Chapter 269: Changes in monuments

"How can ancient monuments appear? Doesn't it mean that only the strongest order eight or above can enter?" Su Chen was puzzled.
Zhu Hui's voice sounded very confused: "It should be right there. Once we have done experiments, people below the eighth order can't see the place at all, let alone go in. I doubt if it appears inside the monument. What changes will make the monument appear, and even people who are less than the eighth order can see it. "
Su Chen frowned slightly. Once this matter spread, it would not be good news for human beings.
If the mutant beast knows that there is such a good place for humans, it will definitely try its best to come in. Maybe there is something good in it for them to break through?
This possibility is not impossible. Su Chen knew a news that the reason why the Southern Emperor was able to surpass the other emperors was so much because he once entered a strange place, where he got some opportunities, and this was achieved quickly. The eighth order peak protects humanity.
Ancient monuments are opportunities for human beings. If they can get the things inside, human beings may really be able to become the masters of the earth again.
"What's the situation there now?" As Su Chen spoke, he opened the map and selected the place where the monument was located.
In the past, when he checked through the map, there was nothing there, it was clear, but the monuments changed, and now he sees it is black.
It was not a black spot, but it was completely dark, but this was the first time.
In the past, even if there was an unobservable target, it was only the size of a black spot, but in the area of ​​the historic site, within a hundred kilometers away, Su Chen's spy satellites failed!
Su Chen had to wonder if there was any super-modern technology in the monuments that would invalidate the spy satellites.
Zhu Hui's voice with a trace of helplessness: "It has become a forbidden area, no one can get close, I am the closest, I went to see it before, and I can't even get in."
Su Chen was a little surprised. The previous monuments also allowed the existence of order 8 and above. As a result, even order 8 cannot be entered. What is the situation?
"How about below eighth order?"
"Similarly not."
"I'll talk about it later."
The matter of the historic site is of great importance. Su Chen is going to go by himself, of course, the guard must bring it.
This time, Su Chen chose bald head strong and Su Yi as guards, bald head strong as melee, and Su Yi melee ranged well, and also has certain auxiliary capabilities, which is very suitable for bald head strong.
The main reason is that Su Chen did not want to expose more of his men.
Now there are three people who expose the strength of the eighth order, bald strong, Boris and Su Yi, and others temporarily hide their identities.
Around the monuments, a 200-kilometer radius here has been listed as a forbidden area, and it has been declared an experimental base for new human weapons.
Su Chen went all the way to a temporary command post.
There are very few people who do n’t know Su Chen nowadays, except for people who do n’t have cell phones.
"Boy, you are finally here. Several other emperors are still on the road. Now only the East and West Emperors have arrived."
Zhu Hui is now not afraid of the sudden attack of the mutant beast. His Dragon Heart City has received help from Su Chen to perfect the transmission device. Now his transmission device can use energy crystals as energy and can continue to use it, unlike the previous , Once used, it will also lead to a total power outage in Longxin City.
Compared with Su Chen's time-space transmitter, Zhu Hui's transmission device is still too low.
In the words of the Emperor Dong, Su Chen had seen him long ago, and he also got the red crystal from the Lady of the East Emperor. As for the Emperor Xi, this is the second meeting. , Actually Su Chen can't remember what he looks like.
Unlike the emperor in Su Chen's impression, the Western Emperor looked very happy, his body was a little fat, and his eyes narrowed into a slit when he smiled.
"You are the old brother Su Chen that Lao Zhu said, it's really amazing. Before that, Lao Zhu took what I got from you. I don't know how many times I have sunbaked here. I almost did it with him." Xi The emperor laughed.
From this we can see that the relationship between the human emperors is still very good.
"The next time I have a chance, I will give some special gadgets to the Western Emperor. How about it?"
The Western Emperor became an elite, and immediately knew that the gadgets in Su Chen's mouth were definitely not simple, so he said with a smile: "It's too much to call the Western Emperor, it's better to call me Brother Li."
Since the other emperors did not arrive, they did not talk about the monuments, but talked about the last emperor meeting.
"In the past month, we mobilized people to the front line every other week. On average, there will be a battle every day. Their strength has been greatly improved, which is very helpful for later plans." Zhu Hui first said.
"To be honest, I didn't expect to fight the mutant beast so soon. If the teacher's body is okay, we will have a better chance of winning the victory in a little while." Xihuang was a bit sorry.
"If you ca n’t say that, the existence of the teacher certainly allows us to have no worries, but we always rely on the teacher. It is not a way. We need to become stronger. If there is a second peak of the eighth order among our human beings, even the eighth In the late stage, isn't it easier to deal with mutant beasts? "Zhu Hui shook his head.
The Emperor Dong's voice was low: "It's time for humans and mutant beasts to decide!"
None of the three emperors is afraid of things. It is with their existence that mankind can have the present situation.
If the human emperors were all selfish people, then humans would be dead.
Gradually, the other emperors came one by one, and finally all the emperors gathered together!
Emperor Ge's face was stinky, he saw Su Chen here!
Emperor Ge did not expect that there were secrets that he did not know, and there were too many benefits to be an emperor.
"What are the monuments?" He asked directly as soon as he came up.
Not just him, the other three new emperors were equally curious.
Zhu Hui, as a representative, probably explained the monuments. At the end he said: "This is the case. Now the monuments have inexplicable changes and cannot be entered. My proposal is to concentrate the power of all the emperors to see if they can enter by force. "
Zhu Hui's proposal is very straightforward, and breaks in with a strong force. If they can't even enter, then they can leave with confidence. If they can enter, they might find something else.
"Emperor Ming, is this too reckless? We don't know what is in the monuments, even if you don't know much about the monuments, what if you touch any organs inside?" Yu Huang thought it was a long-term plan.
Just when they discussed it, an invisible wave of energy came rapidly from a distance.
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