Chapter 1445: recall

Such an undisguised action was naturally known to other alien races.
Their constellation level was furious, and I didn't expect that the human star field would act so impatiently. Does this mean to start a decisive battle?
The alien constellation level communicated with each other through their own means, and finally determined that this action does not seem to be the action of the human star field, but only the action of the Red Police Empire. The human king did not send any reinforcements. All soldiers belonged to Red Alert Empire.
After learning the news, they laughed.
"Humans really like to engage in infighting. It used to be this way, but it is still the case. If the Red Police Empire and the human king fall out, it will be interesting."
"It's really stupid, do you think that you have unified all the empires, so you don't put the human king in your eyes. The emperor of this red police empire is really the stupid and arrogant emperor I have ever seen."
"Without a human king, does an empire rely on their marshal to resist us, a joke."
These alien constellation levels looked down on the Red Alert Empire from beginning to end, and there was no way. Hearing this name, they subconsciously regarded the Red Alert Empire as an ordinary giant galaxy empire before.
But what they don't know is that the Red Police Empire is completely different from ordinary empires.
Thinking of this, the alien constellation level is not in a hurry, they don't think that an empire can take down the Cthulhu Star Territory.
If they knew that the five great evil gods were being violently beaten by five super units at this moment, they wouldn't be so calm.
The battle of the Constellation Class takes a lot of time, and there is no crushing in number. It has not been over until the fleet of the Red Police Empire has captured a large galaxy.
When Su Chen put the results of the Red Police Empire in front of the human king, they were all stunned.
"Didn't the Cthulhu Clan dispatch a second great Cthulhu?" King Jie couldn't believe it.
The first big evil was blocked by King Lotus. He knew about this, but the evil family could not send a big evil god.
The corner of Su Chen's mouth raised, "Of course he was dispatched."
At this time, King Jie's brain flashed, thinking of a possibility, his face suddenly sank, "Su Chen, did you let Libra pass"
Hearing the name Libra, the other kings all looked over.
This is one of their trump cards of the human star field, and it must not be exposed at this time.
Otherwise, they would have pulled out Libra long ago and directly gave her the title of human king.
It is for the future decisive battle that they will hide Libra, if Libra is exposed here, they will never forgive Su Chen.
Shi Wang felt a little bad, looked at Su Chen and winked at him.
Even if Libra does go, I can’t admit it
What made Shi Wang helpless was that Su Chen actually said "how do you know?"
Shi Wang covers his face, why are you stupid at this critical moment?
Su Chen’s words made King Jie and other kings angry all of a sudden, but Libra, their trump card that they managed to hide, was exposed by Su Chen.
"Su Chen, do you know that your behavior is already a betrayal of humans" King Jie wanted to slap Su Chen to death.
An undiscovered constellation-level powerhouse, who can do too much in the decisive battle, is so easily exposed.
If it weren't for the fact that there was no way to beat people here, King Yu really wanted to make a move.
Su Chen didn't care about King Jie's attitude at all. He said lightly, "Libra is my subordinate, and she must do what I ask her to do. Does it matter to you?"
King Jie almost went directly off the assembly line without anger, it was really Su Chen's attitude that he thought he had done nothing wrong.
"All your actions, Su Chen, will affect the human Star Territory. Now is not the time to let you act at will. In the name of King Jie, I will announce the dismissal of the Emperor Su Chen of the Red Police Empire." King Jie can no longer help. , Used the authority of his own king.
In the history of the human star field, there have been several reckless actions by the emperor, which caused anger and resentment.
In the end, it was the human kings who dismissed those emperors after deliberation, which prevented many troubles in those empires.
If it is not necessary, King Jie is unwilling to use this authority, after all, the existence of the Red Police Empire is still good for the human star field.
It’s just that Su Chen’s many behaviors made King Jie feel that he didn’t care about the overall situation at all, and he really acted recklessly.
"I second." King Yin said second.
"Second." Feng Wang said with his eyes closed.
"Second." King Ku still had a calm face, but his eyes looked at Su Chen, not so kind.
"Second." The real king sighed slightly and said.
It can be said that of the seven kings present, five of them agreed to the king's proposal.
According to the rule of the meeting of kings that the minority obey the majority, that is to say, at this moment, the announcement comes into effect
"From now on, you are no longer the emperor of the Red Alert Empire. We will appoint a capable person to serve as the new emperor. You are ready to take care of the old age." King Jie said.
No one thought that Su Chen laughed suddenly, the laughter getting louder and louder.
"King Jie, I think the Black King is the stupidest king I have ever seen. There is no one. I didn't expect your stupidity to be higher than him." Su Chen's mockery was very harsh.
"You have lost the qualification to enter here, please invite him out." King Jie didn't want to talk to Su Chen.
Just when King Jie and other five kings used the king's authority to force Su Chen out of the virtual room, they found out that they did not have this authority.
We are kings, kings with the highest authority, how could they not be able to invite a red police emperor with at most the same authority as them
This is so unscientific
At this time they suddenly realized that this virtual space is called the Red Alert World, not the previous Star Network.
Does this mean that Su Chen moved something inside?
"Su Chen, do you think you can do whatever you want if you move anything in the Red Alert World, I will announce the decision just now, you are no longer the emperor of the Red Alert Empire," King Jie said with an ugly expression.
If it was replaced by another emperor, it was probably out of fright.
Su Chen is still eating calmly, even if it is food in the virtual world, the taste is almost the same as in reality, very delicious.
"It's okay to dismiss my emperor status. You can just announce that you won't ask me to go back at that time. I don't like changing my status." Su Chen said casually.
King Jie hummed "rest assured, there won't be this day"
Knowing that he could not invite Su Chen out, King Jie and the other four kings went offline at the same time, leaving only Su Chen and Yuan Wang Shiwang in the field.
After the five kings left, Shi Wang said, "Brother, you are a bit reckless this time."
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