Chapter 22: Powerful level 2 permissions

Da da da……
A huge machine gun suddenly stretched out from the front of the helicopter, swallowing his tongue and shooting at the people below.
In a few seconds, most people in the field were shot into a sieve, and only a few people were still alive. This does not mean that they are powerful, but they are lucky.
Su Chen was flying an armed helicopter, not an ordinary helicopter. He had powerful machine guns and guns, as well as some rockets and missiles. He had never used them. He did not expect to use them on humans for the first time.
These people made Su Chen feel disgusting. If he didn't have strong strength, it was estimated that he had been rushed up by these people and threw him down. These people fled.
In the past, Su Chen may be an ordinary person, but after he got the red alarm system, he knew that his future would not be so calm.
Su Chen was very calm the last time he killed, and this time it was the same. These people shot him, they were enemies!
Don't be soft when dealing with enemies!
Even on the radar interface, these people originally represented neutral yellow light spots, all of which turned into red light spots representing the enemy, and the enemy was to be eliminated.
Seeing the machine gun ready to attack again, Ma Sanyan, who was lucky to survive, yelled, "Wait!"
Su Chen stopped the attack of the gunship and looked at him: "Give you the last chance to say your last words."
Ma Sanyan's mouth twitched, but now the situation is not good, he didn't fight over it, but said: "I am from the Ma family in the base city. If you kill me, you will offend the Ma family. Do you dare to offend the Ma family as the top 20 families in the base city! "
Ma Sanyan is very complacent, and the identity of the Ma family seems very remarkable.
Those who survived around looked at Ma Sanyan with envious eyes. In the past, Sanye was mostly at the gathering place, it was nothing, but if he said it was true, Ma ’s The identity is higher than the identity of the three giants in the gathering place.
Who does n’t know that it is difficult to enter the base city today, not to mention family members.
It is very difficult for a person to join a family. After all, joining a family means that you have a backstage. This is the greatest guarantee of end-life.
As long as you go out and offend people from other families and report your family name, no one will dare to treat you.
Ma Sanyan thought that Su Chen wouldn't dare to report the name of the Ma family, but what he didn't know was that Su Chen was not a person in this world, and he didn't care about the Ma family.
When his base had a tank factory and manufactured a large number of tanks, he would be able to level a base city by himself.
Su Chen did not speak, but the machine gun of the armed helicopter rang, and Ma Sanyan couldn't figure it out before he died. Was Su Chen really afraid of Ma's revenge?
Now, except for Leng Yuwei, none of the people in the whole gathering place survived.
Luo Hang moved a little quietly to the side. He was a little afraid of Su Chen. Just now this person killed so many people without changing his face, even though he did not shoot directly.
Leng Yuwei didn't feel strange. From the first meeting with Su Chen, he felt that Su Chen was not easy, dealing with the enemy, ruthlessly and mercilessly, but he was very kind to himself.
For example, this time, Su Chen actually drove a helicopter to rescue her, which made her feel warm inside.
"go back."
Along with Su Chen's order, the helicopter began to fly back, but just wasted some time on those people, causing the surrounding mutant beasts to surround them. The situation of the helicopter was very dangerous!
"Commander will go first, we will break!" Su Yi stood up unwillingly, as the strong momentum of the fourth-order peak revealed no doubt, shocked the three of Leng Yuwei.
"This is ... Tier 4?" Luo Hang almost didn't scare.
The most powerful person he has seen in his life is the second-order pinnacle, and none of the third-order ones have seen it, but a fourth-order strongman suddenly appears here. What the is this?
Not only Su Yi, but several other soldiers stood up as well, showing no less than Su Yi's momentum. They were all fourth-order peaks!
The three of Leng Yuwei were numb, but what made them incredible is that Su Chen actually said: "Without your break, let me come this time."
"Commander ..." How could Su Yi and others agree to let the commander shoot, but seeing the commander's eyes, they gave up.
Su Chen stood at the door of the helicopter and looked at the mutant beasts who jumped up to bite at the helicopter. His right hand suddenly changed and turned into a rocket launcher. One rocket shot directly.
The huge explosion almost didn't fly the helicopter. Fortunately, this thing was made by the Red Alert system. The quality was guaranteed and the balance was quickly maintained. But the mutant beasts below were all dead.
The three took a breath. They never saw it. One's arm turned into a rocket launcher. The key power is still so powerful. Is this his extraordinary ability?
Not all transcendentals possess transcendental abilities. Most transcendentals are only physically strengthened and have little ability.
But there are always a few lucky people in the world who can get extraordinary abilities. This kind of abilities is strange, no one knows the rules, and really what strange abilities will appear.
Su Chen's ability is very strange, but the power is very strong, just this is enough.
In fact, they did not know that Su Chen only used his level 2 commander authority and borrowed the ability of his own unit, and the unit he borrowed was ... armed helicopter!
That ’s right, it ’s the armed helicopter. The system said that he can borrow any unit instead of any soldier. The armed helicopter is naturally a unit belonging to Su Chen, so he can borrow the ability.
He borrowed the rocket of the gunship helicopter, and the rocket went down, and suddenly became quiet.
"I didn't expect this level 2 authority to be so easy to use, even helicopters can be borrowed. Wouldn't it be beautiful if there were phantom tanks or light-prism tanks in the future?
Seeing that his commander's smile was all crooked, Su Yi and others did not squint. Only Leng Yuwei thought that Su Chen's brain was broken, otherwise how could he laugh like this?
"Cough, return to the base first ..."
Before Su Chen finished speaking, a warning sound appeared on the helicopter: "There is a huge energy response and it is approaching quickly!"
Su Chen looked over and saw a white shadow. He was coming at a very fast speed, and the place passing by along the way was a mess.
"What is that?" Su Chen was a little strange.
Su Yi and others took out their guns, no matter what they were, they could not threaten the commander.
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