Chapter 1679: God who is about to fall!

Su Chen’s words stunned the fire clan constellation level, the humans their gods wanted to kill
Suddenly it thought of someone, and it couldn't help shouting "You are Su Chen"
"Your reaction seems a little slow."
Su Chen said faintly, while holding a virtual hand with one hand, all those fire clan constellation levels were captured and lined up in front of him one by one.
It was the first time these Fire Race Constellation level saw Su Chen, but they would not forget who Su Chen was. This was a human being that a had specifically explained, and it was the only time a asked such a direct request.
You must know that in the past, the gods would only issue vague orders. This is the first time that such an order is clear to a specific person.
At this time, the heart of the Fire Race Constellation Grade was extremely shocked. It was shocked that this human being had the courage to leave the human star domain and come here.
It is even more shocking that this human being stared by the gods has such a powerful power. This is at least the strength of the ninth-order constellation.
Constellation Tier Nine, that is an absolute powerhouse, anyway, there is no Tier Nine Constellation in the entire Fire Clan. If there is, the Fire Clan can definitely become the most powerful race under the gods, not one of them.
"Commander, why are you here?" Lin Feichong approached.
"Their behavior makes me very upset." Su Chen said casually.
This reason is unassailable
Seeing the commander's move, Lin Feichong realized how much he and the commander's awareness were. He was able to crush a fire constellation level with his all-out effort. Once the commander shot, he directly suppressed several fire constellation levels. It's the gap.
Looking at the immovable Fire Race Constellation level in front of him, Lin Feichong asked, "Should I kill them directly or subdue them?"
According to Lin Feichong's idea, it is better for the commander to subdue these alien constellation levels, which is also a constellation level, and it is also useful to use them as cannon fodder.
But considering the reality, if Su Yi and others had some hole cards, someone might have fallen this time.
Lin Feichong knew very well how much care the commander had for his subordinates, otherwise the commander wouldn't be able to come here in person.
You know, the last time the commander made a shot himself can be traced back to several years ago.
They only knew that the commander was a ninth constellation, but he was the first time to see how strong it was.
He suspected that even if the Wing Clan parent star was fighting head-on, it was not necessarily the commander's opponent.
Seeing that when they were about to die, these Fire Race Constellation Level made a decision at the same time to summon the gods to come.
Normally, if you want to summon the gods, you need a very complicated prayer ceremony, but at this time there is not so much time to pray for them, they can only use the simplest and rude ways.
This method requires a powerful life to be contributed as a sacrifice so that the gods can descend quickly.
And this time, the sacrifice is a fire constellation level
I saw a fire clan constellation level suddenly screamed, and the flames on its body expanded in an instant and exploded directly.
If it hadn't been for Su Chen's strength, the explosion might have affected the surrounding area.
"This is a self-destruction, this is." Lin Feichong's expression changed, and he noticed a slight abnormality.
"Interestingly, this is forcibly allowing the Mondler clan to come, depending on the scale of this time, how could it be a stronger Mondler clan?" Su Chen said.
In the next second, the strongest Fire Race Constellation level spoke, but its voice was completely different from before, "Humans, you are so brave that you dare to attack our sheltered race star field and look for death."
The other fire clan constellation level knelt down directly in the void, and respectfully shouted "Worship the gods."
"Well, get up, you were too careless, and you were hit here by humans." The Monk Clan said lightly.
After getting permission, the fire clan constellation level dared to get up. At this time, it was possible to see what kind of control the Dream Clan had over the fire clan.
In the eyes of the Monk, believers are their servants. What they do, the servants should bear it, and there can be no resistance.
In fact, the Monk tribe has a lot of power over their believers, and their orders can only be implemented by the believers.
Seeing the other party's performance, Su Chen smiled, "Okay, don't pretend, I don't know what you are like, and I don't even know me. You are an orphan, right?"
This ridicule directly exploded the Monk Clan.
"You are the human being that the Great Elder wants to find. There is no special place. I really don't know why the Great Elder cares about you." The Monk Clan sneered, "No matter what the Great Elder thinks, just take you back. I have a chance to become the next elder, come here"
With a loud shout, the Monk Clan directly used the Huo Clan's body, stretched out a slender flame hand, and grabbed it towards Su Chen.
It's just that this hand of flame automatically disappeared when it was near Su Chen.
"Well, this is the power of the soul." The Mengyoku tribe was very surprised.
Out of their own arrogance, almost the majority of the Monk tribe doesn't care about the strength of humans, anyway, no matter how powerful humans are, they cannot be stronger than them.
As a result, the Monk Clan had no idea what power Su Chen possessed. After seeing the spiritual power, he was very surprised.
"You actually know the power of the mind, I don't know if you have tried it, the mind shock wave" Su Chen's mouth raised, and the extremely powerful mind shock wave directly blasted into the hearts of the Monk Clan.
The Monk Clan spewed out a large group of flames on the spot, and the flames on its body showed obvious contraction, which showed that it was injured and still seriously injured.
This is not to say that the Mondile clan is too weak, but that this fire clan constellation level cannot hold up the strength of the Moncler clan.
The Huo Clan's defense against mental power is too weak, and with the difference in strength, a mental shock wave can seriously hurt the opponent, and this kind of thing can be done by Su Chen.
It’s not so exaggerated if it’s replaced by someone else.
"Mind power is worthy of the power that claims to be able to change a race. I didn't expect humans to have this power, but" the Mondler clan looked at Su Chen with a playful look, "our Moncry clan will never die, even if this body dies. , You can go back, what can you do to me"
Hearing this, Su Chen laughed loudly, "You still don't know who killed the two Monk tribes who died."
The Mengyi clan's expression was stagnant. It really didn't know about this. It just heard that the Great Elder was going to deal with a human, but the specific situation was not clear.
This time I also felt the request of the Huo Clan below for help, so it came to take a look.
"Could it be" the Mengyue tribe thought of a possibility.
"No need, it's me who killed them." Su Chen grinned and revealed a brutal smile, "Soon, you will become the third fallen monk."
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