Chapter 1288: Self-destruction crisis lifted

In fact, Su Chen thought of this after returning from the mission world.
That is, he specially changed Yun Ru's memory of using the time machine to go back to the past in order to prevent changes in the past, so that her memories became those she knew.
If that world has its own time loop, Yun Ru's memory before being modified still exists, provided that the spiritual power in her disappears.
Under normal circumstances, mental power will not disappear on its own, unless it is affected by other factors.
Su Chen brought Yun Ru out and merged with Yun Ru under him. In this way, Yun Ru under him has three memories.
The first one is the memory of super arms.
The second one is to travel through time and go back in time, wanting to kill him, the big demon king, like a memory.
The third one is the memory of the world where he completed the mission before, the memory of being forced to act as a spy and betraying the resistance army.
Of these three memories, the third one is the most cruel. After all, Yunru did something sorry for her friend.
Su Chen deliberately said Libra's name just to test, but he found out.
The memory in Yun Ru's head really recovered.
Those memories had a big impact on Yun Ru, and Su Chen guessed that Yun Ru's memories appeared immediately after he completed the task.
"The scales of that world are scales, but not the scales you know, understand?"
Yunru nodded, of course she knew it, but she was only affected by her memory, and she couldn't completely ignore it for the time being.
"Forget it, this kind of comforting thing is still not suitable for me, I called Libra over and let her stay with you for a while, anyway, there is nothing else at the Galaxy Ferry recently."
Su Chen did what he said, and Libra came over after a short while. After seeing Libra, Yun Ru looked much better.
Of course, what he said was not nonsense, it was another barbecue meeting.
On the other side, Les spent some time and with the help of the Protoss system, finally mastered the Protoss self-detonation technology.
He immediately informed the senior protoss that he was going to leave for a while to do something.
"Divine Lord, your position has not been recognized by the gods of the Protoss, is it better to go there," a senior Protoss said.
The general formal process is to meet the gods of the Protoss after completing the trial of the gods and compete for the final position of the gods under the witness of the gods.
As a result, this Lord Grim Reaper didn't follow the procedure at all, which made the Protoss high-level very helpless.
Seeing that the Divine Master is about to leave the Protoss Star Territory, if even the gods don’t know that the Divine Master is changed, wouldn’t it be a loss of the Divine Clan’s face if it spreads out?
They were not qualified to see the gods, and only the Lord Lord could see them, otherwise they would contact directly.
Fortunately, this is the case, otherwise the news of the disappearance of the gods of the Protoss will definitely not be hidden until now.
For the Protoss, even if the gods haven't appeared for a long time, they don't find it strange. As a long-lived race, time can be wasted at will.
Les thought about it, then agreed.
Of course he knew that the gods of the Protoss had disappeared, and this time it was just a pretense.
He randomly found a place where the gods lived. This was a seemingly ordinary planet, surrounded by layers of energy, and non-constellation-level could not force it into it.
Les swung the death sickle, cut it off, and went in easily.
This is a life planet with a large number of ordinary animals on it, but no protoss exists. Like the news he received, the gods are really gone.
"Didn't they leave any news before they left?" Rice thought for a while and began to search the planet.
The first thing he came to was the temple where the gods were. This is the habit of the gods. Every at the constellation level is qualified to build his own temple, and the gods are called the God of Flame, and his temple is naturally It's called Yanshen Temple.
Les looked around, found nothing, and came to another planet where the gods were.
There were only a few gods he knew, and after looking around, he didn't expect to find out.
In the temple of Ziguang God, he found a protoss text left by Ziguang God.
"What does the enemy mean? Is it the enemy of the Protoss?" Les frowned. If it was really an enemy of the Protoss, why would the gods disappear quietly instead of leading the Protoss to fight together?
According to his knowledge, the Purple Light God is the number one among the gods of the Protoss. Only he can leave a word, does it mean that they are forced to leave here?
In any case, even these constellation-level gods have no time to leave any message, and they disappeared.
After coming out, Les pretended to be recognized by the gods, he had become the official master, and then he left the Protoss Star Territory and rushed back to save Miao Yu.
Of course, when he came back, he had already told Su Chen.
"Boss, I have learned the blew technique, and I am ready to go back to save Miao Yu."
"Well, if it doesn't work, continue to use the time to stop."
Using the continuous transmission of the Hyperspace Teleporter, Les quickly came to the place where Miaoyu was. Here a huge paradox engine was suspended in the air. Around it, only a protoss female remained motionless, it was Miaoyu. .
Les spent so much time going back to save her. Now that he has learned the technique of self-destruction, now is his opportunity.
"Relief time stops." Rice said.
In the next second, time stopped lifting, and in Miao Yu's eyes, she appeared in another place in the blink of an eye.
Of course, this had no effect on her. She still looked at Les with a calm look. In her eyes, Les had betrayed the Protoss and was no longer her companion.
Les didn't have any nonsense, and directly activated the super weapon Dinghai Shenzhen, suppressing any resistance from Miao Yu, and then began to explode.
Miao Yu did not resist. She knew that Les was great, but Les had never learned how to dismantle the self-detonation technique. It was absolutely impossible.
Just when she thought so, she heard Les's relieved voice, "Huh, it's finally removed."
"Not impossible" Miao Yu was shocked, she felt that the self-detonation device on her body was really removed.
This is the most advanced self-detonation technique of the Protoss, how could it be dismantled by Les, he has not returned to the Protoss for a long time.
Seeing Miao Yu's shocked expression, Les smiled relaxedly, "You still have the same temper as before. You look weak on the surface, and your heart is firmer than anyone else. For you to remove your self-detonation device, I specially responded. When I went to the Protoss, I became the God Lord, and I was in trouble."
Miao Yu was shocked again, what Les just said, he became the lord
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