Chapter 1409: Pathfinder

Quickly dispatched Lin Feichong, Su Chen returned to his command room.
"Number One, how is the situation on the Mozu side" Su Chen asked.
"Commander, the Demon Race has gone through various destructions by me and the Parasitic Species, and the combat power will be directly reduced by about 30%, and soon it will reach 40%. I think that when the combat power drops to about 50%, we can fully attack and destroy the demons. Family" said spy number one.
Spy No. 1 is worried that the combat power will be reduced too much and will be easily noticed by some demons. 50% is already a very dangerous level.
The combat effectiveness of a race was reduced to 50%. At that time, everyone could see that there was a problem with the overall situation of the Demon Race. If it weren’t for his demon master to press on it, and some parasitic species were involved, there might be a lot of things now. The demons found him afterwards.
Su Chen thought for a while, 50% should be almost the same. If the Protoss Wing Clan and the Human Alliance three-way attack, it is estimated that the Demon Clan can't escape.
"Remember, what is needed for the demons is total annihilation, and you cannot let go of a demons," Su Chen exhorted.
"Yes, Commander"
Following Su Chen's various orders, the Demon Race began to take new actions.
During this period of time, there were many complaints from the middle and lower classes of the demons. They found that every time they war with the protoss humans, their losses were the most. One or two times, but almost every time they suffered such a big loss. , This is very wrong.
Some middle- and lower-level demons responded to the above, either the news fell to the ground without any response, or the above gave a few words perfunctory, which was useless.
So some aspiring demons gathered in secret, they wanted to meet the demons and personally tell them about the demons.
They are very suspicious that the newly appointed demon lord has been deceived by some demon clan, all they have to do is to pass the real news to the demon lord
But the galaxy where the new Demon Lord lives is too tightly guarded, and they don't have any way to sneak into it, which makes them sad.
In the end they thought of a way, and that was to instigate a demon clan that was able to contact the demon lord, but they really succeeded.
But they didn't know that this demon clan that could reach the demon lord was actually controlled by the parasitic species.
When the No. 1 Spy knew that there was such a group of demons, he was speechless and waved his hand casually, "Don't move them for now. When the plan starts, they won't be able to make a big wave."
When the fighting power of the demons is reduced to 50%, there will be at least one or two months. During this time, the battle between the demons and the Protoss Human Alliance is still going on, and the only thing that stops the fighting is the battle between the Wing Tribe and the Protoss Human Alliance.
After the demons are destroyed, the next one is the rectification of the Protoss
Su Chen is the Protoss controlled by Leis, but the Protoss itself does not belong to Su Chen. The next step for Su Chen is to completely control the Protoss.
At this time, Su Chen is thinking about many plans for the future. The results of each plan are the expansion of the Red Police Empire.
That’s right, it’s not the human star field, but the Red Police Empire belonging to Su Chen
At the beginning, Su Chen asked King Lin to use the great galaxy empire system. The biggest reason was that with the technological level at that time, it was impossible to control such a large star field with one empire, but the Red Alert Empire could.
Rather, the current human star field is still too small.
"The situation of the human alliance is basically stable. The inner space of the black hole has not encountered any strong enemies, and there is nothing in the dark universe. The only trouble is that the human star field will temporarily weaken the power of the alien race. , So even if we wait for the final battle, our winning rate will increase." Su Chen murmured.
"The situation of the virtual race is not very clear. According to Mengzhuo, his dream race was destroyed by the virtual race. In other words, there are channels for the virtual race to appear in other places in the universe. This is a big trouble. Zerg has The green group is here, but it has become the help of mankind. This is the only good news. Other alien races basically have no situation like Zerg."
"The star field on the other side of the battle is all foreign races. It can be used as a battlefield for training, but it still needs a place to explore."
"Star Territory at the Peak of Humanity"
Su Chen asked Leng Yuwei to fuse that woman, not only to establish a dark cosmic channel linking the human star field and the human alliance, but also to find the star field of the peak age of mankind.
Su Chen wanted to know whether it was still deserted after so many years, or a new civilization appeared.
There is one more thing he wants to know, how did the earth he created in the star field at the peak of mankind got here?
And who put in the complete set of things that created the solar system hidden in the space of the highest peak of the earth?
"Yuwei, can I still use that ability again?" Su Chen asked directly.
"It is impossible to break the space from the dark universe, but if it is just a simple shuttle, I can do it, but I can only shuttle once. Only when the ability is available next time can I come back." Leng Yuwei said in detail.
"Can you take someone?"
"Well, if you go all out, you should be able to take someone with you."
I have to say that Leng Yuwei gave him a surprise, but then there is also a problem. It is better to let Leng Yuwei go with him.
Su Chen thought about many candidates, and finally decided to let Su Yi follow to protect Leng Yuwei.
As the first soldier under Su Chen, Su Yi has the ability to replicate. The soul power copied from Les is very powerful, and coupled with the ability to fully balance, he is definitely the best choice for bodyguards.
At the same time, he still has a commander-type evolution template, which can add some buffs to others, which is too useful.
"Okay, I will let Su Yi protect you, and you will explore the Star Territory of the Peak Age of Mankind together and see what's going on there." Su Chen said.
"Are there any specific stars"
The star that Su Chen knew was obtained from Yuan Wang, but this star is the star in the center of the star field in the peak era of mankind. If you enter it all at once, once there is any danger there, the two may only have One way can escape.
Enter the dark universe to escape, and wait until Leng Yuwei's ability can be used again to escape the danger.
For safety reasons, Su Chen did not send the two directly there, but prepared to send to the Barren Mountain Empire.
This is a place almost 10 billion light-years away from the star field in the peak era of mankind. The barren mountain empire was destroyed by inexplicable enemies, leaving only one planet in the black hole space and preserved as a kind of fire.
This can be regarded as a pathfinder before entering the star field of the peak age of mankind
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