule!"
Leng Yuwei killed the Constellation-class Ward Clan, all mankind knew, but even the king must abide by the rules, let alone an empire queen, the captain is not afraid.
What he is doing is a regular business, and it is not illegal. He is not afraid of anything rational.
In the picture, Zhao Heng looked at the captain blankly: "I solemnly tell you now that the Red Police Queen has the vassal race management rights transferred by Lord King, and even I must obey her orders here!"
"What? Management?" The captain was stunned.
He has been doing business here for so many years. Of course he knows what the management power is. That is the exclusive power of Lord King. No one is qualified to get it. How could it be transferred to an empire's queen?
But this was said from the frontier general Zhao Heng. There will be absolutely no falsehood. If he dares to lie and is found out, he will end up miserably.
Not only this captain, but other captains all received a communication from Zhao Heng. Knowing this, they dare not say a word now.
How great is the power of management, as long as it involves the vassal race, then even the king can't oppose it!
In other words, the power of life and death of these vassal races is in the hands of Leng Yuwei.
Of course, if Leng Yuwei really killed the vassal race for no reason, this would not work. Search for e-books.sodutxt. This incident soon spread, and Leng Yuwei has made headlines again since she killed the Constellation-level powerhouse last time.
At this time, Leng Yuwei brought some people to the planet of the Black Cloud Race. The appearance of this race was a group of dark clouds floating in mid-air. In order to facilitate communication with humans, the Black Cloud Race was still working on the surface of the dark clouds. A pair of red eyes and a big mouth appeared, which looked a little horrified.
But now the acting patriarch of the Black Cloud Clan has a flattering smile on his face, and the two slender palms extending from the dark clouds are constantly rubbing them, floating next to Leng Yuwei, acting as a tour guide conscientiously.
It is very clear that the fate of the entire race lies with this human woman. They were stupidly appointed as the patriarch and followed the Ward patriarch to betray the humanity, and as a result, there was nothing left.
It wouldn't do that. As long as they have a good relationship with this human woman, their race's life in the future will at least not be so sad.
The Black Cloud Race planet is different from others. As a cosmic race, they live in an environment similar to many unmanned planets, which can be said to be quite bad.
Thunderstorms, storms, etc. happen every day, and this is their favorite environment.
This kind of environment had no effect on Leng Yuwei. After watching for a while, they came to the place where the Heiyun clan lived.
It seems that it was influenced by humans, and the Black Clouds actually built some buildings similar to human houses for themselves, but with different details.
Most humans have only one gate, which is in front of the house, but the buildings of the Black Cloud tribe are full of gates. After all, they are floating races.
Sitting in this building full of holes, Leng Yuwei was still expressionless. She looked at the acting patriarch of the Black Cloud Clan in front of her, and said faintly: "You should be clear about the current situation of the Black Cloud Clan."
"I know that the Black Cloud Clan was originally the weakest of the five vassal races. With the death of the previous patriarch, the current strongest is the seventh stage of my big galaxy." The acting patriarch smiled bitterly, "I hope Lord Leng can watch. For the Black Cloud Clan's hard work for many years, spare us the remaining Black Cloud Clan, after all, we were all forced by the previous patriarch."
"Because of your riots, a total of more than a thousand soldiers were killed in battle. You said these people's lives, who should I call?"
The surrounding temperature dropped suddenly, and a trace of frost appeared on the surface of the agent leader's body, which made it even more frightened.
After all, this one in front of me has killed a constellation-level fierce!
"I can catch all the people who killed the human warriors, and let Master Leng deal with them!" The acting patriarch resolutely said.
It is very clear that only in this way can it hope to preserve the existence of the Black Cloud Race. It does not want its race to disappear into the universe like the Ward Race.
"Their fate no longer exists at the moment they kill the human warrior."
Listening to Leng Yuwei's words, the acting patriarch of the Black Cloud Clan felt cold all over.
"One more thing, if the Black Cloud tribe wants to take away the title of the vassal race, they have to do something, you know what I mean."
The acting patriarch’s expression is changeable. Of course it knows what Leng Yuwei is talking about. If a vassal race wants to break away from this identity and integrate into the human environment, then the first thing is to... betray their own race!
After thinking for a long time, it sighed heavily: "My lord, what do you want to know?"
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