Chapter 816: A hidden danger (fourth more)

"Asshole, asshole"
In Yuyingxing’s hall, the emperor Yuying shouted loudly. He was actually suppressed by the opponent's aura just now. After listening to the other party with a dazed expression, the other party actually broke the contact.
This made him embarrassed directly in front of the ministers, and he was ashamed and lost home.
The ministers didn't say a word, they all saw the ugly manner of your Majesty just now, but whoever stood up to speak at this time would be dead.
After the anger was almost vented, Zhong Xiao calmed down. "In half a year, I want the Zerg to be extinct in the Yuying Empire. If you can't, I will have the heads of ordinary people among you."
A very plain sentence changed the expressions of the ministers.
Your Majesty said half of the heads, but he did not specify which half, which means that each of them may have their heads fallen.
For their own lives, these ministers must go all out, this is the purpose of Zhongxiao.
To deal with the Zerg, relying solely on the empire is definitely not enough. These ministers also have a lot of means. Only when their strength is combined can they deal with the Zerg.
Su Chen didn't bother to pay attention to the movements of the Yuying Empire, he felt troubled now.
"You said that many people in the Rota Empire once went to the front of the human star field" Su Chen looked at Ju Ling in front of him.
There was also a trace of helplessness on Ju Ling's face. "Commander, this news is what we learned from the original ministers of the Rota Empire. It is said that the human front is too expensive, about every thousand years. , Will send people to various empires, so that the empire will send some strong people to the support front. Those who went to support, unless they have made a lot of contributions, will basically not be able to return."
"But there is a condition that allows them to come back without making any contribution, that is, when their empire comes from a crisis of extinction, they can apply to come back."
"Know the strength of the strongest people sent by the Rota Empire" Su Chen asked.
"This is not clear. Their intelligence is a long time ago, and they don't know what strength those people have reached now."
Su Chen didn't expect to have this kind of legacy trouble. No wonder he was surprised at the beginning. At any rate, it was an empire that had been established for tens of thousands of years. Why is there only one powerful person of the ninth order of the big galaxy? The number of participants is not very large.
At that time, he thought it was the Rota Empire that was not able to develop, but he didn't expect this to be the reason.
To support the human front, every empire sends some strong men and soldiers every thousand years. It is estimated that no one would have thought that the Rota Empire would be destroyed by his Red Police Empire so quickly.
If Ju Ling’s news is correct, will the Rota Empire powerhouses who stayed on the human front be on their way back?
He was somewhat fortunate, but fortunately, he and the Yuying Empire temporarily truce, otherwise all the strong have gone to the Yuying Empire, and the Rota Empire has returned. No one on his side can resist.
"No, we must develop more powerhouses as soon as possible. I need more large galaxy grades."
Before, Su Chen was still worried that his energy was not enough, but now he only felt that the big galaxy-level powerhouses under him were not enough.
At the same time, he also thought of one thing. Since this is the case in the Rota Empire, what about the Featherying Empire?
"Tell the spies of the Yuying Empire to find out these news as quickly as possible."
A day later, the spy returned news.
The Yuying Empire didn't have any strong people who went to the human front. In their eyes, there was only their empire in the universe, that is to say, they didn't even know what the human front was.
This is interesting. Before, Su Chen thought that the Yuying Empire was a human star field he didn't know about, that is, a star field without a star map. Now it seems that the existence of the Yuying Empire may not be known to humans.
So the question is, where is the star field where the Yuying Empire is located?
"Yun Ru, how far is the development of Galaxy?" Su Chen came to the combat laboratory.
"Commander, I have handed this matter over to Xiaoli. She seems to be very interested in the Milky Way."
Su Chen turned to find Libra. At this time, Libra was at the Milky Way Ferry, playing with the time system star beast Xiaomi Mi.
Su Chen couldn't figure out that such a magical starry behemoth would actually be so close to Libra.
"Commander, I forgot to tell you something last time." When Libra saw Su Chen coming over, a smile appeared on his face.
"what's up"
"Just last time Xiaomi took me back in time, I actually went through several points in time, where I saw it"
Su Chen was very calm at first. Gradually, when he learned that Yan Yunxing's images and predictions about Libra were actually left by herself, Su Chen was speechless.
At the beginning, he really thought it was something mysterious that your existence discovered the speciality of Libra, and that would leave those things behind. He didn't expect Libra himself to leave it behind.
What is this, time loop
So where is the beginning?
And when she talked about Qiluo civilization, the appearance of the ghost clan still appeared under her intervention, otherwise the ghost clan might not be born. This incident once again surprised Su Chen.
Yuan Yizhong’s feelings were actually bragging. He thought these were made by himself and his companions. The result was that Libra helped him to research it, and the strong man who finally destroyed the Qiluo Civilization Research Office. If it weren’t for the existence of Xiaomi, Libra might have been Died.
Thinking of this possibility, Su Chen was full of disgust for the black hand who destroyed Qiluo civilization.
There are too many problems with Qi Luo civilization, and the more Su Chen delves into it, the more problems he feels.
He believes that if the Qiluo civilization is too far away, it is estimated that the Red Police Empire will be targeted.
"Strength, only strong strength can face everything"
Su Chen forgot, the one with the strongest strength currently under his hand is Les.
This former constellation-level powerhouse has now recovered to the fifth stage of the great galaxy
According to him, it is not difficult to restore to the ninth order of the great galaxy, but it is more difficult to restore to the constellation level than to break through.
The second one should be Leng Yuwei. After fusing the third fragment, her strength increased very quickly. She rushed to the second stage of the large galaxy a few days ago, and it may not take a year to reach the seventh stage or higher of the large galaxy.
Next is Ju Ling and others, they are all super units, their evolution times are very high, it is not surprising that their strength has increased.
"Is there any way to quickly improve strength" Su Chen asked the system.
"The master's authority has been increased in a short time, which is basically useless. If you want to quickly increase your strength, the best way is to fight."
The problem is that now with the Yuying Empire, where will the fighters come from?
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