Chapter 51545: What is black mud?

Les has been looking for those rifts in the black hole, looking for them, he did not expect to accidentally discover a strange cosmic treasure.
This cosmic treasure looks like an ordinary bubble, but in the inner space of this black hole, apart from those bubble spaces, nothing else exists at all.
Les took Bubbles on the spot, and instantly understood what it was from Bubbles.
This is a peculiar cosmic treasure, without any effect by itself, but it can be integrated with other things to give birth to a brand new effect.
After the fusion, the Death Scythe has a powerful effect, that is the ability to cut everything
Of course, to say so, this ability to survive is to increase the slashing ability of the Death Scythe, which is not really invincible, but it is enough to greatly increase Les' strength.
Happy for a while, Les thought it was time to go back.
After spending some time, I finally returned to the originally marked place, broke the bubble space, and went directly inside.
"Boss, I found the reason." As soon as Les came back, he couldn't wait to find Su Chen.
"what reason"
"There are many cracks in the black hole space. Behind the cracks is the black mud that appeared behind the dark cosmic space last time. The black mud seems to be invading the black hole space. In order to repair these cracks, the black hole speeds up the energy absorption speed."
Only then did Su Chen know what happened to the Shaolong Element's anomaly.
Black mud, black mud again.
I haven't seen this thing before, but how did I hear news about it one after another recently?
Su Chen felt that it was time for him to pay attention to the existence of this thing.
As for anyone who knows about black mud, the first thing Su Chen thinks of is the green group. As a living fossil, although it sleeps most of the time, it knows more than most people.
Dismissed Les, Su Chen went directly to the Zerg Star Territory, this time he did not contact Hei Sha in advance, but appeared directly here.
"Commander, why are you here?" Heisha was surprised when he saw Su Chen.
"Commander, did something happen?" Big Worm asked.
Su Chen smiled, "It's okay, just come over to the Green Group to ask something, let it come."
The only thing that can contact the green group at will is the big worm. As the Zerg master, its position in the Zerg is second only to the green group.
"Morning King, what's the matter?" The green group came soon.
"It's just something I want to ask you." Su Chen passed a cigarette directly and lit it back.
Not everyone can enjoy this kind of treatment.
"Huh is still this smoke's appetite for me, Chen Wang wants to know anything, I promise to say it." Lu Tuan said.
"I want to know about the black mud."
Lu Tuan's smoking paw flicked, it looked at Su Chen, "The King of Chen has met again"
"Yes, it's not an ordinary place, do you know there is a world inside the black hole"
Hearing this, the green group could not sit still, and its tone was very surprised "How is this possible in the inner world of the black hole"
"Listen to your tone, you seem to know something"
The green group was silent for a while, and said, "In fact, this is what I heard when the master was talking to himself. The master said that he had suspected that something was wrong with the black hole, but his strength had not reached its peak. He didn't dare to take risks at will, so he didn't investigate the black hole. But he had suspected that there might be another world inside."
Su Chen himself did not expect that a young man he chose at random would actually become the most important figure in human history.
Is this a necessity or accident
"In other words, King Lin had already seen something at that time, but after all the kings disappeared, there was no follow-up, right"
"That's right. I was asleep at that time. I got a little off topic. Let's talk about black mud first." Lu Tuan took a cigarette and continued, "This is not the first time I saw this thing. In the few remaining memories, I remember very clearly that the master once brought some black mud back."
Su Chen's eyes lit up, and the green group really knew what.
"In my memory, the master seems to have mentioned that black mud is dangerous and can disrupt the balance, so he is prepared"
"what to prepare"
"I won't remember it later. My childhood memories are like this, otherwise I wouldn't have recognized the King of Chen at first sight." Lu Tuan laughed.
The first time it saw Su Chen, it just felt familiar, but it couldn't remember it.
Even if it was the ancestor of the Zerg race, it had a lot of memories as a child and forgotten, this is a normal thing.
"What else"
"I think about it. Later, the black mud seemed to disappear. The master said that the black mud ran away by himself. I was very curious, thinking that the black mud was a kind of life, so it can be regarded as a special kind of cosmic race. Mud is not a race, nor does it have individual consciousness. It has collective consciousness."
Of course Su Chen understands what collective consciousness represents. What he is curious about is the collective consciousness that Hei Ni actually possesses
He recalled the encounters of Leng Yuwei and Su Yi in that special space. Hei Ni followed them closely. This was not just a hunting instinct, but a demanding behavior.
Especially after being attacked by an overtime air force regiment, the opponent directly sent a strong man to break his wrist. This is definitely an act of wisdom.
"What do you think black mud is? Didn't you enter the black mud when you were asleep?" Su Chen asked.
Su Chen seems to have forgotten, it was he who threw the sleeping green group in and made the green group feel the fatal crisis, and then he woke up.
The Green Group thought for a while and said, "I don't know how to describe it. Anyway, after entering, I don't feel like me, as if there is another me who is going to replace me. It was this sense of crisis that made me wake up. Fortunately, my space strength is relatively strong, and it can separate the black mud, otherwise it is very likely that I will not be able to get out."
Su Chen wrote down the space power that was barely considered as the weak point of the black mud. If he encounters the black mud again in the future, he will use the space power to kill it.
"Hei Mu feels full of uncertainty. If Chen Wang meets again, he must be careful." Lu Tuan said.
It counts on Su Chen to help it find its master. It thinks that King Chen is the one who has the most hope to find its master. No one else can.
Although there is still a lot of ignorance about Hei Ni, Su Chen is still preparing to leave. The Green Group has already said everything it knows, and it is useless to ask.
"By the way, King Chen, I just discovered that there are quite a few strange places in the bodies of those mother emperors. Do you want to come and have a look together?" The Green Group sent an invitation. , Please keep in mind:, free and fastest update, no anti-theft, no anti-theft
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