Chapter 1752: Green group sells oneself

As simple as before, Leng Yuwei also broke through to the tenth level of the constellation. For the first time, Su Chen discovered that it is really convenient to have her own person to do things.
If this is the case for others to enter, how can one have to complete the prescribed tasks in order to break through.
Once the breakthrough fails, it seems that you will not be able to enter there next time.
Before leaving, Su Chen asked about the relevant situation, like the last time the Wing Race home star failed, she can make another breakthrough, as long as he, the master of the Necro Kingdom, agrees.
"Wing clan mother star, Hei Sha, you and I will come here, and bring the green group here by the way." Su Chen said.
The home star of the Wing Clan was very surprised, and the commander told her to do something, and where she went was the place where she failed to break through last time.
But this was the commander's order, and she couldn't violate it, so she let the Wing Clan under her go over there and set up a huge space channel for her to pass.
To be honest, if it weren't for the great cause of the Red Police Empire family, it really couldn't withstand such consumption.
The cost of one teleportation of the Wing Clan's home star is enough to make many people become powerful in the big galaxy.
Su Chen contacted the two parties at the same time, and the result was that the green group came first with the big insect black yarn, and its spatial ability was too strong.
Then the home star of the Wing Clan appeared, and their eyes all looked at Su Chen. Among them, the green group was most puzzled, "King Chen, is there anything wrong with letting me here this time?"
It looked at the Wing Clan home star nearby, the King of Chen even called his strongest combat power over, and something major must have happened.
Just as the green group was thinking about it, Su Chen smiled and said, "This time, it should be a good thing for you."
The "good thing" green group is full of question marks. Now for it, there is only one thing that can be regarded as a good thing, and that is to find its owner.
"Could it be that the King of Chen already has news from his master"
"No, I actually have a way to make you break through to the tenth level of the constellation." Su Chen said with a serious face.
The whole worm of the green group was shocked, let it break through to the tenth constellation, how could this be possible
It was the ninth level of the constellation very early, but it has been unable to break through the last level, and it even gave up. As a result, the King of Chen told it at this time that it could break through.
If it weren’t for the King of Chen’s words, if it were replaced by someone else, it would ensure that the other person would know what to say and what not to say.
"Mr. Chen, is this true? You have found a way to break through the tenth level of the constellation" Lu Tuan widened its mung bean eyes.
Su Chen smiled and immediately burst into his aura. The green group suddenly discovered that its body could not move, even if it used space power, it was just turtle speed.
"This is the power morning king of the tenth constellation. You have reached the tenth constellation." The green group was extremely shocked.
"Well, I am calling you over this time to help you break through. In fact, with your talents, you shouldn't have been the ninth constellation. It's just this universe that limits you." Su Chen said.
The Green Group was excited, "What should I do to break through"
"Under normal circumstances, you need an opportunity to enter another dimension together to make a breakthrough, but you don't need to say that your opportunity is King Lin, but if King Lin is not there, you can't make a breakthrough." Su Chen said, not waiting for the green. Tuan showed a regretful expression, and he continued, "However, there are also abnormal situations. I have also contacted you before. It is a chance. Let's go in together, and soon you will be able to break through."
The green group just listened to Su Chen's words in a daze. It was completely unexpected. How could the difficult thing of breaking through the tenth constellation order in the mouth of the king of Chen be as simple as going out for a meal?
"Don't froze, let's start."
In the blink of an eye, Su Chen and Lu Tuan appeared in the Necropolis. This time the owner of the Necropolis clearly knew what to do. "Dad, I have assigned a simple task to send a letter to a person. ."
Lu Tuan looked dumbfounded, what the is this?
Appeared in an unknown place for no apparent reason, and when a person met, he called his father
But it soon discovered that this person was not calling it, but the morning king who called it
Chen Wang has a son
Why doesn't it know
"Morning King, what's going on"
"Simply put, if you want to break through the ninth constellation, you must come here, and this is my son, of course not his own." Su Chen briefly explained.
The Green Group discovered for the first time that they didn't understand the universe at all.
I haven't heard the master talk about these things before
King Lin was originally prepared to wait until it was strong enough to tell it, but in the end he didn't expect that he suddenly disappeared, and it was too late to tell it these things.
The task of sending the letter was quickly completed. Before leaving, Su Chen also confessed, "There will be two more people coming later, the two that failed last time. You can help them complete the task."
When the consciousness of the green group returned to its body, it found that the energy in its body was surging. This is the tenth order of the constellation.
"Master, I am also at the tenth level of the constellation" Green Group exclaimed excitedly.
Su Chen smiled, prepared the Wing Clan home star and Heisha, and told them that he had already set up there. After entering, a man would find them and just do what the man said.
The mother star of the Wing Clan is full of doubts, hasn't she already failed, how can she be able to get in?
It’s just that soon she knew, she thought too much, she really went in
Not only that, a man who claimed to be the son of a commander posted a very simple task. After helping them to complete, they remembered what happened inside after they came back.
The home planet of the wing clan successfully broke through to the tenth constellation
In this way, with Su Chen included, the Red Police Empire suddenly possessed four constellations and Tier 10 combat power.
This kind of strength is probably not a problem in sweeping the universe.
The problem is that even if the four of them can sweep everything, it would be a waste to keep so many planets there. Su Chen now mainly manages a 100 million light-year red police empire.
Only when humans set foot in all places here, he will consider encroaching on more star domains.
Anyway, the system has no next task, and Su Chen is not in a hurry.
"Mr. Chen, before I found the master, my green group will give you my life," the green group said with a serious face.
Su Chen helped it break through to the tenth level of the constellation. This kind of favor is too big to even afford the green group.
It has no choice but to sell itself, it feels that the strength of its tenth constellation can be useful.
"It won't be long before the Yao Box Alliance will come. I hope you can come forward and guard the three fronts." Su Chen said.
"No problem, my speed is still okay, and the three fronts are fully taken care of."
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