Chapter 145: Human traitor!

Humans have regained the ability to communicate before the end of the world, and this news quickly reached the ears of mutant beasts.
Humans can know the information of mutant beasts, then natural mutant beasts also have their own ways to obtain human intelligence.
"It's impossible. There are few human satellites left. How can there be the ability to allow all humans to communicate?" There is an eighth-order mutant beast.
They have known this for a long time. If humans resume communication, mutant beasts will lose their greatest advantage over humans.
In the past, mutant beasts depended on the inconvenience of human communication, which killed a lot of humans. Once the communication is restored, they want to kill some extraordinary people above level 7 in the future, which is even more difficult.
For example, in the previous plan to tune the tiger away from the mountain, if every controller could communicate with the base city in a timely manner, then they would not be caught in this strategy and would have gone directly to rescue.
Communication is essential for humans.
"Did humans find intact satellites, or did they successfully launch satellites?"
Human satellites are damaged, and they all know that even satellite launches are known.
In order to prevent humans from launching satellites, the mutant beast once assembled a large-scale attack, but the result was not successful. Fortunately, after the human satellite was launched, it seemed to be useless, which made the mutant bet relieved.
"Damn, why can human communication be restored?"
All the eighth-order mutant beasts who got the news were very angry. Originally, they had a great advantage for humans. It can be said that if they were not worried about the counterattack of the five human emperors, they would have swarmed up and destroyed all humans.
This time, destroying the base city is just a temptation.
In front of the branch of Wangchang City, there are a lot of people standing and looking at the end, almost anyone who has time is willing to come here to queue up for a card. This is a mobile phone card that can be contacted by others. One got?
Some people have just finished the card, took out their mobile phones in the first place, put the card in, and hurried up, they want to be the first to call.
But when they took out their phones, they suddenly realized that they didn't even know the number of their loved ones, so they fart.
Su Chen had already considered this point. A soldier walked over and said, "Now everyone's number is the pass number that was originally issued. If you dial the number of the city, just enter the pass number directly. If it is a long distance, the front Just add a base city number. "
At the beginning of the establishment of the base city, there was a number in accordance with the strength and the order of construction, from one to one hundred, but few people cared about this thing. Unexpectedly, it actually played a role today.
"If you don't know the other party's number, but enter our official website of the Red Police Group, you can check the pass number of everyone."
Because the network has just been established, there is currently only such a website, but Su Chen believes that it will not take long before various websites will pop up like mushrooms.
However, due to the speed limit of Su Chen, the current network speed has returned to the 2G era. Basically, I can only watch some text-like things. I want to watch videos. Ha ha.
Wangchang City is the first base city to eat crabs, and Linglong City is the second. After all, these two base cities are the two closest base cities to Suchen Base.
The scene of Linglong City is similar to that of Wangchang City. Almost everyone came to the branch and wanted to get a mobile phone card. In order to maintain the order here, Linglong asked the city defense army to come over directly. Beat it and throw it into the jail.
This matter is of great importance and no one is allowed to make trouble.
Of course, she already has a mobile phone card in her hand, and even the mobile phone is the latest one. With this card, she can make unlimited calls in the future without any charge.
"This is the commander you said, did he do it?" Linglong turned to look at Su Yi beside him.
Up to now, Linglong still can't believe that the commander she is loyal to has such a huge amount of energy that one person affects all mankind!
It can be said that this incident alone made everyone remember the four words of the Red Police Group. Some people may not know who is in charge of their own homes, but they must know that it is the Red Police Group that allows humans to return. In the previous era of communications.
Without communication, the base cities of mankind are like isolated islands. It is very troublesome to contact each time. If it is farther away, it is even more troublesome.
Su Yiyi calmly said: "This is just a commander to do whatever he wants, it's nothing, the commander's ability is beyond your imagination."
For every Red Police soldier, the commander is the supreme existence, no matter what Su Chen does, they take it for granted.
Linglong did n’t know, she found that she really could n’t understand the commander ’s idea. Obviously, with such a strong man, even being a human emperor was enough, and it turned out to be a company. This is not a joke. .
Humans have never appeared in the company since the end of the world. Su Chen set a precedent.
Even if Linglong never pays attention to financial matters, she also knows that human beings all over the world use mobile phones to talk, and how terrible the charges will be. If so many expenses are concentrated on a person, it would be scary to think about it.
Not only that, Su Chen also issued an order, all soldiers who went to various base cities to establish branches, they can directly refine the various energy crystals obtained, hoping that coins can also purchase energy crystals, anyway, Su Chen only has one request, they absorb Energy Crystal Breakthrough!
Too far away, Su Chen did not directly convert those energy crystals into energy, so it is better to let them directly absorb and enhance their strength. If they can break through to the seventh level, they can directly serve as deputy controllers.
If you go further, the position of the controller is at your fingertips.
Su Chen didn't forget his second mission, he had to control 10 base cities within a month. Through this operation, he was quite possible.
At present, except for Changchang City, the only base city under his control is Linglong City. The second base city is still in the process of strategy. I believe it should be soon.
Just when he thought so, Su Chen got a message.
The controller of a secondary base city has betrayed humanity!
When this news came out, Su Chen was really shocked.
Being able to control a second-level base city, his strength is at least in the late seventh order, and may even be the peak of the seventh order. Why can such a powerful person betray humanity? It is completely unclear.
Humans hate mutant beasts, but what they hate most are these traitors!
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