Chapter 1527: Black-hearted capitalist

The Wing Clan parent star discovered that this man looks human in appearance, but he is definitely not human in fact.
In the battle, she cut off the man's body parts, but soon the parts reappeared.
The most important thing is that through the cross section, she can see the man’s internal body structure, which is not a human body structure, but is full of mechanical parts and flesh and blood, and even some fragments of ore are mixed in it.
This person seems to be formed by a mixture of various things, a composition with a human appearance, he is not a human at all.
However, his combat effectiveness is indeed very strong. Even in the dark universe, without the environmental bonus, he still has the power close to the ninth constellation, and he has not been at a disadvantage in a short time.
The home star of the Wing Clan didn't want to fight for the first time. This happened, and she directly took out a hole card.
"I am the home planet of the Wing Clan, and the power of the Wing Clan is gathered here."
The Wing Clan is a race created by the Wing Clan's parent star. Everything in them belongs to the Wing Clan's parent star, and naturally includes their power.
After being summoned by the wing clan parent star, no matter where the wing clan is located, they will contribute their own power.
At this moment, the power of the Wing Clan's home star approached the tenth order of the constellation.
No, it should be said that she is now the tenth-order constellation, even for a moment.
The home star of the Wing Clan fully demonstrated how terrifying the tenth constellation is.
Kaka Kaka
The two layers of dark cosmic space were shattered on the spot, and only the last layer remained. The man's whole body was shot with blood, and he was seriously injured on the spot.
"You are very strong." After finishing speaking, the man fainted directly. Even with his self-healing ability, there was no way to offset the damage caused by the Wing Clan home star.
When Les saw the Wing Clan home star bringing the man out, he knew it was over.
The home star of the Wing Clan was really strong, and actually knocked out such a powerful man.
"I brought him to the commander. He is very strong, and I am worried that others will not be able to suppress him." The Wing Clan parent star said.
"Go, leave it to me here."
Not long after, the home star of the Wing Clan took the unconscious man through the space channel and returned to the human star field, where Su Chen was already waiting.
"This is the life bred from that big galaxy" Su Chen looked at the man carefully, looking very ordinary.
"Commander, this person said that he smelled descendants on Les's body. Maybe we have been in contact with his descendants before. This is a clue to his identity. Most of his memories have disappeared. , It seems that only some ordinary common sense memories remain."
There was a trace of surprise on Su Chen's face. This man has descendants and seems to have had contact with Les
"Alice, analyze all the creatures that Les has come into contact with to see which one is more likely." Su Chen ordered.
"Good uncle."
This matter is handed over to Alice, her computational power is much more convenient than her own to find one by one, maybe there will be results soon.
"What about this person, is it killed?" the alien parent star asked.
"Killing is a bit wasteful. It would be fine if he could make him surrender. However, looking at his previous appearance, there seems to be a tendon. Even if such a strong person loses his memory, he cannot easily surrender." Su Chen groaned and said "For the time being, you will be guarded. Be careful not to let him maintain more than half of his combat power. Just keep him seriously injured at any time."
"Understood, Commander."
Back in the command room of the base, Alice's voice appeared, "Uncle, after my analysis, this thing is the most likely to be a descendant of that person."
The next second, a picture appeared in front of him, it was an egg
"This is the egg found in the barrier around the Shaolong Element. After analysis, it was determined that a constellation-level powerhouse could not withstand the corrosion of the barrier, and eventually turned into an egg, slowing down the corrosion, and has not yet awakened."
Su Chen thought for a while before remembering what the egg was like.
"This egg is still there" Su Chen was very curious, this egg is really the descendant of that man
"It has been kept in the combat laboratory, but after initial research, this egg was temporarily abandoned."
"Bring the egg."
Not long after that, the egg was placed in front of Su Chen's eyes. Looking at the egg that didn't react at all, Su Chen fell into deep thought.
"Alice, just smash the egg to see what race that person is."
"Uncle is not going to use this egg to make that person surrender"
"If an egg can make him surrender, I write Su Chen's name upside down"
Alice didn't believe it, she thought there was a certain probability, so she tried it, and the other party didn't want it.
"Let me just say it, just smash the research, I want to know what that person is now."
Su Chen was very curious about what a life bred out of a large galaxy was.
Yun Ru, who had just studied the space puzzle, was issued a task by Su Chen again when he came back to study what race the egg belongs to.
"A black-hearted capitalist knows to squeeze us laborers." Yun Ru muttered softly.
"What are you talking about?" Su Chen's voice came from behind Yun Ru.
"Nothing, Commander, you heard me wrong. I'll go to work right away." Yun Ru ran into the laboratory.
Su Chen smiled and shook his head, sitting in front of his computer desktop. Before Yun Ru's research results came out, he was going to play a game.
It is now a battle between the Ninth Front and the Shell. His men are still dealing with the remaining Shell Constellation level. I have to say that this time the Shell Clan Constellation level is very strong, and the battle with his men has not yet been achieved. .
"The shell clan's mutation technology is really good. After the shell clan is destroyed, you can get all the mutation technology in your hands and see if you can find a suitable place to use it."
Su Chen didn't want the mutation technology to be used at will. After all, once this thing is used, the stronger it is, the uglier its appearance, which is simply ugly and terrible.
If an ordinary person uses mutation technology, it is estimated that he will soon become a different species.
The Shell Clan can maintain the ethnic unity of the Shell Clan based on the use of mutation technology, which is also considered an ability.
What Su Chen chose this time was an encounter.
Encounter battle is his favorite mode, a single unit control always makes him feel a little bit less.
The mode of the encounter this time is very simple. He selected a team of Red Police troops with 100 red police soldiers, 40 hounds, 5 Apocalypse tanks, and 20 rocket pilots.
And their goal this time is a shell village with a population of about 1,000.
"Games start"
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