Chapter 1434: Blank!

Inside the soul, it is not the first time Su Chen has entered. The last time he entered the soul of Hei Sha, he met Liu Quan's daughter Liu Yuanyuan.
This time Su Chen had a lot of experience. He directly skipped most of the memories, and pinpointed the key point, which was the memory of where the Demon King went after he disappeared.
After spending some time, he found the memory of the confrontation between Demon King Chenbai after being summoned by the ceremony.
Near these memories, there must be memories from before he appeared, and this is Su Chen's goal.
It's just that he searched for a long time, and still didn't find any memory of his disappearance, but he found the memory of living on a secluded planet before he was summoned, which was obviously wrong.
Some of his memories are actually blank
"This memory of Demon Chenbai has been erased. What's the matter? Generally speaking, unless it is deleted on their own initiative, if other people delete the memory forcibly, there will be many problems. Could it be that Demon Chenbai himself came over deleted"
Su Chen didn't believe in evil, and after looking for it carefully for a while, he noticed one thing.
Generally speaking, if it is amnestics, there should be a gap in memory, that is, there is nothing for a long distance.
But the situation of Demon King Chenbai is that there is no gap in the middle, and the connection of memories is perfect.
This is a problem
If Su Chen didn't know that the demon kings had disappeared, there might not be anything strange, but he knew that these demon kings had really disappeared, and it seemed that the memory here was very wrong.
"It seems that it is not deep enough here. You have to go deeper into the soul, but it seems to be dangerous even deeper," Su Chen muttered.
This is an instinctive feeling. Su Chen had this feeling when he was in the soul of Heisha. At that time, he did not choose to go deeper into the soul, but there was no way this time.
"System, you are sure to protect the safety of my soul consciousness" Su Chen asked.
"Master, you still don't believe in your cutest system," said the system Mengmengda.
The corner of Su Chen's eyes twitched. Since the last time he irritated the system for a month, the system didn't know if it had malfunctioned or not, it became like this, which made Su Chen very uncomfortable.
He didn't speak, and continued to enter the depths of Demon King Chenbai's soul. The more he went inside, Su Chen felt pressure around him, and this pressure was an instinctive reaction of the soul.
After all, Su Chen’s soul power is considered a foreign object, just like someone poke your nostril with a finger, you can make him unable to poke it.
It is inevitable to resist
Su Chen’s strength is not blowing, the powerful force of the ninth constellation suppresses all the pressure around him.
In the end, I didn’t know how deep he came. Su Chen stopped, where he saw some intermittent pictures, which were all memories that hadn’t appeared on it.
"Sure enough, there will always be some fragmentary memories deep in the soul, I don't know who did it, let me see."
Su Chen started looking for some useful memory images here, but after searching for a while, he found that not all the memory images here are useful, and most of them are actually some useless memories.
The person who seemed to delete the memory of the Demon King Chenbai seemed to take into account this situation, and actually mixed in some insignificant memories, making him more difficult to find useful memories.
Su Chen is under a lot of pressure here, and he feels that he may hold on for less than an hour and must leave the depths of his soul.
In other words, there is not much time for him.
As he walked, Su Chen suddenly stopped. With a wave of his hand, other memory fragments around were swept away, leaving only one of them.
There is not much content in this memory fragment, probably only three seconds, but these three seconds are enough for Su Chen to see something.
From this somewhat vague three-second memory fragment, Su Chen saw some battle scenes, including the figure of the demons, and even he saw a protoss
As for what they were fighting with, it was completely unclear on the screen, like a mosaic.
"The demon king and the gods unite, and fight against an enemy. What enemy is worthy of the demon and the gods to jointly deal with" Su Chen couldn't figure it out.
The strangest thing is that if this is the case, there is a certain powerful enemy, why the devil and the gods didn't even leave a message, and all ran away. This is not in line with common sense.
Also, why are the gods and demons?
The strength of the wing clan home star is so strong, why didn’t you fight in the past?
Su Chen didn't waste any time. He continued to search for the fragments of memory. Before he could not hold on, he found the second fragment and returned to the surface of the soul after hurriedly reading it.
It's just that Su Chen's expression was shocked, he just saw a scene that shocked him.
In that memory fragment, he actually saw the virtual family
It's just that these virtual races are not all enemies. Some of them seem to be on the side of the Demon King. At least this is from the perspective of Demon King Chenbai.
Su Chen felt a little confused in his mind. He didn't expect to see so many useful things in the depths of the Demon King's soul. If it weren't for a lot of soul power consumption, he would definitely continue to go deep into it, looking for other memory fragments.
When Su Chen regained his power, Les also felt it, after all, he also had soul power.
"Boss, how's it going?" Rice knocked the devil unconscious by the way.
"There is a lot of news, let me slow down."
After the meeting, Su Chen said, "Enter the red alert world, we will have a meeting."
The Red Police Empire high-level meeting began again, and all the high-level members of the Red Police Empire entered here, and none of them were left out.
"This is the main problem at the opening of the meeting"
Su Chen waved his hand and a huge picture appeared in front of everyone. The content of the picture above was exactly the same as the memory fragment that Su Chen saw in the depths of the Demon King's soul.
The content of the screen is short, less than six seconds. After reading it, Zhu Hui was the first to say "Your Majesty, what are these screens?"
Zhu Hui knew very well that if it were just pictures of ordinary virtual races and demons and races, Su Chen would not be able to bring everyone over for a meeting. There must be some information in the screen that they didn't know.
Les stepped up and said, "These images are all obtained by the boss from the depths of the soul of a demon king. These are the memories he has seen before, but they are all turned into fragments and there is so little content left."
There is more information in Les’ words. They all know about the disappearance of the Demon King and the Gods of the Demon Race, but what most of them don’t know is that a Demon King of the Demon Race actually returned and was caught Up
Zhu Hui's eyes lit up, "Could these pictures be memories seen after the demon king disappeared"
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