Chapter 1776: War mobilization

Needless to say, Ju Ling's opportunity was naturally Su Chen. Without Su Chen's words, she was still just the most common super unit on the Red Police plane.
Ju Ling has officially become a powerhouse of the tenth constellation, and he lives up to the name of a super unit.
After Ju Ling came back, Su Chen found Hei Ye directly.
"I am going to conduct a raid on the semi-digital star field, as it is the first official contact. Those before are not counted. You and Alice will open the door together." Su Chen said.
"The strength of the real semi-digital star field you want to come is still unclear, but just some of the server powerhouses in it, there must be a lot of constellation levels." Hei Ye said.
Every big galaxy is a server. After so long, no one knows how many constellation-level powerhouses have been born. After all, they can improve their strength as long as they gain experience, which is very convenient.
Just from some of the human empires they captured before, you can probably see that the number of constellation-level powerhouses is really quite large.
On average, an empire has at least one constellation level, and some even have several.
There are too many mysteries in the semi-digital star field, and the identity of the main messenger behind those alien races has not yet been figured out, as well as a person who has always been concerned by Su Chen.
Liang An
He didn't really die. What died was just a clone. His ontology should be in the semi-digital star field. The question is who is his ontology.
This time the attack on the semi-digital star field is not only to test the semi-digital star field, but also to find the identity of the main messenger behind these alien races. If you can find Liang An's body, it would be better to cut the grass and remove the roots directly.
Seeing Su Chen's persistence, Dark Night stopped persuading him.
He very much hopes that the Red Police Empire will become stronger, so that it can help him deal with the semi-digital star field.
In the entire universe, there are only two forces that can be placed in his eyes, one is the Monk Clan, and the other is the Red Police Empire.
As for the Yao Box League, what kind of spicy chicken is that?
It was just a lackey of the Monk Clan, and he didn't care about it at all.
This time, the Red Police Empire once again launched war mobilization.
When they knew that this time they were attacking the semi-digital star field again, many young people were eager to try.
You know, the history of the Red Police Empire has long been reversed. Especially in that era, when people were arrested in the semi-digital star field, many of the current recruits’ parents were the ones who had been arrested.
Of course, their parents are not ashamed, but rather proud, saying that there are still many human compatriots suffering in the semi-digital star field, and they have come out to enjoy their lives. This is the gap.
After comparison, they found that the Red Police Empire was simply their savior. Except for a few people, most people were very grateful.
They thought that this time they were arresting people in the past, but the order they issued was to kill all of them when they encounter non-human races, and then arrest them only when they encounter humans.
This order made them understand that this is a war, and the main purpose is not to arrest people. The arrest is only incidental.
"Haha, I used to watch people from my parents' generation go to the semi-digital star field. I didn't expect that we would have the opportunity to become a soldier. It turned out that the choice to be a soldier was too right."
"I'm the same as upstairs. I heard that in the semi-digital star field, the reality is the game. It is very similar to our red alert world. I really want to go and take a look."
"Anyway, if I encounter alien races, kill them all. I have killed hundreds of thousands of alien races in the game. I don't know which alien race will be the first to kill me in reality."
"I want to warn upstairs. I am a cosmic race, but don't bring us in. I am also a resident of the Empire. I signed up for this attack."
"That, don't get me wrong. The alien race I'm talking about refers to a race that doesn't deal with the empire. You are already your own people, it's different."
After decades, some of the cosmic races that became the inhabitants of the empire have penetrated into the human world, and images of humans and cosmic races coexisting can be seen everywhere. This has long been accustomed to everyone's eyes.
Even if you occasionally see some weird mutants and mutant beasts, at most you just glanced at them curiously and continued to do your own thing.
Regarding the situation of mutant people and mutant beasts on the earth, it has long been spread to the red alert world. They are also life on earth. In the eyes of some people, they are all superiors.
Of course these words are now ridicule. In the Red Police Empire, we never look at the background, but only look at the ability.
A person from the bottom can also become the top of the empire through hard work
This time, the action against the semi-digital star field made everyone excited.
"For this semi-digital star field war, who will your majesty be prepared to lead" Zhu Hui appeared in front of Su Chen's eyes. This is a virtual space.
"Each constellation leads a team at the tenth order. This time I will attack several places at the same time" Su Chen said. Suddenly he thought of something and asked with a smile, "Why don't you bring your daughter here?"
Just a few years ago, Zhu Hui and Meng Yao finally had their first child, a girl.
Zhu Hui has been paying attention to the situation of the Meng Yao outside, and will meet with Meng Yao every once in a while. As for whether it is really just meeting, then only they know.
By the way, Zhu Hui also managed to break through to the Constellation level during this time.
It is a pity that Meng Yao hasn't reached the ninth constellation level yet, and has not come back for the time being. She contacted the Superspace Troops to bring the child back after giving birth outside.
Zhu Hui very much hopes Meng Yao will come back, but he knows better that strength is more important than anything at this time.
Without strength, there will be no red police empire. The empire is unstable, so what else to talk about
"She is still sleeping, and there is a special person to take care of her, so her days are much better than me." Zhu Hui smiled.
As soon as he talked about his daughter, Zhu Hui's face showed the old father's smile. Before he knew it, they were no longer the younger generation.
Of course, for their infinite life span, they are still very young.
Speaking of the topic of his daughter, Su Chen sighed. He and Leng Yuwei have tried many times, but there has been no movement.
After analysis, he felt that the reason for Leng Yuwei's incompleteness, as long as she can fuse the last piece, then they can have their own offspring.
However, with their strength, it would be very difficult to have offspring. This is a protracted battle.
It's not just Zhu Hui, but Konghuang seems to have news recently. For the time being, I don't know whether it is a boy or a girl. As for the others, they are not in a hurry.
The lifespan of the big galaxy class powerhouse is at least tens of millions of years, and the constellation class has no life limit, only a few decades.
"That's it for the gossip, how many people have signed up for this action" Su Chen asked.
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