Chapter 1464: Spy No. 666 who can talk

According to Ju Ling, the super weapon rule changer can change the basic rules of an area, and this effect is awesome.
"Is it only allowed to change one rule"
"Yes, commander, we also wanted to change many rules, but unfortunately we couldn't." Ju Ling shook his head.
Even if it is just a rule, this is still a powerful super weapon. Before that, Su Chen had never heard of a super weapon that could change the basic rules.
"Find a place to try and see what restrictions this super weapon has." Su Chen ordered.
Ju Ling nodded and walked directly over, grabbing the minaret with one hand and lifting it directly. The effortless feeling made people almost think that the minaret had no weight at all.
In fact, the minaret is quite heavy, and I don't know what material it was made of. Anyway, when the minaret was placed here, a lot of manpower and material resources were spent.
In the next second, the two and the spire disappeared in the base.
After they left, other talents dared to gasp out. It was really Su Chen's hand that pulled the moon down, which was really shocking.
This is really something humans can do
That person is not a monster in human skin.
In an instant, they appeared on the edge of the desert before, and this is where Su Chen was going to try.
"You can just use the desert here as a target, Ju Ling, activate the super weapon." Su Chen looked at the desert and said casually.
Ju Ling suddenly plunged the minaret into the ground, and then began to control the super weapon according to her memory.
"Commander, how to set it up"
"The setting is the life activity in the desert. By the way, how long will the super weapon last?" Su Chen suddenly thought of this question.
"Uncertain. Constrained by various factors, the base once used super weapons twice, once aimed at an empty wilderness. As a result, the gravity of that wilderness was still reversed after several years. The second time it was aimed at It is a base. The environment of this base has become a vacuum, but it is not affected by the surrounding air. The effect lasted for nearly a year before disappearing."
"let's start."
With Ju Ling's manipulation, the top of the super weapon began to release a rich purple light, which suddenly covered an area of ​​about 30 kilometers in front of him.
This range is no longer small, it is still a super weapon that has not been blessed by the system, this is the range it should have.
I saw a purple curtain of light falling from the sky, covering such a large area, and the purple light gradually penetrated into the desert, and then disappeared.
"Well, it's gone." Su Chen was taken aback at the time, the speed of this super weapon was so fast that he was speechless.
He walked a few steps forward, came to the desert, reached out his hand to grab a handful of sand, and felt it carefully. Sure enough, the original activity really disappeared, and this desert became an ordinary desert.
"The blessing effect without a system is so strong, what kind of changes will be made if it is blessed?" Su Chen's eyes showed a trace of fire.
From the beginning, Su Chen felt that the cannon was a man's romance, and there were mecha battleships behind it, but it was only now that Su Chen found out.
Super weapons are the romance of men
Su Chen went straight back. He temporarily left Ju Ling here and asked her to deal with the affairs of this red police plane. He needs to go back and see the appearance of these three new super weapons.
It is a pity that these three super weapons are all obtained from Ju Ling's world, and they need to be thoroughly researched by Yunru before they can be incorporated into the red alert system and directly produced by the system.
In other words, he wants to immediately see the three super weapons blessed by the system, it will take some time.
"Hey, I don't know when I will see the enhanced version of the rule changer. The three super weapons are good this time, and they have enhanced a lot of combat effectiveness." Su Chen was very satisfied with the results this time.
In addition to the unity of the human star field, it can be said that Su Chen's only enemy now is the alien race.
In the past few days, after the fermentation of time, things about the Red Police Empire have intensified. Su Chen would not believe it if there was no one behind it.
Spy No. 666 has not reported to him recently. Su Chen has always completely believed in his subordinates. He believes that the spy will bring him the best result.
At this time, Spy No. 666 was talking to an ice clan.
Yes, it's the Ice Race
The ice clan, who has been hidden for a long time without any movement, appeared at this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity
Naturally, it was Alice who found the Ice Clan, but this time Alice did not tell Su Chen. She knew that Su Chen had handed over these matters to her subordinates. She simply gave the information to Spy 666.
Spy No. 666 did not live up to Alice's expectations, and established contact with the Ice Clan through a series of operations, and contacted the Ice Clan as an agent of the remaining forces of the Empire.
"Mr. Lu, your request seems a bit too much. I hope we will take action, but at such a small price, do you think it is possible?" A humanoid ice clan looked at Spy No.666 with cold eyes.
Just now, the spy No. 666 used his super bargaining ability to unite the alien races, assassinate the senior officials of the Red Police Empire, and create chaos, while the remnant forces of the Empire took the opportunity to send troops, seize a part of the galaxy, and proceed to restore the country.
The remaining strength of the empire is nothing more than a few trivial resources, and there is no promise of better.
Spy No. 666 is wearing a capable black suit with sunglasses on his face and an indifferent voice. "Ice Race, this request is not excessive at all. First of all, I want to make it clear that we are a cooperative relationship. There is no such thing as a priority. The human star field creates chaos, and even kills the red police emperor or the high-level of the red police. Our goal is to take advantage of the chaos to restore the country. This is a win-win cooperation."
"Even in order to show our sincerity, we have given some resources to you, and you don’t have anything for us. No matter what, we have reached the limit. If you think cooperation is unnecessary, I You can go back and reply to them now."
With that said, Spy No. 666 is ready to go.
The wisdom of the Ice Clan didn't know if it was cold all year round, and his brain was frozen to the ground, and he didn't notice the concept of stealing in Spy No.666.
I have to say that those who can speak well are popular.
"Wait, what I said was wrong. I can apologize to you. Regarding the cooperation between our two sides, I think we can continue. Some areas need to be discussed in detail." A stiff smile squeezed out of the Bingzu's face. .
A faint smile flashed at the corner of Spy No. 666's mouth, and the smile disappeared the moment he turned around.
"You have made a wise choice. If you are not satisfied with the amount of resources, I can make the decision to improve by 10%",,,
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