Chapter 287: Isn't it a pervert?

"Master, what's the order?" The voice of the artificial intelligence appeared.
"Binding this body, reset the identity of the owner."
"Master, in the program you set, this method cannot be used. The master can follow the program, complete all the tests step by step, and eventually become the new master."
A trace of anger appeared on "Minghuang"'s face, "Idiot, quickly re-bind it, believe it or not, I abolished your broken program"
"Master, it's useless to threaten Xiaolu. These programs were made by the owner at the time. You should be the clearest. However, Xiaolu's behavior is carried out according to the owner's original settings." Xiaolu's voice did not Any fluctuations.
"Ming Huang" certainly knew this. After all, what he needed was not a program with self-awareness, but a very rigid and obedient program.
"Fortunately, I kept one hand."
"Minghuang" chuckled. At the beginning, he considered whether there would be any accidents in the middle, such as artificial intelligence disobedience or something, he secretly left a back door, as long as he walks through the back door, he can directly spare Xiao Lu and become a monument. The owner.
Just when he was about to use the back door, his expression froze, and he thought of something.
What left the back door at the beginning was his complete consciousness, but just now his consciousness was divided into three and entered into the three bodies, but two of them have disappeared.
With the remaining one-third of his consciousness, he can't open that back door at all. This is bad
"Ming Huang" directly smashed the instrument beside him with an angry punch, his expression was very gloomy, and this feeling made him very unhappy.
"What test is the next level?"
"The test of the next level is also the test of the last level. There can only be one master here. Three challengers need to fight each other to determine the last winner. Only the only winner can become the new master."
"Minghuang" grinned, fighting? This is his favorite.
"Challenger #3, agree to enter the final test?"
In the next second, the figure of "Minghuang" disappeared here.
Immediately afterwards, three figures appeared in an empty field, which was like an Colosseum, and the surrounding walls were full of cheering people, which looked like real people.
Su Yi and Bald Qiang both appeared here. They got news from the commander and knew that the Emperor Ming in front of them was no longer the former Emperor Ming, but the Emperor Ming who had been occupied.
"Just now you wanted to occupy my body" the bald head pointed at "Ming Huang" and shouted.
"Minghuang" had cold eyes, looked at the strong bald head, and commented on the head. "Well, the body is very strong. It is an excellent body. No wonder Little Green chose him as one of my carriers. The other one is also good, hey, It's actually a second-evolved body"
It seems that he is more interested in Su Yi. After all, he can complete the secondary evolution at the eighth level, which is rare even outside.
"Ming Huang" looked at Su Yi's body with a very hungry look, and Su Chen was stunned by that expression.
"This guy who occupies the old man's body is not a pervert, right? You can drool when staring at the man's body" Su Chen was speechless.
Zhu Hui's situation looks a little uncomfortable, he is completely controlled by others, and I hope he is fine.
"System, is there any way to dare to come out of the consciousness in my old brother? The best way to eliminate it."
"The other party uses more powerful technology to directly send the consciousness of others into the body of others. Of course, the premise of this method is that the sent consciousness itself is strong enough. Relying on his own strength, Zhu Hui cannot drive away that Tao consciousness, then there is only one way, mind technology"
Su Chen's eyes lit up, and he remembered, didn't he bring back the consciousness of Mrs. Donghuang from a special spiritual space some time ago.
Then the same applies to the spiritual power, can it drive away the consciousness in my brother
But before that, he needs to catch this counterfeit, and he still can't let the old brother's body die. This task seems a bit difficult.
"Su Yi, strong bald, no matter what method you use, you must catch Emperor Ming alive"
"Yes, commander."
The two received the order, which is the commander's order, even if it is torn apart, they will complete this task.
The rule of this test is that there are no rules. No matter what method, as long as you can defeat the other two challengers, you will win. The only person left is the owner of this monument.
At this moment, Su Yi and the bald head moved forcibly.
Su Yi directly added a domineering buff to Bald Qiang's body. Bald Qiang's body was slightly red with a red film on the surface, and he hit "Ming Huang" with a punch.
Regarding this, "Ming Huang" dismissed it with a smile, and subconsciously stretched out a finger, trying to crush his bald head.
But he forgot one thing, his current body is not his original body.
Bald Qiang directly punched him in the face, and the body of "Minghuang" flew out.
This is not over yet, Su Yi took out his own dagger, appeared behind "Ming Huang" like a shadow, and slashed it across.
"Minghuang" had an opening in his neck, and a large amount of blood was sprayed.
Su Chen has been experiencing the first angle through the eyes of the two people, and it feels very refreshing.
If Emperor Ming is an ordinary person, he is really worried that Su Yi will kill him directly, but for the eighth-order emperor, this kind of injury is not fatal.
Even if there is no heart, the emperor can survive for a short time with his body, unless the basic organization of the emperor's body is destroyed with a single blow.
One can never be careless about the enemy.
Even if Su Yi cut off "Ming Huang"'s neck artery, he didn't have a trace of triumph, but continued to shoot, anyway, as long as "Ming Huang" did not die.
Su Yi's expression changed drastically, "Ming Huang" didn't know when his hand grabbed his wrist. That powerful force made him unable to break free.
Su Yi is in crisis
Without a word of communication, Bald Qiang found Su Yi’s situation, his whole body exploded, and his speed exceeded the speed of sound.
I saw an incomparable vigor on the surface of Bald Qiang's right fist. This was a unique ability of Bald Qiang. He had walked a long way in the direction of strength.
"Give it to me, go down" Bald Qiang roared in a low voice, and hit "Ming Huang" with a fist.
The ground vibrated violently, and Shao Tou Qiang's expression changed greatly, his fist was blocked by the other hand
"Hehe, it's really dangerous. I'm very satisfied with the strength of the two of you. If it weren't for becoming the master here again, I would really hate to kill you.",,Please remember to bookmark the website or remember the website, the website, the most free Quick update No anti-theft, no anti-theft report error chapter, ask for books, find books and chat with book friends, please add qq group 647377658 group number
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