Chapter 193: Put your head over, I will add a buff to you

The cold light flashed, and a huge wound appeared behind the octopus king. He immediately backed away a few hundred meters, and then he looked at it.
I saw a human man in military uniform appeared at the position where he was standing. It was Su Yi!
Su Yi held the dagger in one hand, and his eyes were stern, looking at the octopus king's eyes like looking at one ... food!
That's right, in Su Yi's eyes, the octopus king is just a food, he really likes grilled octopus.
"Asshole, what kind of eyes are you?" The octopus is mad, how could he not see the strangeness of Su Yi's eyes, only he regarded humans as food, and for the first time, humans regarded him as food!
This is a shame!
The octopus king roared, his body swelled instantly, and suddenly became a huge octopus as high as 100 meters. After its body appeared, it suddenly fell from the sky. This is not because it cannot fly, but if it is too large, it will consume energy. Become more.
The body of the octopus king landed on the ground and instantly crushed a large number of mutant beasts. Unfortunately, in the face of the octopus king, the mutant beasts were too angry to speak.
Countless huge tentacles reached Su Yi and Dong Huang, it actually challenged two!
The Emperor Dong is a mid-eighth stage with a serious injury, and Su Yi is an early stage eight. In the eyes of the octopus king, he is very face-to-face.
At least when the Emperor Yu is finished, the two eighth-order mutant beasts empty-handed, it will win!
"The octopus king's body is too big, and it has no obvious weaknesses. It is difficult to kill it. You can help the emperor Yu. Let me hand it here." The emperor shouted to Su Yi.
As soon as Su was ready to speak, he stayed for a while, then said to the Eastern Emperor: "Put your head over and I will add a buff to you."
"And you." This is to Yu Huang.
Emperor Dong: "???
Emperor Yu: "???
Both emperors were stunned by Su Yi's words. What the is this?
Su Yi was also helpless. The commander specifically asked him to say this, but he didn't want to say that.
To ridicule to ridicule, Su Yi will not really let the two emperors put their heads over, he will add buff, of course, if it is the commander's order, he will do the same.
I saw Su shouted one by one: "Overlord!"
The next second, Su Yidong and Yu Yu, a light red film appeared on the surface of the whole body. At this moment, Yu Huang was suddenly hit by an eighth-order mutant beast.
Just when he thought he was going to vomit blood, he was surprised to find that the injury caused by this punch was at least halved, and even his body did not take a step back. What is this?
"Auxiliary extraordinary ability?" Dong Huang's eyes lit up.
As a veteran emperor, his knowledge is much greater than that of Emperor Yu. Su Yi's ability reminded him of this very rare extraordinary ability instantly.
It is said that this auxiliary type of extraordinary ability can be used on other extraordinary people to increase that person's combat effectiveness in all aspects.
He knew one that would allow other extraordinary people to have a defensive armor, but unfortunately that person's strength is only sixth order, which has no effect on him as an emperor.
He did not expect that the man in military uniform in front of him was actually a rare auxiliary extraordinary person. What shocked him most was that this man was actually an emperor!
When did mankind have the ninth emperor?
If he knew that Su Chen still had a giant squid of order eight, he wouldn't know if he would continue to be shocked.
With the help of Su Yi, Emperor Yu no longer needs full defense. He puts most of his strength on the offense, staring at an eighth-order mutant beast, and hit him with wounds all over his body.
You should know that in the eighth order of the same level, humans are always the strongest. This can be seen from the battle of the Emperor Yu.
There are too many battles that humans have experienced. They have been all the way from the weakest first-order battle to the current eighth-order. The combat experience is extremely rich. Instead, the eighth-order mutant beasts are mostly evolved by eating corpses. Can't compare.
Only a few mutant beasts proficient in combat can be compared with the human emperor. Obviously these two early eighth-order mutant beasts are not among them.
"Thousand feathers kill!" Emperor Yu snarled, and a large number of white feathers appeared again in the air. Two eight-level mutant beasts were facing enemy. But they tried it in person. This feather can penetrate their defenses and must be careful.
At this moment, what they expected was that the white feathers did not shoot directly, but burst into a dazzling light.
When encountering strong light, both humans and mutant beasts will instinctively close their eyes. At this moment, the Emperor Yu moved.
Bai Yu flashed, and Yu Huang's figure appeared behind an eighth-order mutant beast.
"No!" The eighth-order mutant beast felt a fatal danger, and a lot of water appeared in the whole body. It had the stance of water.
"Water? It's a pity." Yu Huang chuckled, and gathered all his power feathers, penetrated the position of the water, and directly cut off his neck.
A mutant beast at the beginning of the eighth order, died!
The rest of the eighth-order early mutant beast saw this scene, and no matter what, he ran directly.
"Asshole, come back to me!" The octopus king was almost mad.
It found the helpers of two eighth-order mutant beasts, thought it could easily break the Eastern front this time.
As a result, an Eastern Emperor failed, and another Emperor Yu and this strange eighth-order human appeared. When did humans emerge with so many emperors?
What makes it angry most is that the eighth-order mutant beast ran away, leaving it one, that is to say, it now has to face three emperors!
Octopus Yalishan University!
"No, I'm definitely not an opponent of the three emperors. I must run!" The octopus king retreated, but it is an eighth-order mutant beast, how can he die here.
"The position of water covers me on the battlefield. I want to flood the eastern front!" The octopus king roared.
The position of the water on it expanded instantly, covering the entire battlefield.
It must be said that the strength of the octopus king is really strong, and only its position can reach such a large range.
"What is this sound?" Someone heard a strange sound and came from a distance.
Someone used a telescope to see a scene in the distance, he shouted in shock: "No, the tsunami is coming!"
"How is it possible, there is still a distance from the coast here, how could the tsunami ..." The man could not say anything below, because he saw the huge tsunami.
The tsunami is hundreds of meters high, overwhelming and surging, bringing a breath of death.
According to this scale, it is estimated that only extraordinary persons above level 7 can survive, and everyone else will be killed by the tsunami.
Despair appeared in the eyes of mankind, and the Eastern Front was really going to be finished this time.
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