Chapter 147: Crocodile

The wall construction technology came directly into the hands of an eighth-order mutant beast, it was the Crocodile King.
Crocodile Emperor always competes with Emperor Kong, but unfortunately it is not the opponent of Emperor Kong. He only scolds Emperor Kong all day long, and is basically scolded every time.
Want to scold against human beings, scolding you will not die.
Before the end of the world, human beings claimed to give me three thousand sprays. I could spray the existence of the whole world. No one is weak at this point.
This time the city wall construction technology was obtained, it could not wait to shout: "Emperor Kong, you did not expect it, the controller of a secondary base city is willing to betray your humanity, and also give me the city wall construction technology, Gee, this technology The design is really good, but now it ’s mine. "
The crocodile emperor was very proud, and the surrounding crocodile mutant beasts laughed when they were so excited to see their ancestors.
Kong Huang's face is very ugly. Dong Huang has already dealt with this matter. If this matter is not handled properly, it may affect the entire human race.
Even the leader of the seventh-order peak may be threatened to betray humanity, so what about other people, even ... the emperor?
No one is careless, they will always have their own relatives, once accidentally caught by the mutant beast, used to threaten them, how should they choose?
There are only a few people who are truly capable of exterminating their benefactors. This choice is very painful, but if they are really encountered, they have to choose.
Lu Jian chose his relatives. He would rather use his life to fight on the front line, giving up all his status and reputation.
His behavior was a betrayal for mankind, but for his loved ones, his behavior saved himself.
The Emperor Kong Huang didn't speak, which made the Crocodile Emperor more proud. It was the first time that the Emperor Crocodile got a cheap word. The Emperor Kong Huang had nothing to say. This feeling is really cool.
"Haha, Emperor Kong, don't worry, next time I will let my men attack a base city, try to see if this wall technology is true, help you check the quality of the wall, you should thank me well." Crocodile laughing out loud.
Just as Emperor Kong clenched his teeth and was about to fight King Crocodile, his cell phone rang.
This phone is not a satellite phone he used before, but a smartphone that was recently made.
At the beginning of the plan, Su Chen let the Black Hawk fighter carry some mobile phone cards to various base cities, and brought some mobile phone cards belonging to the tier 7 or above strongmen to facilitate their use.
"Lao Wang, just now I got a good thing from Brother Su Chen, I will pass it on to you directly, you receive it." This is Zhu Hui's voice.
When the Emperor Kong looked at it, it was really Zhu Hui who sent him a document. When he opened it, his eyes lit up. This is actually a new wall construction technology!
You know, he was involved in the construction technology of the original wall, and he was one of the important figures. After a brief look, he knew that the technology of the wall was better than theirs.
If this fence technology is thoroughly used and applied to the current fence, the so-called weaknesses will no longer exist.
"Lao Zhu, it's too time for this technology to come. You said it was given to you by Su Chen. He actually has such a good technology?" Kong Huang was a little surprised.
He found that this young man named Su Chen had shocked him many times, from the various weapons at the beginning, to the communication satellites afterwards, to this wall construction technology, this man's hands are really good. many.
"Haha, I guess he got some special information, there is nothing to envy, at least at this critical moment, he can sell the technology to me at such a low price, this is not anyone can do it." Zhu Hui said.
Emperor Kong understands that at this critical time, even if Su Chen sits on the floor, they must buy it. Otherwise, with the previous wall technology, the mutant beast may really be able to spend less money and break through the base city.
"Deliver the technology to all the base city controllers. This time, all of them must be strictly ordered. If there is a similar situation and there are still people betrayed, then this time the result is, a family of people!" A trace of blood.
Their emperor is not just relying on benevolence. When necessary, he must use iron-blooded means.
Because this time, people may think that even if they betray humans, it is no big deal. At most, it is to go to the front to kill the enemy. This is not a good thing.
Without fear, a large number of traitors appear, how can humans survive in this situation.
The most embarrassing thing for Emperor Kong was that Emperor Ming told him that mutants also showed wisdom, so why are they still fighting like this?
The number of mutants is too much, even if he now let everyone deal with mutants, in the end, only mutant beasts will find opportunities to break through more base cities.
But if you don't take action against the mutant, once you wait until the mutant becomes stronger, humans will be more passive.
The current situation is not worse than when it appeared in the end times. Humans have no strength to face the joint attack of mutant beasts and mutant people.
With the new wall technology, Emperor Kong's heart is full of confidence, this time he directly returned to the Crocodile Emperor: "I go to your uncle!"
Well, it's such domineering.
Not only do humans feel that the Emperor Konghuang is of low quality because of the impassioned words of the Emperor, but they think that the Emperor Konghuang is still so full of blood.
The crocodile stunned for a moment. What do these words mean? Although they have no less wisdom than humans, they still can't understand some human words, just like this sentence.
At this time, a crocodile mutant beast whispered: "Ancestor, this is what human beings curse."
"What? Emperor Kong, you bastard, you actually scold Laozi?" Emperor Crocodile was furious.
"I'm scolding you, I'm not only scolding you, I also want to eat crocodile meat!"
The crocodile gnawed his teeth, and he knew that his mouth was not as good as the emperor, and he only roared in a low voice: "When my Erlang takes over a base city, I don't think you can say that!"
The Crocodile Emperor passed the technology to some smarter mutant beast races, let them study the weakness of the wall technology, and facilitate them to attack the human base city.
Humans have also taken various precautions. They all know that mutant beasts have obtained the wall technology, and they will definitely take action. The people in the first-level base cities are better. They have the emperor sitting here, basically do n’t worry.
The people who are most worried about are those in the three-level base city. Their controllers may not be able to block the attack of the mutant beast. Everyone knows that this time the mutant beast will definitely be madly tested. The wall of the weakness is known, really Can you block the mutant beast?
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