Chapter 823: Storm Star (first more)

From the battleship, the storm star Yun Ru saw at first glance was really the star as its name suggests. The entire planet was surrounded by a raging storm.
The most amazing thing is that this kind of storm only exists about a hundred kilometers above the planet, and there are no storms in other places.
Seemingly knowing Yunru’s doubts, von Pitt proactively explained, "Chief Yun, Stormstar was originally a planet with a very harsh environment. After generations of development by the empire, plus some technological power, it finally became like this. Don’t look at us. It’s easy to come in just now. In fact, if a warship broke into it without permission, it will be torn apart by the storm inside. This kind of storm can withstand ordinary big galaxy-class powerhouses."
Yun Ru understood at once that this kind of storm is similar to the effect of a weather control instrument, except that the weather control instrument makes a thundercloud storm, which is mainly attacked by lightning, and the main attack here is the storm itself.
"Excellent technology." Yun Ru praised.
This kind of technology cannot be achieved overnight. It takes a lot of effort to form a storm cycle. Yun Ru can do it, but it is not necessary.
A smile appeared on Von Pitt's face. The previous blow in the Red Police Empire was so great that it almost made him think that the Empire of Storms was nothing. Hearing Yun Ru's praise, he felt that he was finally able to win back a city.
In von Pitt's grand welcome, Yun Ru walked into the imperial city with several red police troops to meet the emperor of the Storm Empire.
Their arrival directly shocked the entire Storm Star. No one thought that their envoys would bring back the people from the next empire, but some people wondered, isn’t the next empire called the Rota Empire, and how did it become red? Police Empire
"Could it be that the Rota Empire was destroyed by the Red Police Empire. This is an empire. Even if it is not as good as our Storm Empire, it will not be much worse, right?"
"I think at least for tens of thousands of years, I haven't heard of any empire being destroyed. This Red Police empire is really powerful."
"I’ll tell you something more exciting. Do you know how long it took the Red Police Empire to destroy the Rota Empire"
"I think it will take one or two thousand years."
"Hey, you never imagined that the Red Police Empire only took more than a year to destroy the Rota Empire"
There was a sound of inhaling air-conditioning from all around. They had never thought that it took only so much time for one empire to destroy another.
What is the origin of the Red Police Empire and why is it so strong?
This time we send envoys over, is it possible that we have to fight their Storm Empire
Many people can't sit still when thinking about this.
In the palace hall, the rugged-looking Emperor Storm Empire sat on the throne, looking at Yun Ru and the others below.
"It really surprised me. I didn't expect that in just over a year, the Rota Empire was gone, and the Red Police Empire was very strong." The Storm Emperor nodded slightly, expressing his appreciation.
"These things are not worth mentioning. At the order of our majesty, we are here to help your country solve the problem of the road to the sky." Yun Ru said without humbleness.
Her mission is very clear, which is to obtain the instrument to establish the path to the sky, and other things have nothing to do with her.
At this time, von Pitt stepped forward and passed some knowledge of the Red Police Empire to the Storm Emperor as quickly as possible.
Even with the emperor’s city palace, it can’t help but reveal a faint color. The Red Police Empire is not only strong in force, but also technologically overwhelming the Storm Empire. This time, he let von Pitt’s past three competitions, but he lost all of them.
At this time, the Storm Emperor had to pay attention to the existence of the Red Police Empire, and maybe the Storm Empire will still hold the Red Police Empire's thighs in the future.
Thinking like this in my heart, on the surface, the storm emperor said calmly, "Chief Yun, don’t worry about the road to the sky, the planet can’t run away there. It just happens that my storm empire’s military science and technology competition once every ten years is at the last moment. I don’t know. Chief Yun is willing to go over and take a look and judge the level of the next young people by the way."
This was an invitation from an emperor. If Yun Ru refused, it might affect the relationship between the two empires.
She nodded, "Then trouble your Majesty."
"Haha, no trouble, Pete, you hurry up to prepare, I will go to watch this big competition with Chief Yun." The Storm Emperor ordered.
"If they knew that His Majesty would come to watch in person, these young people would definitely be excited." Von Pitt said with a smile.
In fact, when he came, Yun Ru was very interested in the Grand Competition of the Empire of Storms. He didn't expect to be able to see this time. This method is very meaningful for an empire and can ensure that the blood of the empire is continuous. Born.
No matter what empire it is, it is impossible to only rely on the strong to support it, and each strong gradually rises from the weak.
With the increase of strength, the life span of human beings will increase. The life span of the small galaxy-level powerhouse can reach ten thousand years, and the big galaxy-level powerhouse will be at least one hundred thousand years.
It's a pity that most people have not reached the end of their lives, and they may lose their lives in one battle. Some accidents can't resist even the big galaxy-class powerhouses.
Regardless of how young von Pitt and the Storm Emperor seem to be very young, in fact they are not young anymore. Yun Ru once asked Alice to calculate that von Pitt is about 78,000 years old, which means that he has basically not improved. It's possible.
The Storm Emperor looked very young, probably only over a thousand years old, and his strength just happened to reach the ninth rank of the small galaxy.
If before, Yun Ru would have wondered how an empire's emperor could be so weak, and the Rota Empire was the same, but she knew the reason not long ago.
In each empire, when the emperor's strength reaches the level of a large galaxy, he is forced to fight on the human front, and those who do not go will be treated as human traitors.
This is why the emperor's strength is all small galaxy level.
I’m used to staying at the Red Alert Base. Yun Ru once really thought that there are many big and small galaxies in the universe. In fact, there are not many strong at this level, at least relative to the base of human beings. Rarely.
Most people can reach the level of a small galaxy before the age of a hundred, and they are all geniuses.
Sitting in an airship dedicated to the emperor, Yun Ru looked at everything below. In her eyes, not all of the Emperor Stars of the Empire of Storms were extraordinary, and there were also a large number of ordinary people, and The Red Police Empire is completely incomparable.
As long as you become a resident of the Red Police Empire, the Red Police Empire will issue Extraordinary Potion, allowing ordinary people to directly become Tier 1 Extraordinary
"The scene of the Big Bi is here." At this time von Pitt's voice sounded. ,, everyone remember to bookmark the URL or remember the URL, the URL, the fastest update for free, no anti-theft, no anti-theft error report chapter, ask for books, find books and chat with book friends, please add qq group 647377658 group number
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