Chapter 1283: Yun Ru join

"Big Devil, let the doctor go, I will go with you" Yun Ru shouted loudly.
Su Chen assumed his habitual posture, leaned against the throne, and looked down at Yun Ru with a slight downward look. At this moment, he really appeared like a demon king.
Yun Ru breathed, only when he really faced the big devil, would he know what kind of existence he was facing. This kind of pressure is really terrifying.
"Yun Ru, the leader of the Foehn Rebellion Army was once a member of my subordinates. I didn't say it wrong, right" Su Chen's voice sounded.
Yun Ru took a deep breath and said solemnly, "These are all obvious information, what can I say."
"In this case, how about going back to my hands?"
Yun Ru didn't speak, but looked at Su Chen with a foolish gaze. After a while, she sneered and said, "Great Devil, is there a problem with my ears, I seem to hear you, you want me to be your subordinate"
"What's not, the empire unified the world, even if there are some Zerglings, it will not affect the rule of the empire, under the rule of the empire, they can live a good life. Or, the empire is gone, your four camps are in position When the time comes, will the four major camps of this world really be of the same heart? Can you treat the people of this world well?"
Every word of Su Chen seemed to penetrate Yun Ru's heart like a sharp arrow.
It wasn't that she hadn't thought about this kind of thing before, but subconsciously didn't think about it. This time, Su Chen said it in person, so she couldn't refute it.
"We must be able to let the people live a good life." Yun Ru said that he didn't believe it, and his face became paler.
Su Chen snapped his fingers and awakened Yun Ru. "Otherwise, you can go to the imperial capital to see how the people live here, you can judge by yourself."
Yun Ru sneered, "If you force them to live a good life, who dares to violate your orders"
Su Chen laughed, "Do you think the real happiness can be forced out by my orders or the leader of the Foehn Rebellion Army, not even an ordinary person can see through"
"Okay, I promised. If they really live a good life, I can join the Emperor with the Foehn Rebellion Army, but if they are not really happy, even if they die, I will not let you go."
Su Chen shrugged, "Then let's go out."
After that, Su Chen simply changed clothes. In fact, he was wearing masks and sunglasses. The same was true for Yun Ru. The two were walking on the streets of the Imperial Capital.
Yun Ru had been to the imperial capital a long time ago. In her impression, the residents of the imperial capital had nothing but insensitivity on their faces, and there was no smile at all.
But this time, as she walked all the way, most of the people she saw had smiles on their faces. Even if they didn't smile, they didn't have the same insensitivity they used to be.
"Their smiles are real. What's going on? This sense of happiness comes from the heart, not just forcing a smile."
Yun Ru is very sure of this. If she can't even see this as a leader, how can she be a leader.
The experience in the imperial capital subverted her cognition of the imperial capital, all of which were completely different from the imperial capital she knew.
If it is not certain that this is the imperial capital, she would doubt whether she has come to an unknown place.
After walking for a while, Su Chen said, "How do you feel?"
"How did you do it" Yun Ru asked.
"What they want is very simple, a stable environment, without any oppression and bullying, and some respect is enough." Su Chen said lightly.
Yun Ru's expression was complicated. She thought of her own Foehn Rebellion. Sometimes she was forced to take away some of the things belonging to the people. Even if she made some compensation later, she still did what she did.
Compared with Su Chen, these rebels are the real devil
"I will join the emperor with the Fenfeng Resistance Army as agreed." Yun Ru said firmly.
"You can represent everyone in the Fenfeng Resistance Army" Su Chen smiled slightly.
"No, but I will try to convince them." Yun Ru also knew that she couldn't represent everyone, and even she felt that if she really let the Foehn Rebels join the emperor, the first one who wanted to kill her would be Foehn people.
Su Chen suddenly laughed, "I have no interest in the rest of the Foehn. You alone are comparable to the entire Foehn Resistance. As long as you are willing to help me defeat all the resistance, I can let you and Dr. Einstein leave. "
"Actually, I don't care about what you are doing there. Taking the doctor is just to attract you. I don't think there are any weapons in this world that can deal with myself."
Yun believed Su Chen's words as below consciously, perhaps in her subconscious mind, that the emperor should not lie because of his words.
It is a pity that she knows too little about Su Chen, if it was the former "Su Chen", she might not lie.
Yun Ru thought, if the Great Demon didn't know the existence of the time machine, then she still had a glimmer of hope. As long as she could return safely with the Doctor, even if the resistance was defeated, she still had another way.
It's just that Yun Ru didn't know, everything about her was seen by Su Chen. The purpose of Su Chen's words was very simple, to use Yun Ru to complete his task.
Relying on him alone, it is difficult to complete the task, and the resistance of the four major camps is not dry.
Yun Ru is the person he is most familiar with and the person most likely to pull over. The possibility of others is very small.
Sure enough, his strategy succeeded.
"I promise you."
"What are you going to do?" Su Chen asked.
"No one else knows yet. I have taken refuge in you. This is one of the greatest benefits. I will tell you some of the deployments of other camps. Of course there are also Foehn Rebels." Yun Ru's expression is a bit cold, as a The leader of the camp would have burped long ago if he was just selling cute.
Yun Ru is not just a scientist, she is also a warrior
Many soldiers died in her hands.
Only when people from all camps die, it will not be doubtful.
"anything else"
"This is just the first step. The second step is to use my walker net ai to explore the location of their base camp a little bit. When the time comes, we will concentrate our efforts to destroy one by one. Without the leader, other resistance forces will not become a climate.
Yun Ru's method is absolutely extraordinary, deducing the identity of a spy to the fullest.
I am afraid that Yunru can do this, and it is impossible to change to someone else.
"When the resistance forces all fail, I hope you can keep your promise."
"Don't worry, I never lie, but in order to prevent you from doing anything uncomfortable, I cannot let you see the doctor for the time being, I hope you can understand.",,Please remember to bookmark the website or remember the website, the website is free Update No Anti-theft No Anti-theft Error Reporting Chapter Asking for books, looking for books and chatting with book friends, please add qq group 647377658 group number
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